exerts last
effort in
NEW YORK (AP) - Sen. Edward
Kennedy campaigned in midtown
Manhattan yesterday in a last - and
apparently lost - effort to break
President Carter's grip on a
renominating majority at the
Democratic National Convention.
An Associated Press survey of
delegates to the convention that opens
on Monday showed Carterin command
of the votes to win a key opening test on
AT A STREET rally just off Park
Avenue, Kennedy told a midday crowd
that he is the Democrat best positioned
to defeat Republican presidential
nominee Ronald Reagan.
"We have closed the gap in the polls
in the past few months, and in the next
few days we're going to close the gap in
Before leaving the White House for
Camp David, Carter was asked
whether he had the nomination locked
"IT'S NOT locked up. It's up to the
delegates," he said. "But I feel con-
The president said he would work on
his acceptance speech this weekend,
and then flew by helicopter to his
Maryland mountaintop retreat.
While Kennedy said he was optimistic
about the prospect of winning his
challenge to a proposed rule binding
delegates to the presidential candidates
they were elected to support, the AP
delegate survey showed a majority in
favor of the commitment rule.
CARTER ENTERS the convention
with 1,986 delegates in his column,
Kennedy with 1,234. It takes 1,666 to win
the nomination. So if the delegate
commitments that grew out of primary
elections and party caucuses are ruled
binding, Carter is assured of
Robert Strauss, Carter's campaign
chairman, said he is confident of win-
ning the delegate commitment vote.
"We'll win that rule issue in a very sub-
stantial way," he said. "... Our lead
for the nomination is far more substan-
tial. We can't find a delegate we're
Strauss also said that he and other
Carter strategists had discussed the
possibility of releasing their delegates
as a winner's unity gesture after Mon-
day's vote on the commitment rule, but
they've decided against it. He said Car-
ter delegates and party leaders coun-
seled against such a move.
But he left open the possibility that
the Carter camp might not vigorously
enforce the rule that would permit a
candidate to replace any delegates who
defect from their commitments.
Another Carter campaign official
said, "we don't have any plans" to use
the commitment rule to replace strayed
Flames gut front of
Tice's grocery store
(Continued from Page a
ceiling onto the cash register counter, "It looks like something came
and the fire jumped to the liquor bot- through the roof," Tice said.
ties. Murphy said a malfunctioning light
STEVE RIVERA, who said he was fixture could have started the fire, but
leaning on a car about 15 feet from the did not rule out the possibility that a
storefront, said the windows then blew discarded cigarette butt in a
out. wastebasket could have been the cause.
Tice, who said his father was away on Another witness, John Roubanes,
vacation, concurred with Rivera's ac- said he felt the heat from the explosion
count. about a block away.
SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY waves to a crowd at New York's LaGuar-
dia Airport yesterday where he arrived for next week's Democratic National
Convention. Recent polls of delegates indicate that Kennedy's efforts to
wrestle the nomination away from President Carter may be in vain: A poll
has revealed most delegates do not support proposals to throw the conven-
tion open, a fact which could close the doors on Kennedy's campaign before
the convention begins.
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