Page 6-Wednesday, July 23,1980-The Michigan Daily Bus schedule tentative as talks continue By ELAINE RIDEOUT As negotiations between striking transit workers and the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) con- tinue to break down, it is becoming less and less likely the buses will be run- ning by fair time. "It's unlikely the shuttle will be run- ning," Ron Ricciardi, marketing coor- dinator at AATA said at press time Monday. "But," he added hastily, "you never know about these things-you have to stay optimistic." IF THE AATA and striking members of the Transportation Employees Union (TEU) should reach an agreement by Wednesday, shuttle buses will service parking lots at Briarwood, Pioneer High School, the Plymouth-Green shopping center, and Arborland. In ad- dition, according to Ricciardi, another bus run will circlethe fair. However, a free double-decker bus will shuttle fair-goers from Briar- wood's east and west entrances down- town regardless of whether or not AATA workers are still on strike. The bus will run from 1-9 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, and 1-7 p.m. Saturday. Pickups will be at a quarter-before and quarter-after the hour. Elaine Kah, promotional assistant of the Briarwood Merchants Association, said the association rented the bus for $1100. She said the bus will provide sup- port to the downtown area and tran- sportation to and from the Briarwood Festival of Fine Arts held Wednesday through Sunday. According to Kah, another shut- tiedecker is available for rent. But John Spade of the Main Street Business Association said he knows of no down- town organizations planning to take the responsibility of providing transpor- tation to the Art Fair. ~1 I I I Bovine passenger This plastic cow stares much like a plastic cow would be expected to do during last year's art fair. Animal sculptures were quite popular at the fair, and are expected to makea return appearance this week. r BIG AULHO RS Your Single Source of Supply Your BIG Store SERVICES AVAILABLE * Professional Parts People Overnight Service for Hard-To-Get Parts 0 Exclusive Big A brands & other top quality lines e Stocking programs' * Dealer Technical Training Clinics * Manufacturers Representative Support * Complete machine shop service-total rebuilding guaranteed v Complete line of Walker Service equipment At BIG A1 You're our No. 1 Customer BIG P, SERVICE LINE HAS OVER 15,000 QUALITY ITEMS Art Fair originated as local business venture (Continued from Pages5) who will be asked to return the next year. Attempting to maintain quality fairs also led area associations to limit the number of artists allowed to set up displays. The State Street Art Fair has remained the smallest of the three with approximately 175 participants per year. The Ann ArbortStreet Fair decided in 1965 to limit the number of artists in its festival to 250. The Sum- mer Arts Festival, which is the largest, invites more than 530 artists to par- ticipate in its annual event. Anan Arbor's Oldest & Finest Natural Foods Restaurant 314 E. Liberty " 662-2019 Open 7 days a week. 6 I 0 4 Big "A" Auto Parts 121 N. Ashley Ann Arbor 663-9381 Big "A" Auto Parts 1047 Mich. Ave. Ypsilanti 482-2310 ..._ -l