TH La Mi s ! The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 15, 1981-Page 13 Tisch lashes out at Proposal A promoters LANSING (UPD-Tax cutter Robert charged it would levy a use tax on ac- Tisch, addressing a walk-a-thon tivities and possessions-a claim protest, pledged yesterday to "zip my denied by Milliken and other suppor- lip" if promoters of Proposal A publicly ters. pledge not to levy its "hidden" taxes. "Heaven help us if Proposal A, ABOUT EIGHT Proposal A foes passes," Tisch told the gathering of walked in relay from Milford in about 75 people whose enthusiasm was Oakland County to the capital. Others 4 undimmed by a cool drizzle. joined them at various points along the THE OUTSPOKEN Shiawassee way. County drain commissioner charged the measure appearing on the May 19 Paulette McKesson, president of special election ballot will levy a "1.5 Citizens Urging Rollback, estimated percent tax on everything we do, she had walked a total of 50 miles since everything we own ... the very clothing Monday. Protestors were offered free on your back, your snowmobile, cam- drinks and "horse linament" at stores per and boat." and bars along the route. Shouting and pounding the lectern, AP Photo Tisch challenged Gov. William Milliken "We didn't have the money that and legislative leaders to appear on Milliken has so we had to do something ESE PROTESTORS, representing Citizens Urging Rollback, march into statewide television and pledge such a that would draw publicity to our nsing yesterday after a sixty-mile hike. The march, which began in tax would not be levied for at least five cause," she said, adding she was Ilford, was done in opposition to Proposal A. years. "Then I will zip my lip," he said. "exhausted" but cheered by the sup- Several critics of Proposal A have port received. Q. tWhat's Available, Accessible, and Almost Free? A. A Michigan oilj Box Number! For only a single dollar over the regular cost of a Classified Ad, you can make use of.a Box Number for up to 30 days. These boxes are perfect for any type of correspondence and they are totally private. For details call 764- 0557 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday thru Friday. I . r 1 i r t o r r f ,.."w I 3 t : #- .Y t Y t . t .. y, '+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -