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August 07, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-08-07

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, August 7,1980-Page 5
Sadat's 'peace
message' asks
world aid for
religious center

President Anwar Sadat of Egypt ap-
pealed to the world yesterday to help
him build a Christian-Islamic-Jewish
house of prayer at the foot of Mount
Sinai as "a living symbol of the,
brotherhood of man."
After delivering what he called a
"peace message," Sadat went into
seclusion in the desert at the foot of the
mountain to observe the final days of
the Moslem holy month of Ramadan.
WITH SADAT in seclusion, Israel
was unable to deliver a letter to him on
the suspended Palestinian autonomy
talks. Sadat broke off the talks when the
Israeli parliament enacted a law for-
malizing the 1967 annexation of Arab-
inhabited East Jerusalem.
Speaking to reporters at Mount Sinai,
Sadat refused to discuss the Palestinian
autonomy issue or maneuvers aimed at
getting the talks started again.
At the foot of the biblical mountain

where Moses is said to have received
the Ten Commandments, Sadat asked
help in building the religious center he
has been planning since Israel returned
the captured area to Egypt in Novem-
SADAT MADE the appeal in four
languages - Arabic, English, French
and German. "I hereby invite you all-to
contribute to the setting up of this cen-
ter, which will be a living symbol of the
brotherhood of man, a lighthouse that
will rekindle the spirit of coexistence
and tolerance among nations," he said.
"To symbolize the real fraternity
Among all followers of their religions,
we are building on this sacred spot a
center for the worship of God, which
embodies a mosque, a church and a
synagogue," Sadat said.
Saying, "I am in seclusion," Sadat
told reporters he will not deal with
Israel's statement until after

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After words
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EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT ANWAR Sadat appealed to the world yesterday
to help construct a Christian-Islamic-Jewish center at the foot of Mt. Sinai.
Sadat made the appeal in four languages to reporters inside a Mosque in the
Valley of Rest, where he will spend the last few days fasting during the
Moslem holy month Ramadan.
Life-saving device
prevents fatal attacks

BOSTON (AP) - Doctors have suc-
cessfully implanted small, battery-
powered devices in the chests of heart
patients who can then get life-saving
electric shocks when they suffer car-
diac arrest.
Cardiac arrest, probably the most
urgent medical emergency a doctor
must treat, occurs when the heart stops
beating regularly and quivers with
rapid, chaotic contractions.
UNTIL NOW, the only treatment for
this attack was a quick jolt of elec-
tricity from an externally held
machine. But victims quickly lose con-
sciousness as their blood circulation
stops, and often help arrives too late to
save them.
Now doctors working at Johns
Hopkins Medical School and Sinai
Hospital of Baltimore say they have

implanted miniature versions of these
machines in the chests of six people.
The devices automatically deliver bur-
sts of electricity when the patients'
hearts begin to beat irregularly.
The developers say that if further
testing is successful, the devices may
save many of the 300,000 Americans
who now die annually from cardiac
A REPORT ON the first use of this
device, invented by Dr. Michel
Mirowski, was published in Thursday's
issue of the New England Journal of
The new instrument is a miniature,
automated version of a defibrillator, a
bulky machine used by ambulance
crews and hospital emergency teams to
zap the chests of heart failure victims.

Two floors, South Wing-Avant garde scene. Paintings,
sculpture, and related poetry and music.

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