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July 23, 1980 - Image 16

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-23

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Page 8-Wednesday, July 23, 1980- ., Michigan Daily
Police help alleviate
Art Fair problems

(Continued from Page 4)
busy during the night providing
coverage of high-risk crime areas in
town, so artists and vendors at the fair
will be resonsible for the security of
their exhibits.
ANN. ARBOR POLICE patrols will
probably be busiest when performing in
the service capacity, the police
spokesman said. Some examples of the
police services are:
" Calling ambulances via radio;
" Performing first aid;.
" Towing obstructing vehicles;
" Recoverinmg stolen property;
Join The Daily

* and mediating arguments.
During the Art Fair, the police said,
"most of the people are in a good
mood ... you probably have fewer or
the same number of problems in the Art
Fair per square foot than you do in the
city as a whole."
becomes, however, the harder it is for
police officers to do their jobs, the
spokesman said, "We would recom-
mend against it getting too much
bigger," he said.
"Besides overtime pay, "there's a lot
of hidden costs" in police protection of
the Art Fair. For example, he said,
there are 25-50 more traffic accidents
than-usual during the fair as compared
to another four-day period.

THIS PAPER LADY, hawking copies of last year's Daily Art Fair
Supplement, stands under the Graceful Arch. She was created by an artist in
the Artists and Craftsmen Guild.
'U' guild caters to
student, local artists

(Continuedfrom Page7)
waiting lists of the Ann Arbor Street Art
YET, STUDENTS WHO decide at the
last minute to sell their art or don't get
into the fair, can still be seen hawking
their work on the Diag. Without peddlers
licenses, they often are removed by
police. At times, they will buy spots on
the properties of commercial
businesses and residential homes in the


When you've trudged through the ART FAIR
all day,
And your appetite cries, "Lead the way!"
Do not tarry or ponder
The League's just a-step yonder
With treats hard to beat for the pay.
on North University & Ingalls
Next to HillAuditorium & Burton Tower
For a snack or a meal in a cool, quiet, con-
venient University building where the staff
extends a warm welcome to Art Fair exhib-
itors and visitors.

" k
The Little League Snack Bar t
Lower level-open
Lunch 11:30-1:15
Dinner 5:00-7:15
Send your League Limerick to:
Manager, Michigan League
227 South Ingalls
You will receive 2 free dinner tickets if your
limerick is used on one of our ads.

fair area for a higher fee than the
Guild's exhibition fee.
Many students see no direct shuttle
from art school to job opportunities in
the professional field. In an effort to
bridge that gap, Welford said, the Guild
introduces the first-time student
exhibitor to the commercial aspect of
their profession, helping them bring
their work up to marketing level.
To screen out the more tommercial
work, the Guild has a set of rules with
which its members must comply before
exhibiting. Their final selection is
neither random nor testimony to a
singular definition of art, according to
the Guild's standards proposal. The ar-
twork must be-original and handmade
from start to finish, thus eliminating
those who might truck loads of han-
dmade pottery from Mexico, for exam-
ACCORDING TO THE standard, in
order to prevent artists from mass
producing articles, which would force
the other artists to compete with
machine made reproductions, any
machinery used is required to lend it-
self to the handcrafted appearance of
the obuject.
Photographers may sell prints from
a non-comniercial photo, but fine ar-
tists are not allowed to sell prints or of-
fsets of their work unless they have
done the printing themselves. The pr-
inting process must be one such as et-
ching or lithography where the prints
are the originals, Mellis said.
This policy precludes artists who
work in a medium-unsuitable to com-
mercial marketing from bringing
saleable work to the fair.





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