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May 08, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-05-08

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EnryPlus' erffaent KheLatingandl cooin
The energy efficient electric heat
pump is engineered to keep
you cool in summer, keepf
you warm in winter. It saves
energy and cuts fuel costs, too'
"As an air conditioner, the heat r P
pump cools your home at low.
operating cost'
"Electricity can keep you com- 4]
fortable all year because there's
plenty available in Southeastern......... That's
Michigan.That's because Detroit
Edison generates most of its
power from coal, our nation's
most abundant fuel

"With a heat pump, you get a complete home-comfort system. You
can also have a heat pump added to your present forced-air furnace.
Then your furnace won't have to work as much during the winter
months and probably not at all during spring and fall. The system
automatically uses each heat source in the most efficient
and economical way. So you save a lot of heating oil -
or natural gas- and save money on fuel bills, too'
"s a heating system, the heat pump moves
natural heat that is always present in the
outdoor air inside to keep you warm. You
need your furnace only during very cold
weather. Whenthe outdoor tempera-
ture is in the mid range, your heat
pump takes over.
Because your heat pump heats your
home with natural heat, it helps
keep your fuel bills down'
"The heat pump is the energy-saving
way to help you cope with high home-
energy cost and let you enjoy year-
round comfort, too"'
For more information on heat pumps,
call or write your Detroit Edison
Customer Office.
Keeping the power in your hands.

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