Page 4-Friday, August 15, 1980-The Michigan Doily Artificial insemination and gay motherhood Dems care now ENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY did more at the Democratic convention this week than just stir up a little brouhaha in an otherwise dull four days. He forced his fellow Democrats to care. Caring is most important in an election year, when so many of the eligible voters find nothing to care about. Too mny feel that high inflation and unemployment will continue no matter who is in the White House, and too many will stay home on election day next November. In New York, Kennedy's message was clear: Democrats have to care, they have to fight to keep liberalism alive, and, most importantly, they have to fight the threat of Ronald Reagan this fall. Kennedy is a good example of what one who really cares can do. His successful fight for plat- form concessions has given, his supporters something to fight for in November. He has convin- ced many of those who are lukewarm about Car- ter's re-election that Democrats have a good plat-. form to support this election year. Kennedy's buoyant speeches this week have not focused on Jimmy Carter's successes and failures. Instead, he has made lively, brilliant jabs at Ronald Reagan. The same energy that drove Ken- nedy to fight so long and so hard for his liberal beliefs within the Democratic party will drive him to work just as hard to defeat Reagan next fall. A fight against an incumbent president is never easy, and Kennedy's effort was made even harder by Carter's strategic campaign ability. Kennedy's lengthy campaign was admirable, though, and that he did not give in to party pressures to surrender after the primary season is even more admirable. He has shown the Democrats that they should not approve an unacceptable platform that leaves out the interests of minorities and the underprivileged. In that same vein, now, he will convince the delegates, whose hearts he has won, that they must not allow Ronald Reagan to be president next November. SAN FRANCISCO - Mandy Johnson, a lesbian and'a 30-year- old law student in San Francisco, sits over a cup of coffee, reluctant to discuss the question: Why is she choosing to become pregnant through artificial insemination? Finally she leans forward and the words tumble out. "I want to experience another generation. I want to be around children growing up. And besides, I feel like I'll have the economic resources to support a child when I finish law school. And I'd like to give that security to a young human being." MANDY hesitates again. Then finishes. "But it's not good to talk about it too much-they can take a child away from you if they really want to." Artificial insemination has been a medical practice for roughly thirty years, primarily developed for married women with infertile husbands. A recent washington Post article estimated that 10,000 children were born in 1979 through this method. The Post specifically at- tributes these births to married couples. However, off the record, single mothers are giving birth through artificial insemination with in- creasing frequency. And par- ticularly inrtheSan Francisco Bay Area where there is a large gay community, a number of them are lesbians. SUPPORT groups assist mothers who have gone through the experience and other women; seeking information and advice. Two booklets written and published by lesbians and gay men describe the entire procedure, its legal status, and the way to make appropriate community contracts for what is known as the donor-liaison-donee method. In this method a sperm sample from an anonymous donor, often gay,-is placed in a jar and turned over to a liaison, or go-between. She drops the sample off at the perspective mother's home, where the sperm is inserted sim- ple with an eye-dropper or small syringe. The. liaison usually charges a nominal fee for her service-linking an anonymous, healthy donor .to a lesbian who wants to be amother. IN AN established medical clinic this same service can cost up to $100. Hospitals guarantee healthy sperm donated by cautiously-selected men with good health records-mostly medical students. Dr. David Schwartz was in- vited to be a donor during his first year at the University of Califor- nia at San Diego Medical School in 1975. The offer included $25 payment for each donation. He declined, he says, because "it's clear they screen people for high intellectual aptitudes by asking medical students in the first place. I know of no other college division, graduate or otherwise, where this solicitation is done. They also seem to select on the By Barbara Fisher basis of physical traits. The point is you have to be chosen-you can't just offer your sperm." Going through alter- native-and Gay-channels for insemination has both practical and personal implications for most lesbians. Since in- semination is not always suc- cessful the first time, the higher cost of hospital treatments can mount rapidly-money that is not readily available to most lesbians struggling to make ends meet. AND SINCE most standard health and hospital care still assumes heterosexuality and marriage for patients, dealing with a gay donor and liaison of- fers a more emotionally reassuring experience for a prospective mother who is both single and a lesbian. Is this alternative safe and sanitary for the woman and child in question? Dr. Mary Hart, a lesbian who is a doctor in San Francisco, contends that "there's little risk of infection and most people, over-awed by technology, don't realize how safe and easy the procedure can be." However, both she and Dr. Schwartz caution that it runs . some risk of venereal disease. Gonnorhea is commonplace in the San Francisco gay male community. Both doctors strongly recommend that any donor, straight or gay, have frequent VD checkups. CAROL JONES, a lesbian in Berkeley, also points out that a single woman using artificial in- semination has to be very com- mittes and emotionally capable of repeating the process until conception occurs. "I've been trying to get pregnant for about a year. Every month it's a whole project. Sometimes it really grates on my nerves, but still I'm doing it because I feel there's a love relationship between a parent and a child that's different than any other relationship." She credits the support of her family with helping her persist in the determination to become a mother. Both Carol and Mandy Johnson are involved with women whc want to help raise their children. And Carol has planned ahead with her liaison for the donor tc be contacted in the future if her child wants to know who the father is. But Carol very clearly retains the primary respon- sibility for her child. "I think that's an important attitude for any mother to have." Many lesbians refuse to talk to anyone about it outside their own support groups and friends. They fear legal reprisals from state or federal courts which might declare artificial insemination illegal for unmarried women. Donna Hitchins of the San Fran- cisco Lesbian Rights Project says that at present the only laws bearing directly on artificial in- semination absolve the doctor and donor from legal respon- sibility and declare the husband responsible for the child as long as he has consented to the method. NEVERTHELESS, lesbians remain wary of advertising their unique families. One woman "aid, "we're just like other.- mothers, really. We're tired of being treated like freaks by the media and the general public. And there's no guarantee that the authorities won't try to repress gays and women further by passing laws against us." Many Americans feel uncom- fortable about lesbians rearing children, although it's cleartoo most that the traditional nuclear family has had its own image tarnished in recent years. Kids from the best of homes do run away, take drugs, anddrop out of school. Even the best of marriages can end in divorce. But homosexuals are considered abnormal by many heterosexuals, and immoral by many Christians, a worse bet, in other words, ona healthy family. Dr. Hart disagrees. "Lesbians giving birth represent a supreme model of responsibility for paren- thood precisely because they are not bogged down with traditional male-female roles," she argues. "Lesbians know they, are totally responsible for their own welfare and the welfare of those under their care." In that sense, she believes that artificial insemination paves the way for the further economic and social independence of all women, and not lesbians alone. But there is clearly an added in- centive for gay women who want to be understood as a group of people concerned just as much with love, stability and family as anyone else. Barbara Fisher is an associate editor for Pacific News Ser- vice. Editorial policies Unsigned editorials appearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. Cartoons frequently appear on both the left and right side of the page; they do not necessqrily present Daily opinions. I DEEP1Nic aT