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July 11, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-11

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 11, 1980-Page 5

Afghans ready to attack

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP)-Afghan rebels were waiting for signals from-
rebels have set up camps less than 20 their colleagues to.launch massive at-
miles outside Kabul as bases for at- tacks on all Russian bases in the coun-
tacks on Soviet troop installations, but try.
witnesses say the rebels are short of Between 600 and 700 Moslem rebel
vital weapons. Mujahideen-freedom fighters-dan-
The rebels have well-organized ced and joked at Lalandar one night
communications with bases elsewhere early this week, in high spirits because
in the country and with supporters of successes against the Russians, the
operating in Kabul, according to wit- witness said.
nesses who have visited two camps less In the last two weeks, the rebels
than an hour's drive from this mile-high claimed they killed 25 to 30 Russian
capital. soldiers in a 22-mile-long valley bet-
AT THE CAMP in Lalandar, about 15 ween two mountains, stretching farther
miles south of the Russian-occupied south into Paktya Province.
Darulaman air base on Kabul's INFORMED SOURCES SAID the
southern outskirts, a witness said, the rebel groups are fighting more effec-
American hostage to
gain free do-m after
250 days. -in Iran

tively now than at any time since the
Russian intervention last December
because thousands of soldiers who have
defected from the regular Afghan army
are giving the rebels the latest model
Russian-made small arms and badly
needed military training.
The mass desertions, which have
depleted the regular Afghan army from
its normal strength of about 80,000 to an
estimated 30,000, included field-grade
Soviet-trained officers who are
training the Mujahideen in tactics and
weapons use.
The rebels, mostly Kabul University
graduates-supporters of fundamen-
talist Moslem leader Gulbuddin Hek-1
matyar-said their greatest obstacle
in the fight against the Russians is the
lack of anti-tank and anti-aircraft
weapons. The witness said they were
armed with old rifles, some new Soviet
Kalashnikov rifles and some Papashas
captured from the Afghan Army.
rebels have claimed they shot down
dozens of Soviet helicopter gunships
and at least one Antonov transport
plane in Panjsher, about 45 miles north
of Kabul.
Most observers consider the rebel

claims somewhat exaggerated, but
they do believe the insurgents have
acquired some aiti-aircraft weapons
from outside sources which have been
used successfully.
Still, well-informed sources said the
rebels are no match for the Soviet
military because they lack quantities of
anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.
One witness said the rebels at Lalan-
dar kept asking why the Americans and
other rich western nations that have
condemned the Soviet action are not
supplying the rebels with the weapons
they need.
Rebel leader Sayid Ahmad Gailani
visited three European cities-London,
Bonn and Strasbourgh, France-this
week appealing for the critical
weapons. He asserted the rebels control
80 per cent of the countryside, and that
the Soviets are "on the point of being
swept away by the resistance
The rebels are not nearly as well
organized in their command structure,
as the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese
were during the Vietnam War, but the
Moslem rebel groups have managed to
expand their activities from the
Pakistan border areas to the heart of
the city in a few months.

(continued from Page 1)
President Carter, in Alaska on his
way home from Japan, said at Elmen-
dorf Air Force Base in Anchorage said,
"We don't yet have a confirmation of
this report. If it is true and if the young
man is well after adequate treatment,
of course, we will be very thankful."
Iranian government announced it had
crushed a "sinister" coup attempt by
army men who planned to seize
military bases and bomb Khomeini's
home. Some of the alleged conspirators
were killed, it said.
Government-run Iranian television
claimed the United States was behind
the plot, but the ruling Revolutionary
Council put direct blame on Iraq.
It was the third time in a month that
Iranian authorities reported the un-
covering of a plot against Khomeini's
revolutionary regime. It was not clear
whether all three reports concerned the

same widespread conspiracy.
Besides receiving a report on the
alleged coup bid, Iranian President
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr conferred with
his military leadership yesterday about
new hostilities that flared up on the
Iran-Iraq border. The Revolutionary
Council claimed Iraqi border attacks
Wednesday were synchronized with the
Bani-Sadr and other Iranian
revolutionaries claim that Washington
and supporters of the deposed Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi based in
Iran are conspiring against the Tehran
The president, in a radio address,
said the coup was plotted at the
Nouzhah army barracks, which adjoins
an air base near the western Iranian
city of Hamadan. The area is on the
edge of the Kurdistan region, where
some dissident Iranian soldiers repor-
tedly have balked at continuing the dif-
ficult war against Kurdish rebels.

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