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July 23, 1980 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-23

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labric sculpture
Artists Bob Vandervennet (left) of Union Lake and Jeff Zischke (right) of Walled Lake erect their sculpture yesterday
in front of the Michigan Union. The artwork, made of 18 pieces of colored fabric and hundreds of feet of rope, was com-
missioned by the Ann Arbor Artists and Craftsmen Guild for this week's art fair.
College costs to increase

this fall,
From AP and UPI
The cost of higher education is going
up again this fall, but a survey by the
College Board indicates that the rate of
increase will be slightly less than it was
last year.
According to the survey of more than
3,200 schools conducted by the board's
College Scholarship Service and
released yesterday, total costs for the
1980-81 academic year at a private,
four-year college or university will
average $6,082 for a student who lives
on campus. I
THAT'S AN increase of 10.3 per cent
over the price for the 1979-80 academic
year. From the fall of 1978 to the fall of
1979, the cost of a year at a private,
four-year school went up 1.6 per cent.
In East Lansing, the Michigan State
University administration, in a bind
between rising inflation and slim state

survey indicates

rely on
smell more
than men
NEW YORK (UPI) - In relation-
ships between the sexes, women rate
the importance of smell higher than
men, and New Yorkers have the most
sensitive noses, an olfactory specialist
reported yesterday.
Dr. Robert Henkin, director of the
Center for Molecular Nutrition and
Sensory Disorders at Georgetown
University's Medical Center, said on a
scale of one to 10 for importance,
women rated smell 8.5. Men rated it 7.5.
HE SAID 15 million Amerians have
an impaired sense of smell, four million
have dysomia - distorted smell fun-
ction - and 75,000 have congenital
hyposmia - lack of smell.
In his "Survey on the Sense of
Smell," Henkin questioned 822 persons
in major cities in California, Texas, In-
diana, tidewater Virginia,
Philadelphia, and the greater New
York area.
The survey found that young people
17-20 considered smell in relationships
with the opposite sex the most impor-
tant. Next was the 41-60 age group,
followed by people over 60. Last was the
21-40 group.
PEOPLE LIVING in Manhattan
rated the sense of smell the highest -
9.9 out of a possible 10. Chicagoans were
next with 9.3, residents of Long Island,
N.Y., 9.2, and Connecticut, 8.6.
"People in New Jersey, Indiana and
California noted less importance to
these relationships," Henkin said.
A2 streets
blocked off
for Art
Fair today
Several streets will be barricaded
today to accommodate the Art Fair,
causing traffic to become congested in
those areas, according to Ann Arbor
Police Captain Kenneth Klinge.
"If people do travel in these areas,
they should plan to encounter heavy
traffic," Klinge warned.
According to Klinge, those streets
blocked off will be:
" South University, between Tappan
and Washtenaw (although there will be
cross-traffic on Church and Forest
" East University to Monroe;
" State Street from North University
to Washington;
s William from State Street to Thom-
pson; and,
" Main Street, fron William to





aid, is proposing tuition increases of
about $170 per year for in-state stidents
- the biggest hike in five years.
The final decision will be made by the
MSU Board of Trustees - probably in
IT WOULD BE the largest increase
since the 1975-76 school year during the
last recession.
The latest increase in college costs,
however, is less than the overall in-
flation rate, expected to average about
12 per cent for 1980. Joe Paul Case,
director of program administration for
the scholarship service, said he was
surprised that the rise wasn't bigger,
"considering the way the rate of in-
flation has escalated."
Case said, however, that students and
their parents - who pay 56 per cent of
the college bill on the average - will
have increasing trouble making ends

meet and finding help.
"IF PARENTS' incomes don't keep
pace with inflation," he said, "the gap'
between the amount they can
pay .... and the rising cost of college
will widen ...
Case said he did not expect any in-
crease in federal aid programs this
year. And, he added: "Without in-
creased appropriations, more students
will have to share the same financial
aid pie."
Other findings of the College Board
survey include:
" A student who lives on campus and
attends a four-year, public institution
will face total costs of $3,409 for the
coming academic year, up 8.1 per cent
from last year. That compares with an
8.5 per cent increase from 1978 to 1979.
" The biggest price jump is in the
cost of two-year, public colleges.



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