Page 2-Wednesday, August 13, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Bus employees baek;
AATA management
pessinistic about talks
Although members of the Transpor-
tation Employees' Union returned to
their jobs yesterday after a 42-day
strike against the Ann Arbor Transpor-
tation Authority, AATA Board Chair-
man Cecil Ursprung said he felt set-
tlement of the contract was a long way
In a press conference held last night
at the AATA's Carpenter Rd. office,
Ursprung gave a chronology of the strike
and accused TEU of "bad faith
"HOW IN THE WORLD can we reach
a settlement with no trust on either
side?" Ursprung said.
Ursprung's "bad faith" charge
sprang out of a vote change by a TEU
member during marathon contract
negotiations held last weekend.
"On August 10th, lawyers told us
TEU negotiators had voted 5-4 not to
recommend the Board's contract offer
to the membership," Ursprung ex-
plained. "Later that same day, (AATA
Executive Director Richard) Simonet-
ta got a call from a TEU attorney
saying one TEU member had switched
his vote, and AATA made their contract
offer official (so it could be presented to
TEU members at their meeting.)
Ettinger (TEU's president andvice-
president) assured us the negotiators
would recommend the offer," he con-
tinued. "We were then informed that
during the TEU meeting, the member
who had switched his vote told TEU he
really couldn't recommend the
proposal." TEU members voted to
reject the contract offer. .
Ursprung also said that the Michigan
Employment Relations Commission,
along with State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) "owed the community an
apology" for its actions in getting a
fact-finder to arbitrate the case.
He explained that MERC employee
Robert Pisarski told Simonetta on Aug.
7 that no fact-finder would be assigned
'until at least Aug. 11. "But we also un-
derstand, through a reliable source,
that on Aug. 6, Bullard called TEU and
told them that a fact-finder had been
assigned to the case and even gave
them the name of the person." Ur-
sprung added it was not until the
following Monday that AATA received
written notice that a fact-finder had
been assigned. "Needless to say, I was
nonplussed," he said.
URSPRUNG PLANS to ask the Board
for permission to send Governor
William Milliken a request to have
MERC investigated.
Ettinger, speaking to reporters as
they came out of the press conference,
said she had no idea why AATA made
an accusation against Bullard for get-
ting involved. "Ever since the strike
began, TEU has contacted every public
official we could think of that might be
of any help. Bullard simply talked to
MERC and suggested using a fact-
finder," she said.
Ettinger also showed reporters a
copy of a letter she said had been
received by black TEU members who
were not on the negotiating team. "The
letter, which is unsigned, says the
Union leadership is homosexual,
sneaky, and conniving," she said. "It is
See STILL, Page8
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.Ape dreams
For twoyears the Zoological Society of Florida faithfully collected Green
Stamps to buy gorillas. The group employed the help of hundreds of Girl
Scouts and local supermarkets donated stamps to help fill the Society's
dream. But the campaign faded fast and the gorilla gimmick wore thin. At the
end of the two-year blitz the group had collected only enough green stamps to
buy half an ape. Gorilla lovers don't give up easily and the society is trying a
new tack now. It hopes to find several corporations who are willing to buy the
gorillas. Q
Billy's slush fund'goes to the dogs
The last known 463 cans of Billy Beer, brewed with the blessings of Billy
Carter before he went on the wagon, were on sale yesterday for $1.50 per can
at McRory'ยง Whiskey Bar in Seattle, Washington. Proceeds from the sale
will be contributed to the Seattle Wild Animal Clinic. "We thought that was
fitting because Billy is a wild kind of guy," said a spokesman for the bar. Q
An Israeli astronomer who accurately predicted the 1973 October war and
the fall of the shah of Irab says that a win for Jimmy Carter is not in the
stars. Claims Ilan Pecker: "Something very peculiar is going to happen to
President Carter that will not get him to the finish line. Carter is a Libra and
he will face trouble this week and at the end of September." The star gazer
said that Ted Kennedy will be the final nominee because of "Monday's par-
tial eclipse, the meeting of Mars and Pluto and Saturn's movement into the
Libra sign of the Zodiac." And Carter thought he was running on his
record. C
On the outside
Look for mostly cloudy skies today with a high around 80' and a low tonight
in the 50s. 'Z
AAFC-Fedora, 7, 9p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Ann Arbor ECK center-Introductory discussipn, 7:30 p.m., 302 East
Liberty. L
The Michigan Daily
iUSPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 59-S
Wednesday, August 13, 1980
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