Page 14-Thursday, July 10, 1980-The Iran to get prime minister within 2 weeks By The Associated Press itan's parliament will elect a prime minister this week or next, possibly clearing the way for debate on the future of the 53 American hostages held since Nov. 4, a Tehran newspaper reported yesterday. The daily Enghelab Eslami said the ruling Iranian Revolutionary Council met Tuesday and voted unanimously in favor of the parliament selecting a prime minister. AYATOLLAH MAHDAVI Kai, Iran's interior minister and a member of the parliamentary leadership, said, "With the help of almighty God, the prime minister will be appointed at the end of this week or early next week," the newspaper reported. .Revolutionary leader Ayatollah' Ruhollah Khomeini has ssid the fate of the hostages would be decided by Parliament once it names a prime minister. There were no reports yesterday, the 249th day, of captivity for= the Americans, of a specific time for the hostage question to come up. PRESIDENT ABOLHASSAN Bani- Sadr asked Khomeini two months ago for permission to appoint a prime minister. Khomeini gave his approval, but Bani-Sadr hesitated because he was opposed by the powerful Islamic Republican Party, which holds a majority in Parliament. Some members of the party want to try the hostages as spies. Bani-Sadr op- poses this. Bani-Sadr has repeatedly said the prime minister must get along with the parliament and the president. 0 UNITED STATES BORDER patrol agents search illegal aliens that were apprehended four miles north of the Mexican border recently. An estimated three million illegal aliens come across the border each year in search of a better life in the United States. Most aliens are returned to Mexico. illegal aliens continue to ood acros U.S. border BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP)-The illegal aliens from El Salvador who died recently in the Arizona desert were among an estimated three million people who try to sneak into the United States each year. And federal officials say the flood of arrivals is frustrating their efforts to enforce the nation's immigration policy. THE IMMIGRATION and Naturalization Service in Washington said an estimted one million illegal Fgxmus A2 Art FakFSkIrt COLLECTOR'S ITEMS Special Student Pre-Art Fir Discount Price (UM students, faculty, staff, relations) GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST AT ONLY $2e95! You Can't Afford Not To Buy One NOW (DURING ART FAIR WILL COST THE REG. $5.95) .. --------------CUT HERE ------------------------- Please send me Famous A' Art Fair T-Shirts of Past Years Collectors items. Brand New. Never worni Enclosed is $ at only $2.95 per shirt-plus $1 for postage and handling ' in check or money order.' Please charge to my VISA M/C Acct. No.................. Exp. Date Signature SIZES: SMHLH XL Childs COLOR CHOICES: °1st 2nd 3rd 4th (Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange) RUSH MY T-SHIRTS TO: Name Address City State_ Zip' Tel. ( ) Age UM Affiliation Send orders to: Ann Arbor T-Shirt Mill, One Stop Shop PO Box 7615, Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Allow for local checks-1 week delivery; out-of-town checks-3 week delivery , aliens were caught in the United States in 1979. Durwood Powell, director of the service in Dallas, said that field agents estimate that for every alien who is caught, two go undetected. They land in shrimp boats, swim the Rio Grande, walk across the 1,900 mile U.S.-Mexican border which begins a few miles east of here, or are spirited into the country by professional smuggling rings. "It's almost unbelievable," said U.S. Attorney Tony Canales of Houston, discussing the numbers of people in- volved. POWELL SAID: "You could have agents stand arm-to-arm along the bor- der and some would still find their way in. I don't think there's ever going tok POWELL SAID: "You could have agents stand arm-to-arm along the bor- der and some would still find their way in. I don't think there's ever going to be a wall down there. I don't think that's the intent of this country." About 60 per cent of the illegal aliens entering the United States come from Mexico, according to INS figures. Others flee from strife-torn Central American countries like El Salvador, Honuras, Nicaragua or Guatemala. Authorities are still trying to piece together what happened to the group of Salvadorans found in Arizona last Saturday. Thirteen people-including one man believed to be an alien smuggler-died. Fourteen survivors, including two alleged smugglers, have been found. A fourth purported smuggler was unaccounted for. AN INTERNATIONAL bilingual commission was meeting in Ajo, Ariz., yesterday to begin an investigation of the incident. Officials involved in the traffic of illegal aliens say that after evading the U.S. Border Patrol, many of the foreigners, head for urban centers like San Antonio, Houslton, Dallas, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York where they can blend with existing-and growing-illegal populations. Before they cross the border, aliens must pay steep fees to smugglers, or "coyotes," for transportation into the United States. Once they arrive-afraid of detection and deportation-aliens rarely protest low wages paid by U.S. employers. Aliens who are caught usually are simply returned to Mexico, said Canales, whose district includes the Texas border between Laredo and Brownsville. "The only people we prosecute are the smugglers." Assistant U.S. Attorney Emelio Davila of Laredo says many Mexican or Central American immigrants ride commercial buses to the border and gather in cheap hotels. Smugglers cir- culate among the new arrivals, asking if anyone wants to cross. The smugglers sometimes cram up to 100 people into trucks, charging from $200 to $1,200 per person, depending on nationality and the individual's ability to pay.