The Michigan Daily Vol. XC No. 60-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 14, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Carter no Dem uni, x i~ ,ebin NEW YORK (AP)-President Carter won renomination last night, and ap- parently gained in his hour of triumph the unity he sought to bolster his cam- paign against Republican Ronald Reagan. A roll call of the states certified his, victory over the remnants of Sen. Ed- ward Kennedy's challenge, withdrawn' when the convention began with the vote that guaranteed Carter his majority. Rep. Ronald Dellums of California had his name entered as a candidate, but only to gain time at the convention microphone for black and liberal allies to speak their concerns about Carter social policies. r tA KENNEDY AIDE said the defeated x challenger probably would endorse the Carter ticket. The AFL-CIO praised the president's acceptance of "the prin- ciples and objectives" of a Kennedy- r backed platform provision for a $12 billion job-creation program. AP Photo While Carter embraced the platform, VIVIAN HALL, a delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Irvine, he did not specifically endorse that Calif., wears an anti-draft sign on her hat during yesterday's convention session plank, offering his own terms instead. in Madison Square Garden. A variety of protesters marched outside the Garden Kennedy was silent, for the moment, last night. See story, Page 3. but a close aide said he was at work on a WILL DISCUSS CULTURAL EXCHANGES, TRADE: E. W. Germans to meet statement that would "most probably" include an endorsement of Carter. SHORTLY BEFORE the vote on the nomination, Kennedy formally released the delegates pledged to his fallen campaign "so that they may be free to vote their conscience." California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., once a candidate himself, urged Democrats to unite behind Carter. "Putting aside the fights of this season, he needs us as we need him," Brown said in endorsing Carter. Carter's qualified endorsement of a Kennedy jobs plank in the Democratic platform drew approval from a Michigan labor official, and from civil rights leader Jesse Jackson. SAM FISHMAN, DIRECTOR of the United Auto Workers' political arm in Michigan, said he was happy with Car- ter's position. "I think it will be helpful to his campaign," Fishman said. Jackson said Carter had heeded "the mandate of the people" by promising his own program for jobs. A new convention rule required Car- ter to delcare in writing his support for the platform, while itemizing any dif- ferences with it. Carter promised to "proudiy run on the platform of the Democratic Party" in the campaigna ahead. But he did so on his own terms. See DEMS, Page 7 MORE CONVENTION COVERAGE INSIDE " A variety of. protesters hawking causes from Ireland to Turkey to Israel, as well as op- ponents of registration and the draft, marched outside Madison Square Garden yesterday - Page ! The Michigan delegation will support President Carter - Page 3 * A look at media overkill of the convention - Page 3 BONN, West Germany (AP)-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, pursuing his aim of building bridges between East and West, will visit East Germany this month for the first summit between leaders of the two German states. Government spokesman Armin Gruenewald announced yesterday that Schmidt accepted an invitation to meet East Germany Chairman Erich Honecker Aug. 28-29 at a lakeside hunting lodge north of East Berlin. SCHMIDT, THE FIRST Western leader to travel to Moscow after the Soviet thrust into Afghanistan, will leave Hamburg Aug. 27 for the talks and will stop in the East Ger- man cities of Guestrow and Rostock on his way home. Schmidt's visit $o the communist German state will be the first by a West German head of government since 1970 when Chancellor Willy Brandt went to Erfurst for talks with East German Premier Willi Stoph. But Stoph was the No. 2 man in the East German regime and the Schmidt-Honecker meeting will be the first full scale West German-East German summit since the division of Germany following World War II. THE MEETING HAD been expected to take place last February but was postponed at East Germany's request following the deterioration in East-West relations brought on by the Soviet move in Afghanistan. Although no formal agenda has been made public, the two sides are expected to discuss trade, cultural exchanges and expanded contacts between family members in both coun- tries. Joining Schmidt will be Economics Minister Otto Lam- bsdorff and Egon Franke, chief of the Bonn ministry that monitors events in East Germany. DURING THE TALKSthe East Germans are expected to raise objections to Schmidt's support of NATO plans to station medium range nuclear missiles on West German soil. The missile issue was a major topic during Schmidt's talks last June in Moscow with Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev. During those talks, Brezhnev dropped his demand that the West renounce plans to deploy medium range nuclear missiles before he would negotiate a reduction in Soviet missiles already in place. In a recent television interview, Schmidt listed im- provements in human rights for East Germany's 14 million people when asked about possible results of his visit.