The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 15, 1980-Page 11 R oof top relief Dallas, Texas resident Bob Linenschmidt soaks the roof of his home recently. The fire hazard to buildings with wood- shingle roofs has greatly increased in Dallas, where the temperature has remained at over 100 degrees for 21 con- secutive days. The soaking technique also keeps down thg temperature of the attic' The National Weather Service says there is no immeliate relief in sight for the drought-stricken state of Texas. pt, IsPrael fa to set agenda for future Palestina talks Anderson backers appear at pro-ERA rally (Continued from PageJ Republican National Convention. An- derson Press Aide Lee Premer said an Anderson office will open in Ann Arbor sometime next week. Premer asserted, however, that despite the proximity of the Anderson office to the convention center, no cam- paign workers will try to sway delegates away from Ronald Reagan. "None of our staff is allowed anywhere near Joe Louis Arena," she said. "We have been looking for a place for a mon- th. It was a happy coincidence." BUT' LORRAINE Beebe, state coor- dinator for the Anderson campaign, said: "Conventioneers are certainly not discouraged from visiting the office and finding out about Anderson's stand on the issues. We've had delegates in here saying they will not vote for Reagan (because of his anti-ERA stand)," she said. Beebe said Anderson, contrary to statements by ranking party politicians, is not a "spoiler," but remarked that the accusation is a common one. Anderson is not trying to cause a split in the Republican party, Beebe said - he just want to provide a viable alter- native to what ae calls Reagan's "ultra-conservatism." Beebe added that the ERA issue will not die easily: "No way are we going to back down after fighting all these years." S0 Man knows where he's going by where he's beenr CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Egyptian and Israeli negotiators failed yesterday to agree on an agenda for future talks on Palestinian self-government in Israeli- held Arab lands - and Israel warned Palestinian leaders in one such territory not to "organize or incite." The developments here and in Tel Aviv pointed up the wide gap still dividing Israel from Egypt and other more radical Arab nations over the 1.2 million Palestinians living in the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip. IN OTHER news, it was reported in New York yesterday that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said he would start war "at once" if the Soviets in- stigated a threat to his nation's vital water supply. "What am I to do if anything comes from the south, from the direction of Ethiopia, instigated by the Soviet Union, say, over the water issue? You know we depend upon the Nile 100 per cent," he said in an interview published in the upcoming August edition of Reader's Digest. "If the Soviets do anything in this respect I shall start war at once, because this is the life of my people," Sadat said. ISRAEL CAPTURED the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the 1967 Middle East War, and, an Israeli military government has administered them since. The Palestinians were to have been granted autonomy on May 26, a year after Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David peace treaty, but the two countries have been unable to agree on a plan. After three hours of talks yesterday, the Egyptian state minister for foreign affairs, who heads his country's delegation to the current autonomy talks, told reporters: "There are 20 or 30 subjects we have to pick from. The Egyptians may want subject 'A' and the Israelis may want subject 'B.' The differences are over what to choose." ASKED IF there had been any progress, the Egyptian delegate, Butros Ghali, said, "We're still at the start." On Sunday, after the first Egyptian- Israeli autonomy negotiations in more than two months, the two sides clashed publicly here over the status of Jerusalem. _ Egypt regards the old sector of the holy city as a part of the West Bank oc- cupied by Israel during the 1967 "Six- Day War" and thus open to negotiation. THE NEGOTIATIONS are con- tinuing on a committee level. The next meeting with all the chief negotiators is planned for Aug. 5 in the Egyptian Mediterranean resort city of Alexan- dria. At that time, Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Aly, Israeli Minister of Interior Yosef Burg and special U.S. envoy Sol Linowitz are ex- pected to review the progress achieved by the various committees. In Tel Aviv yesterday, Israel's military government warned Palestinian political leaders against political agitation and ordered the editors of the three largest East Jerusalem papers - Al-Shaab, Al-Fajr and Al-Taliye - not to leave their home town of Ramallah for one day. Lights on in an empt office or lab? Flip 'em off. SAVES ENERGY and MONEY.