Opinion Page 8 Thursday, May 14, 1981 The Michigan Daily Detroit's past haunts its present By Cynthia Cheski As New England had its fishing and Iowa had its corn, Detroit has had its automobiles. Almost more like a natural resource than-an industry, cars defined and for- med the city and gave it an identity. Unlike renewable plants and sea creatures, Detroit's cars are becoming extinct and making a fair bid to take the city with them. In these- times of threatened city layoffs and increased city income taces, it is fashionable to say the auto industry blew it in the early 70s. The twin histories of the city and the in- dustry, however, reveal a labyrinth of government regulations and auto com- pany policies that seem almost to have conspired to bring the city to. exactly where it is today. THE FIRST problem, housing, coin- cided with the return of the GIs after World War II. Mindful of the need for housing for families, the federal gover- nment moved into action with a Federal Housing Administration program to of- fer loans for home building. But the emphasis on building was exactly the problem. Federal money was not available for renovation of the existing housing stgck, and so the yet- unended exodus into the fresh, green suburbs began in Detroit. About the same time, a great migration of blacks from the rural South to the industrial North began. Unskilled black workers poured into the city and inherited a housing stock that was already deteriorating. The familiar American urban pattern of block-busting and panic-selling was in full swing by the 1960s, leaving blacks to inherit housing in poor condition. FOR YEARS DETROIT'S feeble bus service rendered suburban access all but impossible. t 11 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No.7-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The government saw the FHA error of loaning only for new building, and at- tempted to change its ways during the vogue of urban renewal. The dismal results left the city pockmarked with the familiar empty lots and boarded-up homes still to be found over much of the city. THE FHA DECIDED to guarantee loans for poor people with little money down. Families were allowed to move into the homes and pay very small amounts in monthly rent with the government guaranteeing payment. The problem was that the housing came a little too free. Without any stake in the homes, many families simply moved out after falling behind on mon- thly payments. The government was saddled with guaranteeing the paymen- ts, a few real estate companies became inordinately wealthy on government money, and houses were still empty and families homeless. Meanwhile, as the United Auto Workers were flexing their muscles in unified fashion at all three auto com- panies at once, a large segment of the work force was being ignored. The post- war strategy forged by the UAW by Walter Reuther placed emphasis on wages and fringe benefits. Yet as its part of the bargain with auto management, the UAW gave up any real power in dealing with worker grievances in areas such as job safety, overtimes, and automation, Those most affected by these policies were the workers in the older inner-city plants, and most of them happened to be black; from 1955 until the Vietnam war escalation in 1963, many plants did not hire any black workers. The UAW's failure to fight for their black union members resulted in many blacks fighting both management and their own union for better treat- ment. BY THE 1960s auto companies were having to depend heavily on the most rebellious, mistreated and dissatisfied segment of their labor force - young, black workers. In response to the changing face of the city, the Big Three automakers began to close aging, inner city plants and build new ones in the suburbs. Not only did this deprive the city of Detroit of the tax revenues, but it closed off the chance of well-paid work for many in- ner city workers. Until the advent of SEMTA in the 1970s, there was no means of reaching the suburbs through mass transit, ef- fectively negating the idea of poor Detroiters commuting to the suburbs to work. Blacks were not welcome residents in the white communities which housed the new plants, thus the city of Detroit ended up with even more unemployed citizens on its hands. The subsequent energy crisis seemed merely to be the catalyst that brought past miscalculations tumbling into the present. TOMORROW: Part Two. Part One of a two-part series. Cynthia Cheski is a graduate student-in the' Department ef Com munications. Madness agaln Yesterday'srassassination attempt on Pope John Paul II was 20th century absurdism carried to its logical apex of insanity: The one man in this world most emblematic of peace and non-violence is himself struck down by an act of stark, raging iirationality. The mind reels at the madness of such a deed; yet one simultaneously marvels at the ludicrous ease with which a private lunacy was transmuted into horrifying fact. We may never know precisely what twisted, quasi-religious obsession drove the gunman to commit such an act, yet we are now forced to sufferfrom it. We live in a brutal, shrinking world-pawns of an epoch whose technology has so outstrip- ped its compassion and civility that not one of us can live out our respective lives on this planet without fear. None of us is immune to that swift, obscene act of derangement which can shatter a life forever. What is to be done? We scour the ac- cumulated learning of psychology, philosophy, politics, religion-yet we cannot find an an- swer. We conquer disease, our ships scale the heavens-yet we are no less vulnerable to our own madness than we were 2,000 years ago. Perhaps we can only weep for what we are, then pray for what we may yet become-as we try, desperately againand again, to love one another. May God help us. '>1 - - ~cm PIPE DREAM Unsigned editorials ap- pearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. 6 a 6