Page 2-Saturday, July 26, 1980-The Michigan Daily Chattanooga officials let blackellmntses patrol lt ieetinshna bonfire From AP and UPI CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.-Hoping to avoid more violence, city officials agreed yesterday to let black ministers and black volunteers replace riot- equipped police who have been patrolling Alton Park, a predominantly black area that has been the site of racial disturbances. Fire and Police Commissioner Walter Smart agreed to a proposal by civil rights leader the Rev Jesse Jackson, who told an overflow crowd at Westside Baptist Church, "We don't want them (the police) to have an ex- cuse to come in here trigger-happy." POLICE SET UP a mobile command post about five blocks from the area where officers stood ready to move in. Police were ordered yesterday to hold their gunfire to an "absolute minimum" to prevent escalation of the three days of racial strife that has resulted in the shooting of eight policemen and a rash of firebombings here. Officials said there had been 46 arrests, 70 fire calls, and ap- proximately $200,000 in fire damage since trouble began Tuesday after an all-white jury acquitted two Ku Klux Klansmen and gave a lenient sentence to a third for the shooting of four black women. OFFICERS SEALED OFF the black Alton Park neighborhood where the policemen were peppered with shotgun Thursday night, and Mayor Pat Rose banned the sale of firearms, am- munition, and gasoline in hand-held containers. Rose also extended a dusk-to-dawn curfew which he first imposed Thur- sday at the urging of police. Police Commissioner Walter Smart told officers to take whatever action necessary to protect themselves but cautioned against overreaction. "I CAN'T GIVE them specific in- structions in this area," Smart said, "but they have been instructed to hold their fire to the absolute minimum because any injuris could escalate the situation." Meanehile, black leaders accused Rose of insensitivity after a local newspaper ran a photograph of him carrying a pistol during racial distur- bances here. A front-page picture in The Chat- tanooga Times yesterday showed Rose with a pistol under his belt in Alton. Park. Rose said, however, that he picked up the pistol from a policeman wounded in the stomach during Thur- sday night's disburbances in the areas and returned the officer's weapon before leaving. John Hollowayn, member of a black coalition and local moderator of Operation PUSH-People United To Save Humanity-described the mayor's photograph as "the most provocative thing I've ever seen. Tender loving care ward You're a male patient in the cardiac intensive care unit of Victory Hospital in Waukegan, Ill. A Playboy bunnie approaches your bed, tucks a napkin', under your chin, and feeds you chicken Saltimbocca. The special service is part of a gourmet food program that was pioneered eight months ago by hospital food service director Terry Lowe. "Of course," he said, "the cardiac patients were examined and found to be able to take any extra excitement" the bunnies might lave caused. Chef Charlie Mays from the Chicago Playboy Club was at the hospital with his favorite chicken recipe and four bunnies to help serve it Tuesday. "Everyone at the hospital got the special chicken dish," Lowe said. "This is the first time Playboy bunnies helped serve the patients, and they were a big hit. We'll continue the program indefinitely. 1On the outside The weather bureau says skies will be partly cloudy today with after- noon temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s. Happenings SATURDAY FILMS AAFC-Drums Along the Mohawk, 7 p.m.; Young Mr. Lincoln, 9 p.m., MLB 4. MISCELLANEOUS Japan Club-Fifth Annual Japanese Festival, 6-10 p.m., Regents Plaza. Michigan Theatre-Theatre organ concerts and theater tours, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m., 603 E. Liberty. Spectrum Psychological Services-Second Annual summer mini- conference, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 6869 Marshall Rd., Dexter. MONDAY FILMS Michigan Media Summer Film Showcase-More, Ecology: Barry Com- moner's View, Where Did The Colorado Go?, Act of Congress, 7:-30 p.m., ML3. PERFORMANCES Pendleton Arts Ctr.-Nadi Qamar, "Techniques of Tuning and Playing the Mama Lekflnbi," 3-6 p.m., 2d floor, Union. Musical Society-Grant Johannesen, pianist, 8:30 p.m., Rackham. MISCELLANEOUS Lesbian Gay Male Health Professionals-lesbian/gay male V.D. clinic, 7-10 p.m., Health Service Emergency rm. Veterans Administration/American Cancer Society-First session ofds Veterans Administration/American Cancer Society-First session of a four-week stop smoking clinic, 4-5 p.m., VA Medical Ctr., 2215 Fuller.. The Michigan Daily (ISPS 344-900) Volume XC, No. 47-S Saturday, July 26,1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and 'Field Newspaper Syndicate. News room: (313) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764- 0558; Classified advertising: 764-0557; Display advertising: 764-0554; Billing: 764-0550; Composing Room: 764-0556. Editors-in-Chief ....... TOM MIRGA Business Manger..ROSEMARY WICKOWIi EditorialPaeEdito HOWARD MIT Displey Manager ... KATHLEEN CULVER Edioril Pge ditr. . NICK Clasified Manager .... AIDA EISENSTAT AREL Circulation Manager.. TERRY REDDING Arts Editor .... . . . . . . MARK COLEMAN Sports Editor ...... MARK MHANOVIC Ad Coordinator.. E. ANDREW PETERSEN Executive-ports Editor ... SCOTT LEWIS BUSINESS STAFF: Barbara Forslund, NEWS STAFF WRITERS: Sara Anspach, Kristina Peterson, Roberta Zais. Maureen Fleming, Joyce Frieden, Bonnie Jureen, Geoff Olns, Elaine Rdeout SPORTS STAFF WRITERS: Dan Conlin, Mitch Stuart, Kevin Tottis Tony Glinke, Cathy Landis, Buddy PHOTO STAFF: Paul Engstrom, David Moorehouse, Jon Moreland, Joanne Harris, Jim Kruz Schneider, Drew Sharp, Jon Wells I I I I s Jury ponders case of robbery of aliens TUCSON, Ariz. (APj - A federal Hanigan, 26, and Thomas Hanigan, 23 jury sifted through piles of testimony - are accused of robbing the three and evidence yesterday as it attempted Mexicans as the group crossed the to reach a verdict in the case of two Hanigan ranch near Douglas, Ariz. The brothers charged with robbing three Mexicans testified that they had Mexican aliens who were seeking work crossed the border illegally. in the United States. The Hanigans are charged with rob- Members of a Hispanic and civil bery affecting interstate commerce, rights coalition kept a vigil at the under a federal law usually used to federal courthouse. The National fight organized crime. Coalition on the Hanigan Case has The jury of eight women and four monitored the trial, after taking credit men began deliberating late Thursday for bringing about the federal afternoon, four weeks after the trial prosecution. began. THE TWO brothers - Patrick BEFORE HANDING the case to jurors, U.S. District Judge Richard Bilby read them an explanation of their duties and details of the Hobbs Act, un- der which the Hanigans were charged. Government officials said the law was used in the case because the Mexicans were allegedly robbed as they were on their way to seek work at a southeastern Arizona farm engaged in d 4. interstate commerce. EVERY , POPM, The three Mexicans are Manuel Gar- OFFCOVER cia Loya, 28, Eleazar Ruelas Zavala, 28, GREATLYREDUCEDPRICESON and Bernabe Herrera Mata, 22, who ALL BEVERAGES S"" '-T said they illegally crossed the border west of Douglas, Ariz., on Aug. 18, 1976.