Page 12-Wednesday, July 2 1986h-The Aichigan Daily 4 Quad. 76-0404. OA72 tments. all occupancy. neat, water, and parking included. Rent $317.663-4101. 50C726 Own room available in a modern two bedroom apt. Rent is $180.00/mo., includes heat, water, and AUDIOPRO subwoofer, DCM Time Window parking. Cats allowed, pleasant atmosphere. 5 speakers, Pioneer 12-band 9800 EQ. 764-0441, 761- blocks from central campus, 10 minute walk to 8166. 53B726 Frieze Bldg. Call994-0465after 4:00. - dC731 MUST SELL-Brand new wicker, light brown, In Plymouth-disabled doctor will provide living towel stand, $20; McCall's recipe card set, new, quarters for male working days in health field or value at $20; Artcarved ring, yellow and white student thereof in exchange for periodic physical gold with diamond chips between bands, bargain assistance & finance. Call between 1 & 5 p.m. 455- at $125. Call Kermit at 769-7824 between 4:30 and 5007. 49C724 6:00p.m., ONLY, PLEASE, thank you. dBtc COMING UP: New efficiencies and one bedrooms 1 SET OF 14" SNOW TIRES, 7.50 to 7.75 with rims at low summer rates, many with fall options. Fur- for Ford. Tread is in good condition. $25. Call Mr. nished, air conditioning, parking. Right on campus.. Erl at 663-8244. d Please inquire McKinley Properties, 769-8520 ext. 41 and ask about Tiffany Apartments. 4C0802 SUMMER STORAGE-clean, private units from NEW HOMES-FALL $14/month 1 mile from U-M football stadium. Stow New homes with fireplace, three or four bedrooms,. Away Self-Storage. 769-0119. cC816 2 car garage with automatic opener, full basement, KEEP COOL. Rent a room air conditioner. Also wood deck, use of tennis court & pool. Approx. rentals of TV's & Stereos. HiFi Studio, 215 S. 1% miles from campus. Dahlmann Apartments, Ashley, Ann Arbor, 48108,769.0342. cCtc 543iChurch,761-7600. c~tc A 1 F 6 J c 10 C 13 N 15 C 16 C S 17 N w 18 V S 20 L 21 23 V 24 C 26 F 28 29 31 F 33 34 C 36 F 38 1 40 43 45 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe © 1980 Los Angeles Times Syndicate iCROSS 47 Sultan's cousin 9 Raccoon-like laming 50 Of an age carnivore ockey's 52 Prefix meaning 10 Flat-bottomed oncern "sawlike" fishing boat boll. degree 53 Persian fairies 11 Life's work Von-voters 55 Finished 12 Parish officer Donglomeration 57 Sunday talks: 14 RR stops )wn, in Abbr. 19 Scouts' rendez- cotland 58 - Earhart vous lorman Rock- 60 Of grandparents 22 Actor Erwin fell, for one 62 Calendar abbr. 25 Former Julture-hawk of 63 Restaurateur's 27 On the blue S. America concern 30 Concerns of Letter 65 Men in uniform 6 Down of Eden", 67 High season, in 32 Noun suffixes Was agog St. Tropez 35 Place Darnel 68 Entertainer 37 Angers Promenade for Adams 39 Flying prefix Plato 69 Wall Street 41 Place for a chat Set in motion figure 42 Penthouse Containers of 70 Tango number, features a type in Toledo 44 - of time Heavenly bear 71 Bird features 46 Lee and Jackie, Combustible 72 Kind of circle for example heap 47 - out Civetlike DOWN (freaked) animals 1 As - of fact 48 Blood: Prefix Printer's concern 2 Shoot! 49 Alpine features nsoluble 3 Saver's savor 51 Bulgarian coin powder used in 4 Louis, for one 54 Ambulance gas mantles 5 Irish adjunct Without 6 Popular TV" 56 Engrossed guidance characters 59 Attache Word with wings 7 He has: Fr. 61 Lady's consort or works 8 Titles of 64 Pen point Continuity respect 66 Gibbon houses occasionally available. Children & small petswelcome. 65-3116. Have a sharein a community, ect CAMPUS-FALL EFFICIENCIES & 1 BEDROOMS We stil have a few modern, furnished apartments starting at $285 month for next Fal. Stop by or call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church, at South University,761-780. ecCt THE NEW GREEN TERRACE $200 REBATE ONLY 3 LEFT FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 1, 1980 Security deposit as low as $6o. Large one and two bedroom apartments with new carpet, new drapes, new pool, 1% baths. Near EMU and St. Joseph's Hospital. Within easy com- muting distanc to U of 5. From 25 per month including gas and heat and cable TV before rent credit. MODEL/OFFICE 43-7300 772GREENROAD,NO. 106 YPSILANTI Mon.-Fri.9a.m.-5p.m. Sat.11la.m.-3p.m. FALLLEASESNOWBEINGSIGNED Take Huron River Drive to LeForge, north on LeForgeto Green Road to models. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS eCtc Modern two beroom furnished apartments. Fall oc- cupancy. Two blocks to Diag. Heat, water, and parkingincluded.63-4101. 510726 PE RSONA L MOST COPIES-3t-overnight Ann Arbor's lowest copy prices Accu-Copy, 402 Maynard, 769-8338. cFtc WE GIVE A 15% DISCOUNT on contact lens prepa- rations. VILLAGE APOTHECARY, 1112S. Univer- sity Avenue. 2cFtc BOWLING The Michigan Union Bowling Lanes are now open Wednesdays through Sundays, 4-11 p.m. Come bowl a game. Bring a friend! MICHIGAN UNION cFtc AUTO OWNERS ... pay less for a first-quality muffler, and still get a Lifetime Guarantee! Call for a price over the phone ... 769-5913, Ann Arbor Muffler on Jackson Ave. lcFtc EVENINGS IN THE UNION Tonight the Union is proud to present the Lipa Folklore Ensemble, Washtenaw Community College Poets Association, Steve Osborn's Classical Guitar Music, and the U-M International Folk Dance Group. The fun begins at 7:0 and will continue until midnight. $1.00 cover for non-University affiliates. Open to the public. Refreshments and beverages available. THE MICHIGAN UNION cF723 OFFSET AND-XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217S. University cFtc ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE APB 0 0 C L A ES S D L EMMAS LE PT IITAONTL AFB T HINO UT N E V L A D AVER T A G NI SB Y L EX E A BE T S LA NA I TU R NER S A DD S PO OL SAI C V A SES DO NA C V LA ST I NG R EI MI NO US M A SMANALESRED DE PO0T E BEN S 063-7151 Specializigincustom engagement & wedding rings cFc, PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miler, 973-9764. cFtc T RANSPOR T ION WANTED DESPERATELY-RIDE to Methuen, MA. Leave immediately.dG BABYSITTER WANTED-My home, Burns Park. 1Shrs. per week. Semi-flexible.6624904. 0H72 COMPUTER PEOPLE We're helping many companies in the area fill a variety of permanent, shorter-term and consulting positions, and we want to talk to people looking to apply their experience in either applications or system software in commercial, scientific, realtime so engineering areas. Wed also like to talk to tech- nicalwriters and experienced people for sales, tech support and marketing of hardware, software and services, and to digital designers and tech- nicians. We're knowledgeable, and we think you'll like working with us. Call, mail in your resume, or drop in, and we'll give you an idea of how we can workwithyou. SOFTWARESERVICESCORP. 320N. Main, AnnArbor 48104 994-044 cHtc TEACHER-Hebrew Day School of Ann 4bor. Half-time position for kindergarten, combined third/ fourth grade Judaic studies. Previous teaching " experence preferred.973-2593. 41H723 SCHOOL DIRECTOR-Hebrew Day School of Ann Arhor. Required administrator, half-time position forsmall elementary school. School teaching experi- ence, strong secular and Jewish educational back- ground, commitment to religious Jewish education. 973-2593. 4H723 ACTIVISTS Work with the State's largest consumer organization, Michigan Citizen's Lobby is seeking outgoing and politically motivated individuals to work full-time summer positions. Work involves canvassing, petitioning, and fundraising for a variety of statewide economic issues. Opportunities for advancement. For an interview call 663-6824 bet- ween 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. only. cH730 ANDERSON FOR PRESIDENT-Office needs vol- unteers. 107 N. Main. Call Lisa 663-3095/Sue 971-0266. 56H726 BUSINE SS SERVICES I WRITINGSERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing. Research. Experienced. Professional. 996-566. cJtc SITUATIONS WANTED WILLTEACH elementary school age child to swim foruse of car. 764-4787. 570724 Work wanted: Vietnam veteran, agent orange victim with cerebral palsy child, needs work until August 6 due to suspension from Postal Service after 15 years as a carrier. I will do painting, strm clean-up, lawn work, and general work. $7/hour. 62-2183 days before4pem. 520726 Looking for companions for backpacking trip to California in second half of August. Call (313) 646- 051 evenings. 55P725 Drive away to California, VW, need responsible per- son(s). Tony, 764-1404 from B-4,662-1208 after 4. 54P726 SUBLET SUBLETAUGUST-withfalloption. Beautiful, large one bedroom apartment. Close to campus-2 blocks to hospital. 915 E Ann Apt. No. 2. Call Jim at 994-3726 orstopby. 58U726 Use Daily Classifieds I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 189 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 32 3 - 34 35 36 37 38, 39 401 2 43 44 56 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6 70 71 72