The Michigan Daily
Vol. XC, No. 39-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 16, 1980
Ten Cents
Sixteen Pages
easily OK
From AP and UPI
DETROIT - The Republican
National Convention voted over-
whelming approval last night for a 1980
campaign platform that blames
President Carter for economic
mismanagement and military
weakness and pledges "a new begin-
ning for America behind Ronald
Reagan and the Republican Party.
The approval of the 78-page
document by voice vote by the 1,994
delegates came with only a smattering
of objections.
A MOTION by the delegation of
Hawaii to suspend the rules to discuss
the platform failed because there was
no other support. The delegation from
Massachusetts tried to obtain a roll-call
AP Photo vote on the platform, but that was
SYLVIA HENRY OF Umpqua, Oregon, and Phil Matalucci of Cape May declared out of order by convention
County, New Jersey, are among many delegates wearing elaborate hats at chairman and House Minority Leader
the 1980 GOP convention. They were spotted at Monday's session in Joe Louis John Rhodes of Arizona.
Arena in Detroit. A small band of supporters of the
Equal Rights Amendment gave up an
attempt to write a pro-ERA stand into
the platform on the convention floor.
Reagan said earlier in the day he is
satisfied with the platform's stance on
women's rights, even though it
withholds endorsement of an ERA-type
amendment to the Constitution for the
first time in 40 years. Without his sup-
port, any attempt to amend the plat-
form was doomed in this Reagan-
dominated convention.
APPROVAL OF the platform was the
last major item of business before the
convention prior to the nomination of
Reagan as the party's presidential
nominee tonight.
"The nominee-to-be counseled with
party leaders on a vice presidential
nominee. Supporters of rival-turned-
ally George Bush campaigned to make
him No.2 on the ticket.
Reagan held conferences in the lavish
See GOP, Page 2
at times, t
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sexual pre
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Gay delegates ight or rights
By SARA ANSPACH gay provisions, reflecting a growing wave of moral or religion, or economic circumstance."
SpecialioTheDaily conservatism among Republicans. Georgia delegate Raick Jordan said the anti-gay
IT-Timothy Drake is gay. He is also a THE GOP PLATFORM includes provisions rights stance of the party is part of the overall
member of, and delegate for, the party designed by their sponsors to specifically deny gays Republican emphasis on the significance of the
1980 platform implicitly supports many of the privileges the platform guarantees other American family. Jordan said he, like many of his
ation against homosexuals. fellow delegates, believes this is a trend that will give
h that position makes Drake uncomfortable MORE CONVENTION COVERAGE INSIDE voters a true choice and help bring America to its
he Illinois delegate is convinced he belongs moral senses.
Republican Party, fighting for fair treat- a Moderates question platform - Page 3
Homosexuals. els3 FACED WITH THAT kind of sentiment, gay
Helms for v.p. ?- Page 3 leaders realistically admit they have little chance of
J YOU'RE WORKING with civil rights, " GOP Notebook - Page 3 swaying Republican delegates to support any kind of
o be involved with both parties," he said at " Reference center a success - Page 3 gay rights platform plank. Instead, they are
nference here yesterday. "I don't think the * Alhpaddress g s- Page ping-somewhat pessimistically-for a "fair
o walk out." Reaga-tes-break."
nd delegate Charles Thompson from New * Windsor reaps benefits - Page 6 Beyond their desires for the platform-which is
the first openly gay delegates to attend a generally ignored by a presidential candidate
n convention. Drake said yesterday there anyway-the gay leaders pin their sparse hopes on
1 other gay delegates-some avid suppor- members of society. Ronald Reagan.
onald Reagan-who prefer to keep their For example, the equal rights plank, which "Reagan has the potential to generate good will, to
ferences secret. originally read that no individual should be vic- get some gayvotes," said Drake. Although he con-
ho hope to work-for gay rights either openly timized by unfair discrimination, was qualified by an ceded Reagan is opposed to gay rights legislation,
within the Republican Party face an uphill amendment to read "because of race, sex, advanced
e 1980 platform will contain several anti- age, physical handicap, difference of national origin See HOMOSEXUAL, Page 11
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