Page 4-Saturday, August 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily I The pain of free speech SOMETIMES - no, make that often - freedom of speech hurts. Although many may not like it, the privilege to speak freely must be granted to all - including neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, and pro-Khomeini Iranians. The pain is obvious. The American Civil Liber- ties Union - which last year defended the rights of Nazis to march through predominately Jewish qknkie_ IMinnis .- suffered dr tin d iP in Feiffer O T6HADPA Y UT EWAf tR~cE 5~OUA I M ,'6 KFR ZT AM 1TFPTO A5ill 7irz& M FFWT7IC&I.&OEST(OJS Ik)- K C4 ITDtaiA MM ~ l trn o b- -U ('t WO.) aV VI 6X~f MAF2R143C y FEAR of f i OF IffJQQc~IIG T AM CBOT FRE1T?1q o T O C1 I IW, Z IIVA&IA MARRIAGE 6 A VCFOFJ1 TRAV, L(fl- r URAA I~~ThCCW ',A2E~ c T EV- ~ V~ioC6 OF M IM W C 1v. D65F. IIJITOAIAP- OFIW HAFH i to mobiize blacks I 17AV G, ra c c -n NEW YORK - When the donations. Supreme Court gave its blessing By Betty Baye The people of Greensboro, North Carolina suf- to cutting off federal funds for use fered through a shootout between members of the in Medicaid abortions, pro- and Sandy Close Communist Workers Party and the Nazis and abortion forces raised the familiar spectre of poor black Kansmen. women being forced to visit back blacks to do something for them- And much of America suffered as 171 Iranians, alley abortion sharks or bear un- selves, says Courtney Brown, a arrested at a pro-Khomeini demonstration in wanted children. But the voices professor of social work at New Washington, D.C., were released last week under expressing outrage belonged York's Hunter College. "We have what many consider spurious circustances largely to white women. Unlike allowed a whole intellectual he reancosersheurinsrsu spnced o the days and weeks surrounding' dialogue to go on with no sub- The release of the Iranians - suspected "of the Bakke affirmative action stance for ourselves. The violating immigration laws - and the demon- decision, there was no massive: Supreme Court's decision was a strations this week by supporters of those arrested organizing in black communities reflection of their social point of Iranians, are particularly galling to Americans at around the issue of abortion. view. This is an opportunity for, this time. The precarious hostagesituation may t "We have not had one request blacks to open up a whole new thistim. Te pecaiou hosage, Stuai~nmay for support from a group in the dialogue based on the real black well have motivated the release of the Iranians black community working on the experience." before complete information about their identities issue of abortion," says Linda By far the most powerful con- could be obtained. Powell, staff member of New cern produced by this experien- But precisely because racial intolerance seems York's North Star Fund, a com- ce-reflected in interview after to b brwingin he cunty one aainand munity-oriented foundation in interview-is the sheer fact that to be brewing in the country once again, and New York. "The people who have there are simply fewer black men because 52 Americans are still held captive in Iran, been active on it for years who around, let alone men with stable we must today, more than ever, fight the angry im- are mostly white have been the lives. pulses churning within us. ones asking for money." "You look around in the com- The Nazis, the Klansmen, and the Iranians have WH'Y THE silence-especially munity today," says Mae since black women, as documen- Jackson, a black playwright and a right to speak freely and to march and demon- ted by pro-choice groups, account counselor at Brooklyn's Family strate peacefully. But, as has been stated many for a substantial proportion of the Court, "and there are only times before, we have a right not to listen. 250,000-300,000 Medicaid abor- women and children-no men. tions performed annually, and Yet we grew up assuming we teenage pregnancies among would get married and have blacks have reached what exper- children. And none of us thought ts calla crisis stage? of ourselves without a black There are no studies to explain man." why blacks are willing to speak IT'S NO secret, Jackson points out for affirmative action and out, that "there is an element of welfare rights but not abortion. black male chauvinism which But interviews with a broad spec- :makes it difficult for some black trum of people, including single women to even raise baick mothers, suggest a variety abortion. With millions more --of reasons for what appears to be black women than men in the a deep psychological resistance black population, it's tough to to confronting abortion as a convince black women that they political or moral issue. should threaten existing relation- Not the least of these is the ap- ships or jeopardize new ones by parent inability of pro-choice standing on feminist principles of groups to interest and recruit equality or publicly supporting' black women. For many segmen- abortion." ts of the black community, abor- Then too, there is the deep tion, in fact, is viewed as "a white seated but often unspoken black woman's issue" and as such not fear that abortion is a tool for cut- - warranting any serious attention. ting down the black But blacks who point this out are population-at the worst, for race also critical of their own com- genocide. Even though most munity organizations for' failing white Americans would scoff at to deal .with abortion in a way the ides of an organized plan to. that relates directly to its values kill off blacks, "it's the common and experiences, perception that there is such a THE SUPREME Court's policy that matters," says a mid- - decision upholding the Hyde die class black woman who grew Amendment should galvanize up in a south Chicago ghetto. "You've got to wonder when you can get a vasectomy or any cor- ner andbirth control all arounld, but to get help for a serious illness, you have to go all the way across town." "Genocide has been discussed too often in the black community for us not to relate it to the abor- tion issue," adds Jackson, "even when we are considering abortion for ourselves." QUEMANI, chairperson of the women's committee of the Black United Front, a network of grassroots organizations in New York, agrees. While the issue of abortion has been discussed among Front members, she says, "we have never done it in a public forum. It is a complex issue. And half ofsthe commit- tee-myself included-believes it is an act of genocide." For many black women, such anxieties are intensified by the feeling that black men, in par- ticular, are disappearing. Pamela Douglas, a black television and screen writer and hournalist in Los Angeles, says black women she has interviewed across the country privately fear that black men may be wiped out-through street crime, joblessness, drugs, and un- precedented prison commitment rates. They perceive their com- munities, she says, to be in the most precarious position they have been in for 20 years. And they see themselves as holding the survi'vial of those com- munities in their hands. It is a time when black women want and need to create families and family bonds. For Annette Smith, 20, a black single mother who lives on Chicago's west side, the idea of having babies to compensate for all the young blacks who, meet violent deaths "makes a lot of See ABORTION, Page 6 Betty Baye is a New York journalist who has contributed to Essence and a wide range of black community journals. Sandy Close is editor of the Pacific News Service, for which this article was written.