The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 26,1980-Page 3
Local Scene
The street life of JohnnyWhite
By NICK KATSARELAS soled work shoes. Casually, he takes a quart of Colt 45 strikes some bottles. "This is a good one," he says,
It is 4:00 a.m. on Friday morning. Central campus from the trash can, strips off the moist paper bag, referring to his lucky find: He salvages about 10 bot-
is almost deserted. Eight hours earlier, throngs of and shakes the remaining contents onto the street. He ties and cans, and counts off their value as he with-
art fair visitors stampeded through the streets, places the bottle in a black, bulky, plastic bag at his draws each from the container.
leaving behind a carpet of crushed paper cups, feet. Replacing the top of the garbage can, he grabs AT THIS POINT, he decides that introductions are
napkins, wrappers, and other trash. the bag, then walks slowly to the next trash con- in order between himself and his curious follower. He
The corner of State and Liberty Streets is veiled in tainer. extended his arm.
an eerie cloak of white as the early morning mist dif- "Sho', I make some money doin' this," he says. His "M' name's Johnny White." His stubby, calloused
fuses the light from the street lamps. Security guards voice is gravelly, and his speech is slurred. He smells fingers grasp tightly into a firm handshake.
keep a sleepy eye over the vacated booths and sit on of alcohol. "Sometime, I make, you know, four or five Johnny has been up since 3:00 a.m. collecting bot-
lawn chairs, huddling against a brisk wind. dollars." tles "so I can get me some smokes."
Gently he removes the domed top on the next trash DESPITE THE EARLY morning calm that settled
UNDER THE MARQUE of the State Theater, a container. His wrinkled brown-plaid shirt is grimy over the city, Johnny says he doesn't like Ann Arbor
small, rumpled man stoops over a trash can. His from dozens of trash cans. He reaches into the con-
baggy grease-stained pants droop onto dirty thick- tainer and slowly sifts through the heap until his hand See JOHNNY Pages
conclu es as
Mathes takes
witness stand
Special to Te Daily
DETROIT-As two weeks of involved
and painstaking testimony in Jonathan
Marwil's suit against the University
concluded yesterday, U.S. District
Judge Philip Pratt, presiding over the
trial, joked, "I think I'm almost
qualified for tenure on this one."
Pratt, after receiving closing sum-
mar' briefs from attorneys for Marwil
and the University in the next three
weeks, will decide whether to
grant Marwil a court-ordered tenure
IN TESTIMONY yesterday,
Loomis and Dwight Steven-
son-seeking a court-mandated tenure
THE UNIVERSITY contends ap-
plicable University-wide policies on
contract termination were followed in
Marwil's case, that no assistant
professor at any time is automatically
entitled to a tenure review, and that
department administrators were
justified in terminating Marwil's con-
tract because of his detrimental effects
on the department.
Administrative committee members
have cited what they alleged to be
Marwil's frequently intemperate and
contentious behavior, as well as
quesionbleschlarl prducionandUniversity Information Services Photo
questionable scholarly production andl
worsening student evaluations, as the New television star
reasons for their concern about
Marwil's effect on the humanities CBS-TV recently filmed a feature with University physics Prof. Gabriel
department. Weinreich (left). The story, about Weinreich's research on the acoustical
properties of violins is scheduled to appear in the August 2 broadcast of
See TESTIMONY, Page 14 "Universe," a program anchored by Walter Cronkite.
First week turn-out ligt
Draft registration continued yesterday as Ann Arbor men and 2,657 20-year-olds living in Ann Arbor. The 1976
born in 1960 who had not registered earlier in the week went census for the state of Michigan indicates an overall
to their local post offices. But turn-out for this "substitution population growth rate of 3.5 per cent for the Ann Arbor area
day" was no heavier than the turn-out earlier this week. since 1970. Using that figure, an estimated 2,745 20-year-olds
"About 45 men had registered last time I checked," said live within the city limits of Ann Arbor.
Nickels Arcade post office manager Elton Moehn late According to Selective Service officials, approximately
yesterday afternoon. "Our average has been 53 per day, and two million men nationwide are required to register at any of
we should hit that before we close." the nation's 34,500 post offices during each week of the
ACCORDING TO DEAN Richards, manager of the post of- program. "If you combine the number of post offices with our
fice on Stadium Blvd., a total of 755 men had registered this staggered registration system and do a little simple arith-
week as of 5 p.m. Thursday. metic, you'll figure out that only nine or 10 people per day
statistics regarding the number of registration-age males must register at each post office," explained Joe Foley,
living in the Ann Arbor area are sketchy. According to'o1970 Assistant for Congressional Relations at the Selective Ser-
U.S. Government Census figures, there are 2,562 19-year-olds See TURN-OUT, Page 9
Engineering Humanities Department
Chairman J.C. Mathes said Marwil
was never told he had the right to a
tenure review in his sixth year as an
assistant professor in the department.
Marwil charges members of the
humanities department administrative
committee violated department and
College policies and customs when they
denied him a tenure review after he
had served on the faculty for six
years and when they chose before his
contract was completed not to reap-
point him.
The 40-year-old former assistant
professor, who has been off the Univer-
sity payroll since May 31, 1979, is suing
the Regents and three humanities
department administrative committee
members-Mathes and Profs. Ralph