Page 2-Saturday, May 16, 1981--The Michigan Daily
Talks continue
in missile crisis
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)-Prime
Minister Menachem Begin said yester-
day after another round of talks that he
will give U.S. envoy Philip Habib more
time to seek a diplomatic solution to the
crisis with Syria over its missiles in
Lebanon. Syria said it was ready for
battle if war breaks out.
In Washington, Pentagon sources
confirmed Israeli newspaper reports
that the 18,000-ton Soviet helicopter
carrier Moskva moved closer to
Lebanon's coast, saying it was ap-
parently there to show support for
Syria, a Soviet ally.
THE PENTAGON sources said the
U.S. aircraft carrier Independence and
two other warships bound for Norfolk,
Va., sailed through the Suez Canal into
the eastern Mediterranean yesterday
and may be kept there because of the
Israeli-Syrian tension.
Habib, whose presence in the area is
regarded as a deterrent to armed con-
flict, is to fly to Saudi Arabia today.
It would be Habib's first stop in Saudi
Arabia since he arrived in the Middle
East as President Reagan's personal
envoy in quest of a solution to the mis-
ile crisis.
THE SAUDIS have helped to
bankroll Syrian military forces
stationed in Lebanon under an Arab
League mandate to enforce a truce
reached after Moslem-Christian
hostilities erupted in civil war in 1975.
But Syrian Foreign Minister Abdul-
Halim Khaddam was quoted in his
country's newspapers yesterday as
saying the Arab nations are now
withholding the $15 million a month
support. The reason was unclear.
Neither U.S. or Israeli officials would
disclose Habib's plans or discuss
details of his hour-long meeting with
Begin, the second in 12hours.
Begin told reporters after the
meeting that Syria continued to refuse
his demand the missiles be removed,
and said, "The efforts to find a peaceful
solution to the crisis continue."
Begin has threatened to unleash the
Israeli air force to knock out the Soviet-
made SAM-6s, which have been in
Lebanon since April 29. On Thursday,
the missiles shot down a pilotless
Israeli spy plane.
Syria's Khaddam had been quoted in
Damascus newspapers as saying Syria
was "ready to do battle if Begin tran-
slates his threats to deeds"
Today's weather
Clearing skies, sunny, and warmer today with a high in the upper 60s.
Happenings,.. .
AAFC - Up in Smoke, 7,8:40 & 10:20 p.m., MLB 3.
ALT ACT - Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, 1 & 9:30 p.m., The Seventh
Voyage of Sinbad, 3:30 & 7:30 p.m., Earth Versus Flying Saucers, 5 p.m.,
MLB 4.
CFT - Start the Revolution Without Me, 2:45, 6:45 & 10:15 p.m., The
Producers, 1, 5, & 8:30 p.m., Michigah Theatre.
CG Superman, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Lorch Hall Aud.
C2 - Madame Rosa, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A.
Law - Senior Day Ceremonies, Charles Renfrow, "The Law: The
Promise and the Problem as a Profession," 1:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Gay Community Services/GLF - Benefit Costume Dance, short films,
"Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein," "Hygiene for Men," 9 p.m., Union
Anderson Room.
Hatha Yoga - Free Workshop, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Siddha Yoga Dham, 902
Baldwin St.
CG - Alice Adams, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Lorch Hall Aud.
MCTF - To Have and have Not, 2, 3:45, 5:30 & 7:15 p.m., Michigan
Ark - Concert, Chuck Mitchell, 8 p.m., 1421 Hill.
MCTF - To Have and Have Not, 5:45 & 7:30 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Senate Assembly - Meeting, Lecture Room 1, Modern Languages
Building, 3:15 p.m.
SACUA - Meeting, 1:15 p.m., West Alcove, Rackham.
The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCI, No. 9-S
Saturday, May 16, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates:$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mai outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
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764-0550; Composing Room: 764-0556.
seeking solution stressing patience
Shoe store robbed
Candencense shoe store, 314 S. State,
h'y ' was broken into sometime Wednesday
night or Thursday morning, police said
yesterday. The thief of thieves gained
Mg access to the store by kicking in the
Sdoor and stole 300 from the cash
z :h. .t n M % register. Fifteen to twenty boxes of
shoes were recovered in an alley behind
the store.
Inerestedin EperinceIn HeahCare?
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Volunteef at the U of M Psychiatric Hospitals
for Spring/Summer
Call 763-1580
Editor-in-Chief ............ DAVID MEYER
Managing Editor .......NANCY BILYEAU
Editorial Page
Special Supplement Editors
Arts Editor .............DENNIS HARVEY
Sports Editor .........MARK MIHANOVIC
Executive Sports Editors .MARK FISCHER
NEWS STAFF- John Adam, Jutie Barth,
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Findin. Michat Hershkovitz, Sue Ingtis,
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Business Manager .....RANDI CIGELNIK
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BUSINESS STAFF: Aida Eisenstat, Cyn-
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ARTS$TAF.F.:Mark Dighton,, Fred Schilt ;