e Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 9-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 16, 1981 Sixteen Pages U officials join ov. Milliken Gover the Prop yesterda final bi decided measure "It's a of prom He then to begin paigning in develo WILL Prnnqs in support of Proposal'A tee-which has raised about $210,000 to and universities, formally come out in growth to 6 percent by prop By SUE INGLIS push the tax bill-said most polls in- favor of the proposal. unless raised by local voters. withwirereports dicate roughly one-third of the elec- If passed, Proposal A will: MANY UNIVERSITY offi nor William Milliken admitted torate remains undecided on the issue. " Slash homestead property taxes port Proposal A, even thoul posal A race is too close to call "That is going to be the determining used for operating schools and local likely mean a reduction in th ay as he crossed the state in a factor," Rustem said, "whether they go governments by one-half; sity's appropriation from the d to sell a large bloc of un- vote and how they vote." " Cut local individual income taxes on 'net reduction from the state' 1 voters 'in favor of the tax Many state officials and legislators the first $40,000 of taxable income by fund as it compensates for th e. strongly back the bill and plan to step one-half; shift from property to s toss up," Milliken told a group up campaign efforts this weekend. A " Increase sales tax from 4 percent to revenues is expected to 1 inent Gratiot County farmers. number of television ads prominently 5 percent; $240,000 million. Should Pr moved on to Flint and Saginaw featuring Milliken are scheduled to ap- " Require the state to return to local pass, Milliken has announced a- weekend of vigorous cam- pear over the weekend. governments and schools funds lost by to cut an additional $85 million g for the bill he had a large hand And as the May 19 ballot date draws property tax cuts and the revenue entire state general fund in oping. nearer, state and local organizations, generated by the sales tax increase; Another $165 million redi IAM RUSTEM, co-director of as well as several officials from and, already incorporated in th al A's campaign commit- Michigan's 13 state-supported colleges " Limit yearly property tax revenue proposed budget for fiscal 1982 erty type, cials sup- igh it will Le Univer- state. The s general e possible ales tax be about oposal A d he plans n from the October. uction is e state's .2. At this point, it is unclear which state programs the legislature would target for cutbacks if Proposal A passes. However, University officials say they are convinced that the economic im- pact of Proposal A, no matter how ex- tensive the cuts, would be infinitely bet- ter than a possible Tisch III proposal next fall. ''WE THINK there is no question that there will be another Tisch in 1982," said Vice-president for State Relations Richard Kennedy. The Tisch tax cut amendment (Proposal D)-defeated last fall-would have produced a massive cut in state revenues, leaving an estimated minus $621 million for higher education and other state programs. "Whether it (Proposal A) passes or not, we are in for a big change," said James Brinkerhoff, University vice president and chief financial officer, noting a statewide sentiment that "taxes borne by property-holders are excessive." Kennedy noted that "we do not expect to emerge untouched" by cuts in ap- propriations the legislature will have to See 'U', Page 6 THOMAS CONSIGLIO AND his wife, Virginia chat with Gov. William Milliken earlier this week in Southgate during a door-to-door campaign to gain support for Proposal A. After the Governor's visit, Consiglio said he is "selling the house because I can't afford to keep paying the taxes on it." Recovery -of Pope continues; outlook is brighter FromAPandUPI ROME - Pope John Paul II began moving his arms and legs in physical therapy yesterday as the outlook for his recovery brightened. Meanwhile, Italy's state prosecutor said he suspec- ted the Turkish terrorist who shot the pope had accomplices but he was not convinced therewas an international conspiracy. "If the act were the work of a single terrorist, there would be a quick trial," state prosecutor Luciano Infelisi said in a televised interview: "I don't think there will be a quick trial. I think the investigation will be long." Infelisi said he was "not convinced" there was an international conspiracy to kill the pope. But he said prosecutors had issued arrest warrants for "unknown persons" who may have helped the Turkish terrorist attack the pope- FOR THE FIRST TIME since he was hit in St. Peter's Square Wednesday, John Paul gave a papal blessing - to a team of his doctors, nurses and technicians. "It was a moving scene. Just about everybody was in tears," said a nurse at Rome's Gemelli Policlinico Hospital. The pontiff, who turns 61 on Monday, underwent abdominal surgery for multiple lesions caused by a bullet that pierced the abdominal cavity. He was running a slight fever and suffering pain but the hospital director, Dr. Luigi Candia, stressed this was normal. Two women also were hit in the shooting. Ann Odre, 58, of Buffalo, N.Y., was in serious condition with wounds in the abdomen, and Rose Hall, 21, wife of an American missionary in Wuerzburg, West Germany, was in good condition with an arm wound. MEANWHILE, ITALIAN prosecutors interrogated Mehmet Ali Agca, seeking to establish whether the 23-year-old escaped Turkish assassin acted alone - as he has claimed. They were joined by two Turkish in- vestigators flown to Rome to render assistance. An investigator quoted by the ANSA news agency said Agca brought his pistol to Rome while traveling by train from Switzerland in mid-April and left it in a luggage locker in Rome's Ter- mini station until he carried out the at- tack on the pope. The investigator said Agca must have spent at least $100 a day on his travels in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Spain, Fran- ce, Switzerland and Italy "and because he did not use checks he must have got- ten cash in several European cities. THE TURKISH Embassy official, who declined to be identified, said, "In Turkey, terrorist organizations - in- dependent from their ideologies - have always helped each other, but See POPE, Page 10