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July 17, 1980 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-17

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, July 17, 1980-Page 9
hurt in second
violent night
in Liberty City
MIAMI (AP)-Sporadic violence surance executive Arthur McDuffie, a
returned last night to Miami's Liberty black.
City section, one day after five officers "I WOULD not deny there is still
were shot there during a flareup of frustration and anger. But the actions
violence in neighborhoods devastated last night weren't representative of the
by bloody racial rioting just two months vast majority," said County Manager
ago. Merrett Stierheim. "Those were punks
A policewoman was cut by flyuing and hoodlums and criminals."
glass, rocks and bottles were smashed Police removed barricades yesterday
into two Dade Metro buses and their morning after cordoning off a nine-
passengers, and two white youths were square-mile area. Stierheim said no
arrested for opening fire on a group of curfew would be set in the troubled
blacks in what began as a rock- area.
throwing incident. He and other observers were concer-
NO SERIOUS INJURIES were repor- ned about the effect of the disturbances
ted yesterday, but police said that after on the morale of the police department
a relatively calm afternoon, disturban- and the mood of Liberty City residents.
ces began increasing at nightfall. "IT'S OPEN season on cops in Dade
"It looks like things are picking up," County and a lot of policemen are
said patrolman Greg Terp. mad," said Sgt. Richard VanBilliard.
More than 100 officers working 12- Officers said they believe many
hour shifts cruised the northwest blacks involved in Tuesday night's
Miami area after a night of disturban- disturbances carried guns stolen in
ces sparked when an officer was shot May.
Tuesday afternoon as he tried to arrest "There's a lot of guns out there.
two robbery suspects. The officer was There's a lot of officers Who have a
released yesterday from a Miami chance of getting shot," said Sgt. Fred
hospital, still carrying a bullet in his Pelny. Pelny was wounded in the back
back. after he and two other plainclothes of-
Police spokesman Henry Weather- ficers, part of the county's new Rob-
spoon said patrol cars yesterday bery Apprehension Team, tried to
evening cordoned off roads leading to arrest two robbery suspects near a
James Scott Homes, a public housing housing project.
projeact where more than 700 families Pelny said his team spotted the black
live and the flashpoint for Tuesday males trying to rob a white man whose
night's disturbances. car was stopped at an intersection in
EARLIER YESTERDAY, two white northwest Miami.
youths-Thoms Warren Thompson, 22, "We chased them in the project area.
of Pompano Beach, and Robert They fought us. They started hollering
Magnuson, 19, of Delray Beach-were to the crowd and the crowd started
charged with aggravated assault, coming and they started shooting at
shooting into an occupied building, and us," said Pelny.
use of a firearm during a felony. After Pelny was rushed away, hun-
lIolice said Tuesday night's distur- dreds of shotgun-toting county officers
bances were less widespread and more in riot gear converged on the area, lob-
random than the May riots, which bing tear gas into groups of blacks. One
broke out after an all-white Tampa jury officer, Rodney Watson, was wounded
found four white ex-police officers in- in the shoulder. He was treated at a
nocent in the beating death of Miami in- hospital and released.
"ROA DIE"aE:30OE -6:30,10:10
*FRI-7-40, 9:0 Sat, Sun
SA T, sUN-1:30, 3:30, 5:40, 7:40, 9:40 $ til

THE CHARRED REMAINS of a gasoline station in the Liberty City area of
Miami, Fla. draw the attention of area residents heading for work yesterday
morning, as Muhammed Ali stares down from a billboard. The station was
gutted late Tuesday night by rioters as Miami police were held at bay by
prof Reaan s
Mideast consultant

(Continuedfrom Page3)
with the PLO. That's why there's a
stalemate," he said.
According to Tanter, one realistic op-
tion open to the Palestinian people
would be Israel's removal of its
military control from occupied
territories, with minimal forces
remaining for security reasons.
TANTER CALLED Carter's efforts
to include Jordan in the Middle East
peace talks at this time a mistake. "Not
only is Jordan not interested in
becoming a participant," he said, "but
the addition of that country to the
negotiations would bog down the talks
even further."
The foreign policy adviser echoed
Reagan's disapproval of peacetime
draft registration. "The benefit (of
registration) is small in relation to the
cost," Tanter said. If Carter's move to
register young men for the draft begins
a highly-visible anti-war movement, he
added, the cost of such a program

would far outweigh the advantage
gained by being able to prepare troops
two weeks earlier.
"The Soviet Union is 'net going to be
frightened by registering1 gi-and 19-
year-olds," he said.
Tanter said the salaries for military
personnel should be increased
dramatically. "When you pay more
money for fast food workers than for
Navy personnel, something is fun-
damentally wrong," he said.
Tanter added the nation's military
budget all too often focuses on the pur-
chase of new hardware instead of in-
creased salaries. "Technology is a sexy
thing compared to personnel," he said.
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