Arts The Michigan Daily Wednesday, May 13, 1981 Page 9 Bale By FRED SCHILL The Syrians have launched surface- to-air missiles in Lebanon. John Cale's travelling apocalypse show now seems like prophecy, its Monday night stop at Second Chance not so much a warning as an angst-ridden epitaph for peace and sanity. Driven by a disquieting hopelessness, Cale ripped his vocals straight from the gut with the scarcely-contained frenzy of a latter-day Jeremiah. The show was one continuous apocalyptic vision, a Blakeian nightmare without the happy ending, as Cale selected his most desperate material. AT THE TIME, it seemed a little heavy, a bit too desperate and stark in its imagery even in the masterful hands of John Cale. There was never any mistaking the sheer brilliance and detail of his vision, for Cale saturates his performances with an incensed in- tensity that makes every image a cathartic act, every phrase an attempt to grab the world by its pressure points and hold on until it says uncle. It was one of the most gripping and emotional shows I have ever witnessed, a 75-minute compression of all the elements of frustration that nonetheless left one a little saddened that Cale seemed so hopeless. Then came the tidings of war in the Mideast, and the haunted chant of "Mercenaries" ("Are you ready for war? Ready for war?") lingers ominously in the mind. There is no point in overreacting, but suddenly Cale seems more realistic than nihilistic. THE SHOW progressed from a ragged and (for Cale) calm opening in which he seemed laconic seemingly increasing its intensity geometrically during each succeeding More like By DENNIS HARVEY By the curious rules that apply to movies, bad seriousness is often hilarious, but bad comedy is generally a glum matter. Spoofing stupidity requires considerable intelligence; without a fine knife's-edge of satire, silliness curdles into idiocy, grins turn to grimaces, and a fun premise turns into The Howling. The vampire and Frankenstein genres already having been undone to death by recent comedies, The Howling seeks to undo the third and least in- teresting of the '30's/'40's monster- movie categories, the werewolf opus. Director Joe Dante has always been split between playing his cards straight and opting for spoofery, resulting in some uneasy mixtures (Piranha, Hollywood Boulevard) that could be excused as grade-B product. The Howling annoys because it reaches for something moderately fir- st-rate, but in execution remains cheesy to the core. The simple but ef- fective what's-out-there-in-the-dark creepiness of its early sections is soon lost in dumbass jokery juvenalia; ever- APOCALYPTIC WOW sounds the alarm tune. The wrenching primal screams of "Guts" and the latter-day psychedelia of "Dead or Alive ("This song is about necrophilia," said Cale ambigiously) were parallelled by progressively den- ser walls of sound from his superb (but uncredited) band. Searing, almost strident guitar solos especially characterized the denser pieces, a perceptive arrangement that kept them from becoming less like walls of sound and more like barriers. There was an encompassing depth to the music, an unrelenting thoroughness that seemed to search every nook and cranny of the venue. Every ominous guitar riff and skittery keyboard run was integrated naturally, even by necessity, into the bombast. By the end of the third song, Cale was in his element. "Fighter Pilot," a new tune off of his recent LP Honi Soit, lur- ched suddenly to life with startling vigor, its truncated rhythms framing Cale's rugged, scratchy vocals. The vocal and lyrical expressionism of this tune and the title cut of the new LP (whose hook translates to "Evil to him who evil thinks," the motto of the Royal Order of the Garter) were just this side of despair. If Cale has given up, though, he remains pissed off. THE ENIGMAS of the show were Cale's versions of the Modern Lovers' tune "Pablo Picasso" (featuring a guitar solo nothing short of ingenious) and a quiet little love song used to ap- pease the crowd as a third encore. It worked, but it seemed an ironic foot- note to the show. Someone mentioned to me that John Cale looks like a 45-year-old carnivore. That is true, but the ravagement in his face translates into vituperation in his vocals, a sort of forced admission of the truth of his lyrics. He looks worn but not John Cale J a whine ything dissolves into silliness too lame to be anything but enervating. THE STORY is hokey without the wit that can make hokiness great fun. "In- vestigative journalist Karen West" See MEOW, Page13 defeated, though apocalyspe shrieks out in his encore death march "Mer- cenaries." The second encore, "Leaving It Up to You," found him screaming "Stop!" frenziedly at the end of the song. Gradually, the band did as they were told - but it remains unclear just who Cale was addressing. Appropriately, opening act The Shirts were much more frivolous. A powerful, urgent band with an inordinate fon- dness for melodic hooks, the band mellows its steady roar with the smooth, rich vocals of lead singer Annie Golden. Golden's emphatic strains were in tune to the strutting guitar riffs, but their purity also took the edge off of them. Kicking to the downstrokes, looking plaintively into the crowd, Golden seemed as concerned with theatrics as with ulitizing her super vocal range. Well, everybody likes animation, but Golden's cutesiness wore thin by the end of the show. Still, The Shirts were fun, danceable, and a necessary diver- sion from Cale's solemnity. "Full line of backpacking & camping equipment" ARMY SURPLUS ARMY SURPLUS U of M Student Offer Ve stock a full line of clothing. boots, camping equipment, mili- tary surplus clothing, and camou- flage clothing. ENTIRE STOCK of 201 E. Washington at Fourth ALL MERCHANDISE 994-3572 With This Coupon Open Monday thru Saturday, 9-6 (EXCEPT SALE ITEMS) Present U. of M. ID for vimA One block east of Main Street additional 5% discount Expires 5/16/81