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August 16, 1980 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1980-08-16

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XC, No. 62-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Soturday, August 16, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
Food prices skyrocket

Thanks! I needed that.!
Assistant conservator Jean-Louis Lachevre of Salem, Mass. applies a spray coat to Cyrus Dallin's 1908 bronze statue
"Appeal to the Great Spirit" outside Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Air pollution has accelerated deterioration and
discoloration of the work and an industrial acrylis sealer is being used to protect it.
Th ey're transient anarchis ts

WASHINGTON (AP) - Reversing.
four months of declining inflation, food
prices soared in July and led a surge in
wholesale prices that was double the
June rate, the government reported
Wholesale prices for finished goods
increased by 1.7 per cent in July - the
largest boost since November 1974. A
full year's increase at that rate would
result in inflation at the wholesale
producer level of 22 per cent, more than
twice the 10 per cent rate recorded in
THE LABOR Department blamed
most of the July inflation on a 3.8 per
cent increase in food prices, due chiefly
to one of the century's worst heat
waves. Poultry prices jumped 23.5 per
cent as millions of chickens were killed
by the heat.
"When you eliminate the zigs and
zags, this report is perfectly consistent
with our view that the best we can hope
for in the next couple years is inflation
of 10 per cent," said Lawrence
Chimerine, chief economist for Chase
The Federal Reserve Board, mean-
while, issued a second report, which
showed some improvement in the
recession that has gripped the U.S.
economy since February. Industrial
production fell in July for the sixth
straight month - but the decline was
not nearly as sharp as in the second
OUTPUT OF the nation's mines and
factories tumbled by 1.6 per cent during
the month, compared with a 2.4 per cent
average in April, May, and June. That
left production 9.0 per cent below the
figure at the start of the year and 9.2
per cent under the July 1979 level.
The Federal Reserve reported a 2.1
per cent curtailment in production of
materials used to manufacture finished
products. The 1.1 per cent decline in
output of consumer goods in July was
about the same in June but a con-
siderable improvement over the
previous two months.
The report attributed that im-
provement chiefly to a 9.0 per cent in-
crease in production of automobile
assemblies - resulting in an annual
rate of 6.4 million unitA. The output of
durable consumer goods (those with
expected lives of more than three
years) still was down 18.6 per cent from
a year earlier.
CHIMERINE, THE private analyst,
See FOOD, Page 14

SpecialtoThe Daily
NEW YORK - As for where Yippies come from:
Someone coined the term, and a lot of people thought they fit
the definition, so they sought each other out and formed a
coalition of sorts. So explains Ruth, a self-proclaimed Yippie.
Yippies are a group who don't believe in anything. They
support "Nobody for president." If one asks them how they
stand on an issue, they'll usually answer "nowhere." They do
believe in anarchy.
DURING CONVENTION week a group of approximately
50 to 75 persons (depending on who decided to camp that
night), occupied the Sheep Meadow in Central Park. The
group renamed the meadow "Freestate" and used the area
as their temporary living space and headquarters for the
protests in which they participated.
Kat, a camper, has been on the road for four months.
She went to a New Orleans rally four months ago, she said,
and hasn't been home since. "I've been living for the last four
months flat broke and I've been living like a king."
Kat added that she has no income, and now takes no
money from the government. She was on food stamps for
awhile, and the government gave her so much money that
one month she was able to open a bakery, she said.
KAT HITCHHIKES everywhere. She started out
traveling with her dog, but he was stolen in Ohio. Now she
travels alone.
Aron, who looks like he could be anywhere in his mid-30s

to early 5os, still giggles when he thinks of the time he threw a
pie in Phyllis Schafly's face.
Joe has been to many protests now. He explained that he
came to this one alone - as he usually does - and, having at-
tended so many protests, knows much of the group here.
"They are good people and alot of them are friends now," he
NUMBER TEN BLEECKER is the Greenwich Village
headquarters for the Yippies. According to Erica, a non-
transient who lives at the place, the Yippies support them-
selves by proceeds from Studio 10-a "politically motivated"
night club located on the premises.
Erica explained the studio gave them enough money to
pay for things like Freestate. "After doing this for so long, we
know where to get the stuff (food, flatbeds for signs, tents,
speakers, etc.), cheap too, so it really doesn't cost us much to
do it."
Wednesday afternoon the group spent several hours
discussing what it should do that evening. Chris wanted to
storm Madison Square Garden. Donna wanted to block Lin-
coln Tunnel. And Jeff wanted to "free" the steps in front of
the Post Office (where police usually stand) so people atten-
ding the anti-draft rally scheduled for that night would have
some place to sit down.
THEY ALSO ARGUED about whether a political
statement should accompany their actions. That was a more
difficult question because many of the group members
See YIPPIES, Page 13

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