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May 16, 1981 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-05-16

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 16, 1981-Page 11
Crane tips over, killing .two
LOS ANGELES (AP)-A crane tipped over into a into the pitwhen the 80-ton, 200-foot boom began to three minor injuries," fire department spokesman
100-foot-deep downtown excavation site yesterday, tilt, Reed said. Ray Walker said.
carrying scaffolding and a contractor's office trailer "I heard something snap and the boom went over Reed said one of those least injured refused treat-
with it, authorities said. Two people were killed and and came back like it was going to right itself," said ment, but one of the critically injured was found with
five others injured. L a stake through his head. He said the dead included a
- Larry Sneed, 24, a construction .worker from woman secretary in the trailer belonging to the firm
Anaheim. "Then the center of the boom collapsed and .
The trailer on the rim of the pit apparently, con- .a.mof Swinnerton & Walberg, the builders.
tamed at least six of the seven people who were in- caught the roof of the trailer, and everything was "It's amazing anyone survived," said Smith. "It's
volved in the 10:35 a.m. accident in the busy business sucked over the edge. a hell of a fall."
district, fire department spokesman Ed Reed said. Rescue workers swarmed down the dirt ramp into The contractor could not be reached immediately
the pit, frantically searching for bodies in the debris. for comment. The identitiesof the dead and injured
THE CRANE WAS lifting building materials for a "We have two fatalities, two critical (injuries) that were withheld pending notification of their families.
30-story office building at 4th and Hope streets down were transferred to White Memorial Hospital, plus
' RESCUE WORKERS, POLICE and construction crews go through debris in
,p ~ Los Angeles yesterday where a crane tipped over carrying scaffolding and a
contractor's office with it down into a 100-foot-deep excavation. Two persons
were killed and five others injured in the accident.
'atPONDEROSA Ma 15 thrU May31
Salad Bar' Baked Potato
Warm Roll with Butter
- (except milk)
AP Photo Saes Sc e
Sinkholes expanding, . 2RIBEYESTEAK$ 2 IBEYTEAK :
S t X & n W U11 WITH FREE REFILLS exceptmilk) WiTH FREE REFILLS (except rolk)
G e lo is smxp a i oe op er cou'Ap'epehvst Onn M beUedi L~rImit onecrpnper coupIe pevst.Connot beusd, i
From AP and UPi'i the sinkholes on Florida's drought and U y hlh A? Paroticpoig Stek oxsso o fPric~tn5ekos
A L TA MON TE S PR I NGS, the lowering of the water table that has U ofjer goodMaym 15 OJer good May15
5 Fla.-Sinkholes that have swallowed left limestone caverns near the surface * hru MAY 31 9 SEj th ru MAy 31
tres, ars a ous, srees ad sc- empty and unable to support the weight
tions of business buildings in the past egon v m U U HSCUO U U HSCUO
week plagued Central Florida anew Much of Florida is gripped by the
yesterday, threatening a suburb with drought which has forced a mandatory 3354 East
$100,000 to $300,000 homes. 25 percent cutback in water usage for Weshtenaw Ave.
The latest sinkholes brought the most of South Florida. The conditions (cofo
eight-day total to five. Two that opened have fed brushfires and threatened Arborlond ShppringCenter)c OS
in suburbs of Tampa and Orlando were wildlife in the Everglades, and
small in comparison with the massive forecasters say no real relief is on the On West Stadium Blvd.
Winter Park sinkhole that opened May way. (Jost North of Intersection C 19811 Pnoysttem tn
S 8. Two of the latest sinkholes were near of stodium & Liberty)
SGEOLOGISTS SAY there is no way to thouses, one in the Orlando suburb of ________________
prevent sinkholes. They have blamed See FLORIDA, Page 13

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