The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 23, 1980-Page 13 Artists, merchants vie for attention By JOYCE FRIEDEN Ann Arbor merchants have spent the past few weeks preparing for the Art Fair, and many of them expect business to boom despite the current economic hardships facing the-greater Detroit area. "I think business will be*better because of the recession," said Athlete's Shop manager Bruce Johnson. "People realize that there are good deals to be found at the Art Fair, and they may be saving up extra money just to spend at the fair." THE ATHLETE'S SHOP will have several tables of merchandise for sale at the fair, including swimming apparel, shorts, wrist bands, and head bands. Checkmate Clothing Store manager Chan Sneyd has a different reason for being optimistic about sales at the event. "People know they are getting things at cost, but more importantly, they always need clothes. On the other hand, I doh't know how the artists will do .(financially) because of the recession," he said. Hor- ning plans to display several tables of orr-sale jeans and tops outside his store. Border's Bookstore employees said the store has donated their sidewalk-space to artists, although there will be a framing sale inside. ON SOUTH UNIVERSITY, merchants have mixed. feelings about the fair. "Our business usually triples," said llaskin-Robbins assistant manager Greg Lotz. "Of course, if it rains, it goes down con- siderably," he added. Baskin-Robbins usually puts a cart of ice-cream sandwiches outside its door, and Lotz said, in previous years, the cart has sold out in one day. "I think people are being more careful about what they buy-they no longer spend their money on so many frivilous things," said Melissa Larsen, saleswoman at Logo's bookstore. According to Lar- sen, last year's big sellers included wind chimes and soaps such as those formed to look like hamburgers or fruit. LARSEN EXPLAINED THAT although the store has hired extra help for previous art fairs, there were no plans to do so this year. See MERCHANTS, Page 18 South University Art Fair holds artist demonstration By TOM MIRGA Art education has been an integral component of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair since its inception in 1959. An equally important foci of the event has been the maintainance of a "one-to- one" relationship between creators of works of art and art patrons. Both goals will be promoted at this year's fair by 23 artists who will give fairgoers a first-hand look at the creative process, and hopefully, new insights to the meaning behind a finished piece. _ACCORDING TO RoseAnna Tendler Worth, who has coordinated demon- strations for the fair, the creative exhibits have always been a vital part of the event. "They go back to its very beginning, and I feel its one of the fair's strongest points," she said. "People are very interested in how things are made. That's why, when arranging the demonstrations, I tried to get as broad a range of media as possible." Tendler Worth said the demon- strating artists are a unique group. "For me, it was a matter of finding them, not choosing them," she ex- plained. "Choosing indicates a flood of applicants for the positions. Finding in- dicates not many of them are around. "First," she continued, "they fiave to be interested. Second, they have to be comfortable talking to and explaining things to spectators. They're a special group of people, they put in so much ex- tra work. And they aren't paid for all the time that has to be put in to preparing for the demonstrations." TENDLER WORTH SAID the demonstrations will take place throughout the fair at corner booths of a section of exhibits. "One corner, the one housing the glass blowing demon- stration, will be larger than the rest to accommodate the crowds," she said. "It has always been very popular. It's one of the most visually entertaining demonstrations and has attracted See ART, Page 17 Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ T-SHIRTS, ALWAYS a popular item at any summer event, were readily available at last year's art fair. Not only does the fair provide opportunities for artists to display and sell their work, but it also allows a wide variety of merchants to market their wares. Women's SPEEDOS Start at $3.00! Up to50% SAVINGS on selected 'M' items, Danskin, men's tennis wear, warm-ups, shoes, women's swimsuits FAIR HOURS: Open 'til S8, 8:30-Wednesday and Friday S6 pm-Thursday, Saturday sport S'Jto4 Complete Athletic Outfitters 711 N. University - 668-691 S 902 S. State-668-7296 RESTAURANT PUB FOOD & SPIRITS at SOUTH UNIVERSITY and FOREST STREETS