Pnn.= -Saturdav. Moiv A. 1981-The Michiaon Dailv
ROY WILLIAMS, A TOP Teamsters official under Justice Department in-
vestigation, leaves a union executive board meeting yesterday in Las Vegas
after having been chosen interim union president. Williams, who replaces
the late Frank Fitzsimmons, is expected to win a full five-year term at the
union's convention next month.
New Teamster
leader sough
at conventio
In Brief
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press- International reports
IRA hunger striker buried
BELLAGHY, Northern Ireland-Ten thousand Roman Catholics poured
into this rural village yesterday under intense security restrictions for the
IRA hero's funeral of hunger striker Francis Hughes, who was buried in the
parish churchyard near his birthplace.
Three guerrillas, wearing black masks and combat jackets, fired rifle
volleys over the flag-draped coffin of Hughes, while three victims of terrorist
violence also were buried in Northern Ireland.
Cardinal Tomas O'Fiaich, Ireland's Roman Catholic Primate, said the
four funerals "of people who should not have died" marked "a black day for
the north."
There were no reports of rioting, although violence flared in Belfast Thur-
sday night when leftist IRA guerrillas killed a policeman and seriously
wounded another ina rocket attack on an armored police Land Rover.
New clue in Atlanta killings
ATLANTA-A medical expert said yesterday "colored textile fibers"
found on the bodies of at least 6 of the 27 young blacks killed in Atlanta during
the past 21 months is the only physical evidence that links the cases.
Dr. Larry Howard, head of the State Crime Lab, said during an interview
investigators had found "lots of evidence" on the bodies that might be
significant to the case, but "it's unique to each victim.
"The fibers are the only common denominator," Howard said. "We don't
know how useful the fibers will be. But I think the fibers will break the case."
The pathologist said the fibers might lead detectives to a common
hangout, noting that some of the victims knew each other directly or indirec-
Mine workers reject offer
WASHINGTON-Union and industry bargainers made no headway
yesterday in their efforts to settle the 50-day-old coal strike after United
Mine Workers negotiators rejected a management proposal involving the
issue of subcontracting work done by non-union personnel.
UMW President Sam Church told reporters that representatives of the
Bituminous Coal Operators Association offered contract language that the
UMW team felt did not go far enough to ensure union security.
The two sides recessed the current round of talks until Monday.
"I guess the only positive thing that came out of it today is that they were
willing to talk about it for the first time," the union president said.
Space shuttle Columbia
to fly in late September
WASHINGTON-The second test flight of the space shuttle Columbia, the
reusable rocket plane that returned America to space glory last month, has
been scheduled for Sept. 30, the space agency announced yesterday.
Officials reported that only 50 faults were identified during the first
mission, and they were mostly minor and easily corrected.
In addition, a spokesman said about 80 modifications will be made to the
ship, including installation of a 50-foot long manipulator arm that will be
used on later flights to lift satellites out of the shuttle's big cargo hold.
The four-day, five-hour orbital voyage will mark the first timea spaceship
has flown more than once. The Columbia again will land at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif.
Oil industry victor in sale
of northern Michigan land
LANSING-The oil industry came out the winner on key points yesterday
as the state Natural Resources Commission approved plans for an upcoming
auction of 233,000 acres in two northern Michigan counties.
The commission narrowly rejected Department of Natural Resources
staff recommendations that a new bidding and profit calculation method be
used for the sale after hearing oil industry complaints the proposed system
would push independent companies out of the bidding and the state.
The approved auction method will involve "bonus bidding" for a lease on a
parcel. The multi-million dollar sale is expected to generate the noise and
enthusiasm of many rural farm auctions.
DNR staff, led by oil and gas task force chief Dennis Tierney, had recom-
mended the state experiment with different profit-gaining methods in this
sate, which is expected to be the most profitable instate history., '.
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Teamsters
union leaders gathered yesterday to
select an interim replacement for the
late Frank Fitzsimmons, and the
favorite was a union official who is
being investigated by the Justice
Department for alleged pension fund
Roy Williams, head of the Chicago-
based Central Conference of Team-
sters, was seen as the choice of the
union's executive board, now down to 21
with the death earlier this month of Fit-
zsimmons as head of the 2 million-
members union.
FITZSIMMONS' temporary suc-
cessor would carry the executive
board's stamp of approval and be vir-
tually assured of election to a full five-
year term at the Teamsters convention
here June 1. The job pays $156,000 a
Williams, 66, is under investigation
by the Justice Department, but Team-
sters spokesman Duke Zeller said
Friday he did not believe that would be
taken into account by the board.
"There certainly are no convictions,
nobody knows if there are any indic-
tments," Zeller said. "I don't even
think that's a matter for con-
FITZSIMMONS, 73, who headed the
union for 14 yeafg,-died 'May 6-of-lung
cancer. Prior to his death, Williams an-
nounced he would seek the presidency
of the union if Fitzsimmons was unable
to continue in office.
Williams has already won the endor-
sement of another Teamsters vice
president, Jackie Presser of Cleveland.
Presser said he believed the meeting at
the Jockey Club, a Strip resort, would
be brief.
Zeller said he did not know how long
the session would last.
"IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to say, really
impossible to say," he said.
"This is a constitutionally required
provision to fill the vacancy of the office
of general president. In this instance it
was created by death and it's unique so
I imagine their deliberations will go in-
to all the constitutional requirements."
Williams is a defendant along with
other Teamsters officials in a 1978
government civil suit charging
mismanagement of the multibillion-
dollar Central States Pension Fund.
The alleged mismanagement, the suit
contends, came through questionable
loans involving casinos, race tracks
and risky real estate ventures.
Williams. was called before a Senate
subcommittee last August for
questioning about his role as a trustee
for the pension fund and about whether
he knew. sewi- reputed .rpetnpp4gs of
organized crime in Kansas City.