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July 08, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-07-08

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The Michi
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Doily Photo by
PICKETERS LOOK ON as a van returns to AATA headquarters on Carpenter Rd. The vans, manned by s1
personnel, are in service only for senior citizens and handicapped persons needing "essential medical service
AATA management ai

igan Doily-Tuesday, July 8, 1980-Page 5
ormed to
pick new
LSA dean
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Dean Alfred Sussman announced June
23 the formation of a 12-member search
committee for the LSA Dean.
The post was left vacant July 1 when
former LSA Dean Billy Frye assumed
the position of vice-president for
academic affairs. John Knott is acting
LSA Dean until the position is filled.
ACCORDING TO committee member
and Economics Prof. Saul Hymans, the
committee will most likely not meet un-
til September because many of the
committee members are out of town.
The administration, however, has sent
an advertisement of the position to the
members of the committee for their
approval, Hymans said. The adver-
tisement will appear in national
Other members of the committee in-
clude: Mathematics Prof. Donald
Lewis, chairman; Computer and
Communication Sciences Prof. Joyce
Friedman; Classical Studies Prof.
Sharon Herbert; Psychology Prof.
James Jackson; Biology Prof. George
out Jones; Philosophy Prof. Donald
y've Munro; Residential College Director
John Mersereau, Jr.; graduate student
heir David Brassfield; and LSA seniors
our Beth Lupovitch and Daniel Solomon.
g to
the _E
gage Chinos
D an
per at the
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union renew ,negotiations
By ELAINE RIDEOUT as days off with pay, the structure of issues," he said. "We can point
After a week of inaction, AATA joint union-management committees, something over 50 areas where they
management officials renewed and uniforms for bus operators before asked for more than the status quo."
egotiations with representatives of the tackling the issue of wage increases. BUT UNION leaders consider ti
transportation Employees Union "We're trying to focus on fifteen or so proposal as "the bare bones of what
TEU) yesterday, but both sides agreed issues that tie in directly with wages," members have to have." According
nly that the talks did little to resolve he said. "The more of these we can Ettinger, the union made a last-di
he week-long strike. resolve, the more funding we can put effort to settle the contract, dropp
AATA employees walked off the job back into wages." most of their demands fori
y a vote of 150-3 at midnight last Mon- BUT THE union condemned the provement and instead returning to
lay after AATA management did not strategy as "dodging the issue," while terms of the old contract. "We w
ecommend extension of the contract at the same time taking away "rights" some improvements," said Etting
hat expired June 30, and the union guaranteed employees under the old "we want the wage increase necess
efused to ratify the management's contract. to catch us up with the losses incur
inal proposal. Shelley Ettinger, vice-president of by inflation over the three years of
AATA UPPED its six per cent wage TEU, criticized AATA for refusing to old contract and an insurance pack,
ncrease offer to 9.2 per cent prior to the make a new wage offer and for "taking that would bring us into line with
ontract expiration date. In its final of- back" 17 protections included in the last coverage (AATA) currently provi
er last week, the union brought down contract. "I know these are bad times all the rest of its employees."
is wage request to 33 per cent from 73 but they can't expect us to give up Ettinger said the union has asked
er cent originally requested. things," she said, citing as examples an average wage of $8.75 per hour,
The two parties met both separately the obliteration of all joint union- from the current average wage of $6
nd together with a state mediator for management committees, limits on an hour, an increase she said is I
our hours yesterday but, according to maternity care and sick leave, and no than the rate of inflation.;'As it is,"
kATA director Richard Simonetta, ro limit on AATA's right to sub-contract said, "we're a good two-and-one-I
ew proposals were submitted by either union work. bucks below the national average."
ide. Simonetta suggested the term "take She said the AATA 9.2 per cent wC
According to Simonetta, the back" is unjustified. "The proof of the hike offer would actually amount to
management has adopted the strategy pudding is that they're not going back overall average increase of 2.841
f discussing non-economic:issues, such to the existing contract on most cent when compared to the final wi

Secret Service to
stay in local hotels

Ann Arbor will host its share of Secret
Service personnel during next week's
Republican National Convention, but
the size of the group has been greatly
reduced from original estimates, ac-
cording to hotel officials.
Cambridge House, the student dor-
mitory section of the Michigan Union,
will be the temporary home for only 75
Secret ServI& agents from July 11
through 20. According to Nancy
D'Angelo, University Summer Housing
Coordinator, the Republican Party had
originally requested rooms for 1300
Secret Service employees.
D'Angelo said the reduction in the

number of agents was a result of con-
vention politics, "Now that there is only
one candidate in the nomination race,
not as many agents are needed," she
Not every hotel has experienced a
decrease in the number of convention-
related guests. "The Hilton got a
request for more rooms from both the
Secret Service and media personnel,
but we had to turn them down," said
Briarwood Hilton manager Baird Bliss.
"I think the decrease (in requests for
Cambridge House rooms) was due to
the dissatisfaction with dormitory-style
living and the reduction in the number
of candidates. The request for more
See SEC'RETPage Ii,

that would have been paid under the old
contract. "An employee who currently
has eight years seniority, for instance,
would lose $4,492.80 over the three
years of AATA's proposal compared to
what his wage would have been with a
continuation of the terms of the old con-
tract," she said.
Cecil Ursprung, AATA board chair-
man, considers the union's wage
demand as quite high. "We don't have
the financial resources to meet a 33 per
cent wage increase," he said. "We
couldn't come up with that kind of
money unless we tripled our fares and
doubled the millage - and the com-
munity wouldn't let that happen," he
After spending over 200 hours at the
bargaining table, Ursprung said the
negotiating team is "optimistic," while
Ettinger said she "sees no end in
Meanwhile, negotiators will meet
again tomorrow while employees con-
tinue to' picket-at the main AATA office.

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