The Michigan Daily-Tuesday; July 8, 1980-Page 11
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ERA may split GOP convention
ROIT (AP) - The Republican ference. 1976, when Reagan trailed Gerald Ford Although Milliken brought t
fervent quest for convention FUDGING THE issue or ignoring it in the race for the GOP nomination, dispute into the open, Tower d
Nas seriously imperiled yester- "would be an insult to millions of Reagan forces argued for open commit- the issue's impact. "I don't th
growing disagreement over American men and women who care tee meetings at the convention. issue of the ERA is going to
r the GOP should maintain itsa The disagreement over an ERA plank Republicans to the extent th
support for the Equal Rights about the Equal Rights Amendment"an- was virtually the only dispute to sur can't get together in Novemb
ment for women. ygdustrialized states which he must win face in platform deliberations. The said.
igan Gov. William Milliken told a d which h eeust win draft, which was prepared by party
rty's platform committee that and which have not traditionally been leaders and Reagan representatives, It appeared, however, that tt
to support the ERA now "would rgaret HecklstrenRMass)aid Rep. supports increased defense spending form committee, which inch
ear statement to people across Se.HelMs l r a and the proposed Kemp-Roth three- large proportion of women, wa
untry that we are retreating ERA forces here, told reporters there year tax-cut plan. evenly divided on the issue. A
ur traditional support of equality are enough votes for an anti-ERA It also supports a constitutional male committee member told a
nen." rakb"ta pramendment to prohibit abortions and ter "there seems to be a lot of e
ALD REAGAN, who is certain to mentioned at he would prefer it ntse opposes a peace-time military draft. on the issue.
iinated as the party's presiden- state issue, not a federal issue," Helms
(ndidate at the full convention said.- S e e re t S -P- l ' t
'eek, opposes the amendment, Helms said if the majority insists on S e rv ic e to
hough it has been endorsed by some mention of ERA, he would agree "
ican platforms dating back to to a plank that endorses equal rights for
ly accept a pro-ERA plank in the dment itself is an issue for the states to ycanine people' (those who wo
m if that is the convention's decide.( dm the dogs that sniff out bombs)
he ERA
ink the
at they
er," he
he plat-
udes a
is about
nd one
a repor-
rk with
but the
ken said the party could lose
numbers -of votes if it fails to
cally endorse the amendment in
platform, as it did in 1976.
ye repudiate our 1976 position,
e will be repudiated by a large
nt of America's population - and
edly so," he said in his
-ing address to the platform
ttee. A group of three prominent
ican women, including a former
ational chairman, made much
ie point in a separate news con-
THE COMMITTEE is drafting the
party's 1980 platform this week for
presentation to the full convention next
week. Except for yesterday's opening
session, most of the remaining
deliberations will be secret. Party of-
ficials want to avoid open disagreemen-
ts that would threaten the image of a
unified Republican Party.
"If we are going to have any vitriol or
harsh feelings, why not do it behind
closed doors?" said Sen. John Tower
(R-Tex.), the committee chairman. In
rooms in the Hilton may indicate a 'cloak-and-dagger' people will all be in
desire to consolidate people into fewer' Detroit," Burns said.
hotels." Bliss said Secret Service agents were
Ann Arbor will host a number of dif- also being housed at his hotel but
ferent types of Secret Service person- declined to disclose how many, adding
nel. According to D'Angelo, the agents that he doubted there were any guards
who guard former President Gerald in the party.
Ford and the party's nominee for the Housing convention workers in
Vice-Presidency will be staying at "outlying area" such as Ann Arbor
Cambridge House. was not unusual, said DAngelo. "All
Arbor Lodge and Lamp Post Hotel the rooms in downtown Detroit are
operations manager Michael Burns taken up with delegatest... since the
said, "mostly technical people" will be Service agents work in eight-hour shif-
staying at his two hotels. "We will ts, it's easy for them to commute from
house the technical personnel and the Ann Arbor."
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Shapiro: 'U' program
slashes inevitable
(Continued from Page 3)
Shapiro added this program redis-
tribution or redirection will have to be
pursued "in tandem with the other op-
tions." Program reduction could in-
clude fewer offerings, covering fewer
fields. This reduction already exists,
Shapiro said. In the last five years-for
both reasons planned and unplan-
ned-enrollment has declined.
"QUALITY IS NOT judged by the
number of things we do, but the number
of things we do well," he said. The
University's number of offerings far
exceed those of its peer institutions, the
president pointed out.
Another option facing the University,
Shapiro said, is "the shared poverty
option," in which each department
receives less, but its size remains con-
stant, but he said he did not favor it.
"I'm not pursuaded we can build a
quality faculty-we will not attract and
keep faculty of distinction."
Shapiro said because the University is
decentralized, the best place to make
decisions for cuts is in the individual
units, but warned he will make the
decisions himself, if necessary.
"I have the will-it isn't going to be
easy-I only hope you have the will
also," he said.
"We can meet this challenge, but we
can't grant it without going to the hear-
tland of the programs."
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