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July 26, 1980 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-26

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 26, 1980-Page 7
Inmates renew violence

From AP and UPI
BOISE, Idaho-Inmates set small
fires and broke up cots in a temporary
cellblock and then charged in a mass of
300 at the acting warden and nine guar-
ds in renewed violence yesterday at the
riot-scarred Idaho State Penitentiary,
officials said.
Guards with automatic weapons
quelled the latest disturbance by firing
a fusillade of about 200 rounds into the
ground and over the heads of the
charging inmates.
inmates were forced to lie on the
ground, said Acting Warden L.D.
Earlier, a group of two dozen Idaho
inmates being transported to Montana
broke free in an airliner and tried un-
successfully to take it over.-

Two armed guards, backed up again-
st the cockpit, held the prisoners at bay
in the aisleof the twin-engine Convair
440 until the plane landed at Butte
where local police came aboard and
helped put down the rebellion after a
tense standoff.
WHEN THE PLANE landed, its door
was opened before it had come to a
stop. The plane crew and unarmed
prison personnel rushed off. "They're
all loose and they've got razor blades!"
the pilot shouted.
Bob Lee, of the Butte police, rushed
aboard carrying an automatic rifle.
"There was only one guard left on the
plane," he said.
up the aisle. They said guns didn't scare
them a bit and they were going to get off
the plane."

More policemen came aboard, and
when guard Phil Foster told the
prisoners, "put the cuffs back on or
we'll shoot you," they complied. They
were taken off the plane singly and
transported under heavy guard to the
Montana State Prison.
The prison disturbance occurred in a
makeshift cellblock, consisting of 13
National Guard tents, set up on the
prison athletic field after inmates
rioted Wednesday and Thursday.
Nearly all the cellblocks at the prison
south of Boise were destroyed in the
SMITH SAID HE and the guards went
into the temporary cellblock after in-
mates housed there started several
small fires and broke up their cots to
make clubs.
Smith said he ordered the fusillade
because the inmates were threatening
the guards' lives.
The inmates were "all coming at us
saying, 'You can't get out of here
either' and 'you can't kill all of us,"'
Smith said.
AFTE SMITH AND the nine wards

tions Director C.W. "Bill" Crowl for-
med a team of 50 National Guardsmen
and 30 guards to go into the tent
Crowl wanted the 80-member team to
line the inmates along a fence and pull
out 88 maximum-security inmates and
others believed to be ringleaders in the
But Crowl said the inmates agreed to
cooperate in the effort to take prisoners
out, so the 80-man team was placed on
standby. However, each guardsman
was given a rifle as part of what Crowl
called a "show of force."
"WE JUST HAVE to show them
who's in control," Crowl said.
Prison officials pulled inmates out a
few at a time, separating the
ringleaders and maximum-security
prisoners from the rest of the inmates,
who were sent bck into the temporary
Crowl said federal corrections of-
ficials from Salt Lake City, Kansas City
and San Francisco were at the Idaho
prison and would assign the 88 inmates
to federal facilities throughout the

2 Jordanian
hijackers give
up; passengers,
jetliner safe

KUWAIT (AP) - Two Jordanian
brothers who hijacked a Kuwaiti
jetliner surrendered at the airport here
yesterday and released unharmed the
40 people who remained aboard for
more than 24 hours as the plane flew
from country to country around the
Persian Gulf, the Kuwait News Agency
The hijackers, who had demanded
payment of a $750,000 debt, surrendered
without conditions, and authorities con-
fiscated guns, hand grenades and ex-
plosives from the pair, the agency said.
NEWS OF THE surrender came
minutes after Kuwait Radio announced
that the pilot and co-pilot had managed
to slip away from their captors and
reach safety in the airport. The radio
said security forces immediately
surrounded the plane and claimed to
have complete control. w
The hijgckers, believed to be Arabs
demanding payment of a 1750,000 debt,
seized the Kuwait Airways Boeing 737
on a flight Thursday from the Lebanese
capital of Beirut to Kuwait.
They released all 37 women and
children aboard when they landed in
Kuwait for 90 minutes Thursday night.
The plane then went to Bahrain, where
it refueled, and returned to Kuwait air-
port. It set off for the Iranian oil
refining city of Abadan, 60 miles north
of Kuwait across the top of the Persian
Gulf, and spent seven hours there
before flying to Tehran, according to
Tehran Radio.
Bani-Sadr ordered Tehran's Mehrabad
Airport closed,' preventing the
hijackers from landing, and they came

back to Kuwait for a third and final
Kuwait Radio and Iran's official news
agency Pars said there were four
hijackers. Pars said they identified
themselves as Palestinians. Abadan
Radio said two passengers were
released in the oil refining city and
were taken to a hospital after feeling
The hijackers were reported to have
threatened to blow up the plane unless
they got the $750,000, which they said
was owed them by a Kuwaiti merchant.
Kuwait's director general of security,
Col. Mohammed Kabandi, identified
two of the hijackers Thursday as two
Jordanian brothers, Youssef and
°Khalaf Ahmed-Moufleh, who had been
deported from Kuwait last year for
issuing bad checks.
Fatma Faqih, a Kuwaiti journalist
among the women released from the
plane in Kuwait Thursday night, wrote
in her newspaper Al-Anbaa that the
hijackers said they would free their
captives and then blow up the aircraft if
their demands were not met.
The released passengers said the
hijackers were armed with pistols and
We can't
waste it.

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An adult tail of murder, mystery,
and forbidden love.
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