The Michigan Doily W-6dnes'dciy, Aii{ 23; lheĀ£r=PFtig e 3 R p ' -- - ------- or The St et THE CROWDS, THE heat, the side-walk sales, street vendors, and of course, South University Ann Arbor Street Art-Fair (pictured above) is one of three the artists. Every July Ann Arbor is overrun with artists and tourists alike fairs that make up the total Ann Arbor Art Fair. when the annual art phenomena-the Ann Arbor Art Fair--takes place. The Fair metamorphosizes By LISA CRUMRINE and MARY HALLER Every summer towards the end of July, the fairly quiet streets of Ann Ar- bor metamorphosize as hundreds of ar- tists set up shop, and hawk their wares to crowds of tourists who flock to the four-day three-fair extravaganza-The Ann Arbor Art Fair. The fair originated 21 years ago in the South University shopping district as a commercial scheme to promote area business. It has since become a nationally-known event drawing professional and amateur artists from across the country. ARTISTS ARE JURIED not only before the fair, but also during the four- day exhibition. These requirements enable the fair to maintain its level of quality and make it worthwhile for both artist and customers, according to Bob Foster, a member of the Mayor's Art Fair Committee. "We want an art fair as good as the May Festival (a local en- tertainment fair)," he said. Young and old artists are represented at the South University fair. The senior citizens booth and the Ann Arbor high schools' section, offer both groups an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. Meandering through the maze of spectators, an Art Fair shopper may notice that many of the impressive ob- jects d'art carry equally impressive price tags-some of the works may be out of the average Art Fair browser's price range. According to Foster, galleries and manufacturing com- panies scout the fair an- nually-sometimes buying an artist's entire selection of wares. ALL ANN ARBOR Street Fair work is guaranteed by the fair committee which keeps records of each artist's-art fair location and home address in case defects are discovered or a buyer wishes to purchase additional art work. While the booths on South and East University comprise a fair in them- selves, two other fairs also await art shoppers. The State Street Art Fair, a short walk through the engineering arch and across the Diag from South University, was founded in 1968 as an alternative to the heavily-juried Street Art Fair. Of- fering local and Michigan artists an op- portunity to exhibit, it has evolved into a more selective event with acceptance based on the "merit" of the art work, according to a State Street Association spokesperson. ASSOCIATION MEMBERS CLAIM this method of selection allows them "To maintain the high quality and variety that has become synonomous with the State Street Area Art Fair throughout the years." The State Street selection committee looks for originality and balance of media when choosing artwork for the fair. Yet, art in this fair may be more affordable than in the South University fair. State Street displays in- clude-besides paintings, pottery, and drawing-fiber arts, photography, jewelry, glass work, graphics, basket weaving, and hand-made musical in- struments. Competing with the artist for atten- tion are the merchants, whose "bargain days" coincide with Art Fair dates. Sidewalk sales and sale tables abound as stores clean out their invenitories and slash prices on summer merchandise. ART AT THE fair is not only con- tained in booths lining the streets; a major part of Art Fair days is made up of entertainment.- Several dance troupes and instrumental performan- ces are scheduled throughout the fair and provide an opportunity to escape the mainstream of traffic. One group, Ann Arbor Circus Productions, will per- form in the State Street area during the day and in the Michigan Theatre at night. Folk dancers and musical groups sponsored by Eclipse Jazz also will per- form in front of the Union. The youngest of the three fairs, the See ARTISTS, Page 5 The Michigan Daily ART FAIR GUIDE EDITORIAL STAFF Editors Elaine Rideout Kevin Tottis Adyertising Barbara Forslund Photographers Paul Engstrom Jim Kruz STAFF WRITERS: Mark Coleman, Lisa Crumirine. Joyce Frieden. Anne Gadon. Su- zaane Gottlieb. Mary Haller. Bonnie Juran. Nick Katsarelas. Susan McCreight. Tom Mirga. JoshuaM. Pek. Maryem Rafani. Mitch Stuart. Cover photograph by David Harris