Pnnaa4-Fridav. Auaust 8. 1980-The Michiaon Daily Bitter convention could help elect Reagan D irge for the Marc hing Band WITH THEIR majestic uniforms, strutting drum majors, high-step marching, and in- valuable contribution to Michigan spirit, the Michigan Marching Band is an institution at the University. Whether it is the pre-game march from Revelli Hall across the railroad tracks to the stadium, or a performance before millions at the Republican National Convention, the band has: always been a showpiece for the University. But because of budgetary constraints, the band may not be able to attend any away football games this fall. Running on a skimpy budget of $15,000 given by the Athletic Department, the band has: found itself in a very unfortunate position. The problem is that the Athletic Department, which has: an. annual budget of $6.5 million, has stubbornly, refused to dig into its pockets and assist the band with its problem. The Marching Band has always been an intrinsic part of the spirit and revelry that accompanies Michigan football on some of its road games. For over a half a century the band has not only en- thused the 'M' fans who have followed the team on. away games, but has dazzled the host audiences as well. But for the first time in over a decade, the band may not perform at the classic confrontation at Columbus. The band has always put out for the Athletic Department. It plays at pep rallies, homecoming festivities, and other athletic events. And the main attraction of the Shippensburg-Slippery Rock game? The Michigan Marching Band, of course. Yet the Athletic Department has ignored the quan- dry of the band. To the band members, football players, and Michigan fans, the band's performance at away games means a great deal. The Athletic Depar- tment has shamefully demonstrated how it ignores a friend in need. The 1980 Presidential election may well be decided on August 11. That's the first day of the Democratic Convention, when a vote is taken on the new rule requiring delegates "to vote. for the Presidential candidate whom they were elected to support for at least the first convention. ballot, unless released in writing by the Presidential candidate." This rule, which would ob- viously insure Jimmy Carter's renomination, is controversial. But moves for an "open" conven- tion by disaffected congressmen, combined with Teddy Kennedy's decision to stay in the race, make the way the rule is debated as important as the actual vote. Although procedural decisions. usually don't matter much, this August in New York could be like Chicago in 1952, when .a bitter fight over delegate certification put Eisenhower in control of the GOP Convention. TRADITIONALLY, convention delegates have been morally obligated to vote for the can- didate to whom they are pledged. The new Democratic Convention rule changes this to a legal requirement, enforceablyby replacing a delegate who shifts his vote "at any time up to and including the Presidential balloting at the national conven- tion." If any delegate pledged to Carter votes for someone else or abstains on the first ballot, this rule apparently allows Carter's organization to replace that delegate during the balloting. The vote of a defector, might therefore be nullified even before the end of the first roll-call. If the issue merely concerned Teddy Kennedy's candidacy, the President would have little to worry about. But Reagan's strong lead in the latest polls, aggravated by Billy Carter's Libyan connection, is giving By Roger Masters many Democratic politicians second thoughts. The resulting call for an open convention, designed to make possible a Muskie or Mondale candidacy means that the debate on conven- tion rules will be critical. THE PRESIDENT could probably hold on to enough, delegate support to be nominated even without the new rule. But if his forces anger liberals-and even moderates-in order to win the rules fight, the consequences are incalculable. Although Carter now lags behind Reagan, can- didates have come from that far behind to wina Presidential elec- tion. But if Carter's backers split the Democratic party by their at- titude on the convention rules (and the platform), the damage to the President could be' irreparable. It is no secret that many voters, especially among the young, are very unhappy about the choice between Reagan and Carter. A recent poll in Massachusetts has Anderson in second place, leading the President by several percentage points. But up to now, an Anderson boom has seemed quixotic; how can a candidate be a national coalition all by him- self? IF THE Democratic Conven- tion is badly split by the Carter delegate rule, all this could change.tDisaffected Democrats want a place to turn to. So do liberal or moderate Republicans unhappy about Reagan's stance on ERA and abortion (not to men- tion his willingness to change the constitutional role of the Vice President by fiat to improve his chances in November). The electorate as a whole has yet to realize how conservative Reagan's position really is. A New York Times-CBS poll last spring revealed that, on a 0-20 scale of conservatism, Reagan stood for 17.5; in contrast, Bush represented 13.7 and Ford 6. Sin- ce the average voter's position is exactly middle-of-the-road (on this scale), independents and moderates of both parties are still largely undecided and will obviously determine the victor in November. Humphrey lost to Nixon in 1968, in no small part because the Democratic party couldn't heal the wounds of a divisive conven- tion. A bruising fight over rules, or a high-handed dismissal of Kennedy's platform proposals, could push many Democrats into Anderson's camp. And if some disaffected Republicans also turn to Anderson as a centrist alter- native, many voters in both par- ties seem ready to follow. In the Times-CBS poll just mentioned, Anderson represented the national average, while Carter was to his left, though not as far left as Kennedy. Carter's best strategy on August 11 would doubtlessly be to endorse the call for an open con- vention, and to placate Kennedy as well as Muskie or Mondale supporters in order to reunite the party. But having failed to follow this strategy in late May, when Kennedy seemingly offered a face-saving way out of the con- frontation, the President's sup- porters give every sign of repeating the blunder. If they persist, they might convince both politicians and voters to consider seriously "the Anderson Dif- ference." Roger Masters is a professor of government at Dartmouth College and wrote this article for the college's newspaper, The Dartmouth. I I I 0 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: New Libertarian ideology is anarchy for the rich 4 7 ~ P To The Daily: Recent commentaries on your editorial page by proponents of the "new" Libertarian movement reveal a world view that is skewed,,simplistic, and ultimately dangerous. Whether or not the "new Liber- tarians and traditional Republicans are political first cousins is but a semantic quib- ble; the end result of both philoso- - hies is anarchy for the rich only. Whether this end is achieved by laissez-faire or government sub- sidies is certainly of little concern or consequence to the mass of humanity. Personal and political liberty are not co-extensive with economic liberty. To argue that sexual freedom and unimpaired Don't laugh - we ain't worked in years!political dialogue can only be secure in the absence of any type of economic regulation is to argue that the Love Canal, rather than eternal vigilence, is the price of liberty. The seductive power of the current Libertarian movement springs largely from the fact that it has identified the source of many of our society's woes: governmental power. Liber- tarians, however, have confoun- ded the adjective and the noun it modifies. Government per se is not a threat to liberty-power is. Power, even in its most benevolent guise, is by definition hostile to liberty. Where government is weak, economic interests will predominate. The absence of any effective governmental power historically has guaranteed that power will devolve to and become ever more concentrated in the af- fluent. Liberty is these con'ditions has been, at best, the freedom to choose from a restricted range of options. The "new" Libertarians do not seem to confront this manifest truism. Indeed, they would look foolish arguing that the inevitable hegemony of their vision, grounded as it is in economic power, can somehow be less inimical to liberty than our current over-weening gover- nment. To paraphrase Anatole France, this new "freedom," in its infinite disavowal of compulsion, allows both rich and poor to choose a life of economic slavery. -Lee Kirk August 6 1 4