Page 6-Friday, July 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily ..J By The Associated Press shut out of one of the big industrial it was announced he would serve as A federal judge struck down as un- states considered vital to his chances as keynote speaker at the Democratic A n constitutional part of an Ohio election independent alternative to Republican National Convention in New York. law yesterday, giving independent candidate Ronald Reagan and I presidential candidate John Anderson a President Carter. IN A STATEMENT, Stuart Udall said " boost in his quest to get on the ballot in Jim Pohlman, an Anderson lawyer, he is a lifelong Democrat "who has c a m p a ig n 1 the November general election. said he expects the Ohio decision to help voted for and campaigned for every The ruling by U.S. District Judge the congressman get on the ballot in nominee of my party since I cast my Robert Duncan, which struck down three other states where similar cases first vote for Franklin Roosevelt in Ohio's March 20 deadline for filing by are pending: -Maryland, Maine and 1944. e ts b o o st independent candidates, gives Ander- Kentucky. He called Carter "a weak, vacillating g son a shot at the state's 25 electoral Anderson also won an important en- leader who has been one of the most college votes in November. dorsement yesterday from Democrat manipulative politicians of my THE REPUBLICAN congressman Stuart Udall, former Interior Secretary generation." had won an earlier, similar victory in and brother of Rep. Morris Udall (D- In London yesterday, Anderson said New Mexico, but if denied a place on Ariz.). Morris Udall was mentioned as Republican nominee Ronald Reagan's the ballot in Ohio, he would have been a possible Anderson running mate until programs can't work and his vice- presidential choice, George Bush, is a hypocrite. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Reagan RDER BLANK launches second tit ia 1 Hcampg' Student Newspaper at The University of Michigan Continued from Pae 1) propose a series of autumn debates. Reagan promptly agreed, telling Car- ter he looks forward to their exchanges. REAGAN AND BUSH, campaign contestants-turned-partners, said their past campaign differences pale beside their determination to win back the r------------ WRITEYOUR AD HERE! ----------- WhiteHouse. Bush said the spirit of victory per- vades the convention. "But if that spirit is to be translated into reality, it's up to 'ii, each and every one of us to help carry I m Ronald steagan's message of a strong, free America the length and breadth of thisland," he said in his acceptance speech. Reagan, in his speech, accused the Carter Administration of making critical foreign policy decisions "at times almost in Marx Brothers fashion," and said the country feels "a growing sense of unease as our allies I.' reluctantly conclude that America is unwilling or unable to fulfill its obligations as leader of the free world." ' ----------CLIP AND MAIL.TODAY! ------------BETWEEN thunderous rounds of ap- plause, the former California governor voiced his opposition to a. peacetime draft or registration, instead calling for USE THIS HANDY CHART TO QUICKLY ARRIVE AT AD COST "pay and benefit levels that will attract and keep highly motivated men and women in our volunteer forces. Words 1 2 3 4 5 add: Hours before Reagan took the 0-14 1.70 3.40 4.60 5.80 7.00 1.00 podiumparty leaders quelled yet Please indicate another threat to the harmony of the 15-2' 2.55 5.10 6.90 8.70 10.50 1.50 - wherertisad * convention. They convinced Sen. Jesse is to run: Helm (R-N.C.) to withdraw his plan to 22-26 3.40 6.80 9.20 11.60 14.00 2.00 forrent openlychallengeBush'snomination. for sale Helms, who said he objects to Bush's 2935 4.25 8.50 11.50 14.50 17.50 2.50 help wanted support of abortion and the Equal 36-42 5.10 10.20 13.80 17.40 21.00 3.00 roommates Rights Amendrent, began a drive personal earlier in the week to have his name 43-49 6.80 11.90 16.10 20.30 24.50 3.50 etc. placed in nomination if Reagan selec- ted a moderate as his running mate. SEveralsouthern delegates said Helms 7 words per line (Each line of space used counts as 7 words). , reversed his decision once he was Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words-This includes telephone numbers. guaranteed time to address the conven- tion. " THEY GAVE him a chance to- Mail with Check to: Classifieds, The Michigan Daily speak, but they also told him Bush 420 Maynard would stick to the platform," said Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Philip Van Hoy, a North Carolina delegate. NAME Ford said he'd do everything he could to help put Reagan in the White House. ADDRESS But that didn't include running with him - for lack of guarantees that he CITY would have a major role in ad- H ____DATES ministration decision-making. PHONEDAIn the convention's final roll call for - -- - _ - - mvice presidet ,, ps gt 2,2delegat.