Page 4-Thursday, July 31, 1980-The IMichigan Doily Religious symbolism 1A Iran and the hostages I 1Bilygate PartII Enter Jimmy IT BEGAN innocuously enough two weeks ago, when Billy Carter registered as a foreign agent. Sighs of "It's about tie" were muttered by the media and politicians. But soon afterwards, a story unravelled-indeed, it is still developing-that links not only Billy to unethical and illegal acts, but his big brother as well. Significant information has been released just recently, including Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti's admission that he and the president discussed Billy's legal problems, afact that both denied earlier. In addition, it was reported that Billy-through Jimmy-was made privy to State Department cables about Billy's relationship with Libya. The affair has proven to be the president's most major domestic problem since he was elec- ted, one that could spell disaster to his reelection bid. A Senate committee has begun an inquiry into the matter. The panel Jmembers and other congresspersons must not be motivated by political considerations-though the temptation is great, especially to Democrats who perceive the president as a political liability. The committee must not prolong its investigation to the November elections, nor must it arrange for the president's appearance before the panel to coincide with the Democratic Convention. Because of the enticing prospects of a prime-time television investigation, a vigorous effort must be made to ensure a thorough, complete, and fair inquiry. Why are the American hostages still in Iran? What possible pur- pose can be served by their con- tinued imprisonment? As the crisis drags on and on, the heady anger of the American public gradually gives way to per- plexity. Why, we ask, after all this, are they still holding 52 Americans hostage? The question of "why?" begs a motive and meaning for an action that is incomprehensible to most Americans. The holding of hostages will never be condoned in America, but it might at least be understood if there were a clear connection between the means and an end. U.S. POLICYMAKERS have been utterly misguided and bum- bling in all their dealings with the Iranian revolution generally and the hostage crisis particularly. The U.S. foreign policy establishment, for all its political, military and economic expertise, continues to assign the lowest priority to those experts who can interpret foreign events according to the peculiar logic of the culture which produces them. Ironically, this is especially true of U.S. embassies in countries like Iran, which are the most un- familiar and "foreign" to Americans. Indeed, the State Department did solicit the advice of experts on Iranian history and culture during a two-day conference on April 24 and 25. The experts ad- vised Vance against the use of force. They understood-as the Administration did not-that in the Iranian cultural context the use of force would only increase Iranian resistance to the point where resistance would become the means and end in itself, thus assuringthat thenhostages would never go free. The notion of resistance to ex- ternal forces is intricately meshed with the central mythology that motivates Iranian behavior and the Iranian view of the world. It is a mythology built around the struggle between the inside and the outside, the core and the periphery. IRANIAN HISTORY IS one of repeated invasions and conquests by external forces-from Alexander the Great and the Greeks to the Arabs and Ghengis Khan. In the 19th century the country was divided up between British and Russian domination, an era which Iranians believe was continued with American economic domination in more recent years. Yet in the periods between each foreign conquest, Iran asserted itself as a great and unique civilization which produced some of the world's greatest art, philosophy, literature, mathematics and architecture. Thus, as painted on the canvas of Iranian history this struggle bet- ween the inside and the outside is By William Beeman destructive forces of external conquerors and the reproductive forces of the internal core of Iranian civilization. The same pattern applies on the personal level as well as the historic one. For individual Iranians there is a very real sen- se that each person is engaged in a struggle between the pure and honest inner-soul and the exter- nal world and its corrupting desires. This constant struggle for the truth of the innermost being expresses itself in one of the principal aphorisms of Shi'i Islamic teachings: "Knowledge of self is knowledge of God." THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN inside and outside has also been encapsulated in the central myth of Shi's Islam, the martyrdom of Imam Hosein, grandson of the prophet Mohammad and third Imam of Shi's Moslems. The martyrdom is to Shi's Islam what the crucifixion is to Christians. Hosein's position as leader of the faith was usurped by the ruler of Damascus. But Hosein refused to give up his right to succession, and he and his followers were beseiged on the plains of Kerbala, a waterless area outside of Baghdad, by the forces of the caliph of Damascus, Yazid. Again he was ordered to pay homage to Yazid as leader of all Moslems, and again he refused. As a result, he and nearly all his male followers were drawn into battle and cut down on the plains. The story highlights two great religious figures who have come to represent two of the most cen- tral characteristics of Shi's Islam: osein, the uncom- promising strugglertagainst ex- ternal forces of tyranny and possessor of inner purity and strength; and his father, Ali, the second Imam who brought Sunni and Shi's Moslems together un- der a unified leadership. THE MARTYRDOM OF Hosein has been glorified over the centuries in elaborate and highly emotional mourning ceremonies, which are still con- ducted throughout the year in Iran. The ceremonies, in iolving chants and sometimes self- flagellation, are the most power- ful symbolic expression of that central cultural opposition bet- ween inside and outside; good and evil. The ceremonies glorify and demonstrate one's un- willingness to compromise with the external corrupting forces of the world, maintaining the pure inner-core of truth at all costs. In a very real sense, the Iranian revolution was played out as if it had taken place on the plains of Kerbala. The moral op- position between inner truth and external corruption became the leitmotif of the revolution. The Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers, like Hosein, refused to & ts$_vAstwityexternal forces. The chants of marching students during the revolution referred specifically to the mar- tyrdom of Hosein and encouraged direct identification with his death. Some chants declared flatly, "Iran has now become Kerbala." In this complex of symbolic imagery, the United States was identified with the external for- ces that brought about the death of Hosein. The late Shah, cast as an agent of U.S. power, occupied a symbolic role akin to the general of the caliph of Damascus who was directly responsible for the persecution of Hosein. SIMILARLY, KHOMEINI became an enormously complex symbol, combining the attributes of Ali, the great teacher and leader, with those of Hosein, the warrior, the person who will not compromise, the opponent of evil, external forces. Under this strong set of ideals, defeat and destruction are in- finitely preferable to yielding to force for Khomeini and his followers. Martyrdom is preferred to all other actions, takinga second place only to complete and utter victory. The occupiers of the U.S. em- bassy have identified themselves as "students following the line of the Imam," thus signalling that they felt their "hard line" on the hostage situation to be the correct line-the pure line of non- compromise. Once the hostages had been captured, to compromise on the conditions for their release was impossible if the line of the Imam were to be maintainead: Resisting U.S. efforts to force the studentsto yield or compromise was necessary to protect the in- tegrity of the original revolution. This view is widely shared by the Iranian public. Myth, symbol, cultural logic-they are all there, inex- tricably intertwined. Americans also live by our own myths and symbols, though Americans, and especially American diplomats, remain reluctant to consider that myths have any role in the grand drama of international policy. That failure to go beyond political and economic logic is the really basic human issues lies at the heart of America's failure in Iran. The author is an anthro- pologist at Brown University specializing in the Mideast. He wrote this article for Pacific News Service. Unsigned editorials appearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board I I I I I I I E . 1 I 1' .i 1F 0 ' I j i 5 _; Z i ; p /j(/ " S I 1 x . , .. w.. ,.._ ._, . ,., ,. _ ..._ r _ ti . k; d2 , . r~k - -e A~itai i .,V A, , 5 TT l '.d L _ r " f r f II' 33 RI R ..iAfR b RY .1A '.iT 3WV + !