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August 13, 1980 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1980-08-13

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Page 12-Wednesday, August 13,1980-The Michigan Daily
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Special toThe Daily
DETROIT - To the crowd of 50,749,
the fourth comeback of Mark Fidrych
was a joyous one, although not a com-
plete success. Fidrych pitched eight
strong innings but absorbed the loss, as
the Tigers fell to the Boston Red Sox, 5-
The eyes of the baseball world were
upon the young pitcher who in 1976 daz-
zled them all, and the "Bird" did not let
them down.
The crowd roared every time Fidrych
made a move, and he gave the fans
quite a show, although he seemed a lit-
tle rocky at first. He walked the leadoff
batter, shortstop Rick Burleson, and
with one out, centerfielder Fred Lynn
doubled him home on a line drive to left
field. Carlton Fisk then got a cheap
single off of Fidrych's leg, which scored
Lynn for the Red Sox' second run of the
Things got worse for Fidrych in the
second when shortstop Mark Wagner
bobbled an easy groundball by Boston's
Butch Hobson for the game's only
error. Third baseman Glenn Hoffman
followed with a double to put runners on
second and third. The next batter,
Burleson, hit a hard grounder to first
which Tiger Richie Hebner stopped
from going into right field. Hebner held
the runner to third, and it looked as
though "The Bird" would get out of the
inning unscathed. But Dave Stapleton
stepped up to the plate and singled in
the two runs, both of which were unear-
Fidrych then settled down and pit-
ched 5Y3 scoreless innings, striking
three Red Sox in the process.
While Fidrych was having a difficult
time, Red Sox starter Mike Torrez was
tossing no-hit ball through three in-
nings. That string ended when Champ
Summers hit a solo upper-deck shot to
give the Bengals their first score. The
Tigers put together their first rally in
the fifth inning when Wagner singled,
Rick Peters walked, and Lou Whitaker
brought them both home with a double
to right field.
The Tigers tied the score in the seven-
th inning when Tom Brookens walked,
advanced to third on Wagner's hit-and-
run single, and scored on Peters'
sacrifice fly to center field.
When the eighth inning started, Tiger
stadium rocked with the chants of "Go,
Bird, go! Go, Bird, go!" But those
screams were put to rest when right
fielder Jim Dwyer ripped a 2-1 Fidrych
pitch into the right field seats to give
Boston the lead once again.
In the bottom half of the eighth, Heb-
ner led off with a single, but was left
stranded on the base paths to silence a
Tiger threat once again.
Reliever Aureliy Lopez took over for
Fidrych in the ninth inning, much to the
displeasure of the crowd, Fidrych's
crowd once again.
America League
Boston 5, Detroit 4
Cleveland 2, Texas 1
Toronto 3. Milwaukee 1 (first game of doubleheader)
National League
Philadelphia -5 Chicago 5-2 (first game was com-
New Yr 3 Pttsurgh t

Indians 2, Rangers I
CLEVELAND (AP) - Toby Harrah
blasted a two-run homer, and Rick
Waits won his ninth game with last-out
relief help from Victor Cruz as the
Cleveland Indians nipped the Texas
Rangers, 2-1, last night.
Waits, 9-10, held the Rangers to four
singles after allowing a first-inning run
on a leadoff triple by Mickey Rivers
and Bump Wills' RBI single.
Rivers singled and was sacrificed to
second to open the ninth before Cruz
relieved with two out. Cruz walked
Buddy Bell intentionally before Richie
Zisk popped ott to end the game.
Texas starter Ferguson Jenkins, 10-
10, gave up just one hit through the first
four innings, but had to work out of a
jam in the fifth, striking out Miguel
Dilone for the third time after the In-
diana loaded the bases with two out.2
In the sixth, however, Alan Bannister
led off with a double and came home on
Harrah's two-out shot to left, his eighth
homer of the season.
Phillies 8-5, Cubs 5-2
CHICAGO (AP) - Bob Boone's
eighth-inning home run snapped a 2-2
tie yesterday and led the Philadelphia
Phillies to a 5-2 victory over the
Chicago Cubs.'
Philadelphia also registered an 8-5
victory over the Cubs in the completion
of a suspended game, as Bake McBride "
singled home Larry Bowa with the go-
ahead run in the top of the 15th inning.
The victories snapped a 10-game' " -
Philadelphia losing streak on the road.
Steve Carlton, 18-6, went the distance
to register his eighth complete game of K
the season. He yielded eight hits, struck r
out five, and issued one walk. The five
strikeouts gave Carlton 200 for the
season - the sixth time in his career MARK FIDRYCH peers in for the sign from catcher Lance Parrish prior to
he's reached that plateau. his first delivery last night at Tiger Stadium, where Boston spoiled "The
Bird's" return by beating Detroit, 5-4.
AD denies NCAA probe
EAST LANSING (UPI) - Michigan State Athletic Director official tour to the NCAA finals in Salt Lake City.
Doug Weaver yesterday denied MSU President Cecil Mackey Michigan State won the finals, cheered on by about 1,500
has asked for an NCAA investigation into travel fans. The association offered plane and hotel accom-
irregularities involving parents of Spartan basketball modations to persons already holding tickets.
players. Association chairman Dr. William Wescott labeled the in-
However, sources maintain the president contacted the vestigation a "Mackeygate." He said that he did not think the
NCAA within the last two weeks. The NCAA, meanwhile, had Big Ten or the NCAA could find any improprieties in the
no comment. association's records.
"WE CONSULTED WITH Big Ten Commissioner Wayne "I don't understand the whole thing, frankly," Wescott
Duke some time ago. We did not request an investigation by said. "There isn't any question in my mind that we've done
the NCAA," Weaver said. nothing wrong."
"Since that time, progress reports have been sent to Duke
on the investigation."AReggie-robber
A spokesman for the NCAA refused to comment on whether NEW YORK (AP) - A young robber leveled a gun at the
it has been asked to investigate the Michigan State matter. head of New York Yankee star Reggie Jackson early yester-
"I COULDN'T CONFIRM or deny it," said David Berst of day morning outside a bar in New York City.
the NCAA's enforcement department. "I can't comment un- But Jackson, out celebrating the 400th career home run he
til there are findings or a penalty in the case." hit in Monday night's victory over the White Sox, knocked the
Duke two weeks ago acknowledged Michigan State's bandit away by swatting him with the door of his Rolls
request for an investigation, Weaver said. Efforts to reach Royce.
Duke for comment have been unsuccessful. THE SLUGGER TOLD police he was shaken at having a
Michigan State athletic officials have been asked not to large-bore pistol, likely a .45-caliber automatic, pointed into
discuss the investigation by the Big Ten. his face.
THE CONFERENCE investigation was requested two "It was the biggest gun I ever saw," Jackson told police. "I
months ago by Mackey to look into allegations that players' flinched. He was pointing the gun at my head. I thought he
parents received free spots on the MSU Alumni Association's was going to shoot me."






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