The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 31, 1980-Page 11 Standby gas plan survives challenge WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter's standby gasoline rationing plan survived its final congressional challenge yesterday as both House and Senate voted to allow it to become law. By a 60-31 vote, the Senate buried a final effort by rationing opponents to block the plan from taking ef- fect as scheduled at midnight. It empowers the president to impose rationing on his own ina gasoline shortage of 20 per cent or greater. MOMENTS LATER, THE House joined the Senate in supporting the president, but by a much narrower 209-205 margin. However, since the 1979 law under which Carter submitted the plan requires a vote by both houses to scuttle the plan, the earlier Senate action made the House vote a moot issue. Senators rejected a motion by Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.) that would have blocked the standby plan from taking effect. He called the rationing scheme "an elaborate and expensive paper mache defense against a very real threat." BUT SEN. BENNETT Johnston (D-La.) urged the Senate to allow the rationing plan to go on the nation's energy shelf, arguing that some way of distributing scarce supplies of gasoline was needed "should the crunch come." In the House, the move to dump the rationing plan was led by Rep. Clarence Brown (R-Ohio). In both chambers, Republicans had sought to forge a coalition with Democrats rationing foes to pile up enough votes to bury the plan. If the standby plan were invoked, gasoline would be rationed by coupons-with the amount of the fuel to be rationed depending on the severity of the shortage. COUPONS WOULD BE distributed based on the number of vehicles registered to a household or business. Businesses could get additional allotments based on historical gasoline consumption. The coupons wopld be collected at service stations at the time of the gasoline purchase. City hurt by federal storm aid refusal (Continued from Page 3) ALTHOUGH ADDITIONAL damage reports were still coming in, Belcher estimated at last Monday's City Council meeting that storm damage would cost the city upwards of $100,000. Gov. Milliken filed the state request for aid last week, saying the thunder- storms which rampaged through 10 southern Michigan counties July 15, 16, and 20 caused $177.3 million in public and private property damage. The governor specifically asked for federal aid for storm clean-up operations and low-cost interest loans to farmers, businessmen, and homeowners hit hard by the storm. Word on the loan requests is expected soon. IN ASKING FOR the declaration, Milliken said the economically AL devastated state cannot foot the bill for clearing away tons of debris left by the storms on its own. According to local administrator AP Photo Collins, the city has been forced to rent equipment and pay workers for "long hours overtime" to clear alway the n Miss brush still lining some Ann Arbor streets. "We have kept the landfill open extra hours at no charge," he said, "and just the landfill portion of clean-up operations has already cost the city over $10,000,', he added. The refusal of federal aid could qualify many local governments for debris clearance aid under Milliken's 3s July 21 disaster declaraton. Funds will ./ not be available, however, unless Lan- sing lawmakers approve a supplemen- tal appropriation, because the state's aid. Disaster Contingency Fund was be "really drained by the Kalamazoo tornado earlier this year. last year For the second time this year, ve persons Milliken has been turned down on an their own emergency fund request. Earlier, he had asked for aid to clean up PBB con- ade to in- tamination in St. Louis, Michigan. m alcohol Substance SHORT or LONG ntoxicated Hairstyles for tee which Men and Women nt budget DASCOLA STYLISTS half of the . 615E. Liberty-668-9329 ted about " 3739 Washtenow-971-9975 y police. " 613 N..Mople-761-2733 ;ment last " 611 E. University-662-0354 Kissy-kissy President Carter took time out from distributing Olympic medals yesterday to receive two kisses-one fror Universe, Shawn Weatherly (left) and another from Miss USA, Jineane Ford. J ail suicides lnked to alcohol program decinc LANSING (UPI) - Jail suicides are on the rise, and state -officials said yesterday Michigan's underfunded alcohol treatment programs may be partially to blame. Thirteen persons have committed suicide in Michigan jails so far this year, nearly double the seven who took their own lives during the same period in 1979. An estimated one- third of those desths were alcohol related, said Jeff Eubank of the state Department of Corrections. UNDER THE state's five-year-old law decriminalizing such alcohol-related infractions as public drunkenness, police are required to take intoxicated persons to hospitals or special treatment centers to be dried out rather than jailing. them. But treatment centers are few and far apart and gover- nment funding has evaporated for temporary hospital care of intoxicated persons. Rep. David Hollister (D-Lansing) said police in some areas have been forced to utilize a so-called "escape clause" io the law to jail drunken persons for abusive or threatening conducet. "IT'S A COMPLETE reversal of the law," hes For those hauled into jail, the experience can1 traumatic," Hollister said. Eubank said a pattern has developed over the showing that alcohol-related suicides usually invol' who have never been jailed before and often take lives during their first two hours of incarceration. Hollister, said although efforts are being m crease the state tax on liquor to fund the long-ter treatment centers operated by the state Office of Abuse Services, funds for 72-hour hospital care of it persons are unlikely to be restored. Hollister, a member of the legislative commit oversees the office, predicted the state's curre crisis will lead to the eventual elimination of about existing 100 treatment centers. Those centers trea 9,000 cases last year, 10per cent of those referred b3 Another 2,000 persons received hospital treat year.