The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 9, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen. Pages 'U Athletic Dept. faces probe on sex bias charges Boarding up AP Poto Hector Salinas. left, and Joe Anzaldua, both of Harlingen, Texas, board up their storefront yesterday afternoon in preparation for the expec- ted arrival of Hurricane Allen, billed as one of the century's meanest storms. See story, Page 14. j Tice 's grocery gu ted by ire; n o one injured By HOWARD WITT EYEWITNESS REPORTS of the A fire of undetermined origin last blaze differed. Colin Birch, who said he night gutted the front of Tice's grocery was sitting across the street from store on south State St. Tice's when the fire broke out, said a Witnesses said "all hell broke loose" wastebasket near the front of the store shortly after the store closed at 9:30 caught fire and burning paper in the p.m. when rows of liquor bottles behind container ignited the liquor bottles. the cash register caught fire and ex- "A bottle of liquor blew up and all hell ploded, shattering the front windows, broke loose," Birch said. POLICE AND FIRE department of- Another witness, however, said it ap- ficials said no one was injured in the peared a spark dropped from the bl~ which nacd knaanr BY MITCH STUART The University Athletic Department will - undergo a "thorough" in- vestigation by the federal Department of Education to determine whether it discriminates against athletes on the basis of sex, a Department of Education official said yesterday. Education department spokeswoman Joan Glickman said athletic depar- tment investigations will begin in early September at Michigan, the University of Akron, the University of Bridgeport (Conn.), Cornell University, the University of Hawaii, the University of Kansas, and Washington State Univer- sity. AN INVESTIGATION of North Texas State University, despite some reports to the contrary, will not take place, Glickman said, but has been replaced by an upcoming investigation at Oklahoma State, also in early Septem- ber. No University or government of- ficials contacted by The Daily could provide information on specific com- plaints against any of the schools. That information will not be released until the investigations are actually under- way, the officials said. Athletic Director Don Canham, reached at his Lake St. Clair vacation cottage, "said the upcoming in- vestigation does not take him by sur- prise. "I KNEW they were going in- to ... some of the top schools," he said. Canham insisted, however, he knew of no sex discrimination complaints filed against Michigan with the Depar- tment of Education. Glickman, in a telephone interview from her Washington, D.C. office, said a total of 124 complaints have been filed against about 80 universities. "We have to respond to every single complaint with a full investigation," she said. Glickman added that each in- vestigation must be completed in 90 days or less. CONTRARY TO some earlier repor- ts, Glickman explained, no athletic departments will be "probed" on a superficial level. Each complaint about sex discrimination will be followed up with a complete investigation. Canham praised that approach: "If they're going to come in, they might as well look at it all," he said. One federal official who is extremely close to the investigations disclosed to The Daily a "second group" of univer- sities where investigations will begin in late September: Howard University, the University of Maryland, the University of Miami, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, and Yale University. THE OFFICIAL also told The Daily of four other universities which will be. investigated at an unspecified time in the futufe: the University of California- Los Angeles, the University of Min- nesota, Purdue University, and the University of Wisconsin. "These are going to be program-wide assessments," Glickman said of the in- See 'U', Page 11 Canham ... not surprised maze, wicn causes some smo e damage to a comic book store located above the burning grocery and a restaurant adjacent to it on the south. Ann Arbor Fire Chief Robert Murphy said the fire was probably accidental, but added that the cause was under routine investigation. Murphy said the building was not a total loss and there appeared to be no structural damage. Dennis Tice, son of the store owner, said no one was in the store at the time the fire broke out. See FLAMES, Page 5 Allen to hit Texas Details inside, Page 14