Page 4-Tuesday, July 8, 1980-The Michigan Daily onininu Conscience, slugfests, and draft registration ivery r earn of t cU rAiWi re4U m I am not superstitious. Edited and managed by students That preface is necessary to relate a series of coincidences at the University of Michigan that have seemed expressly calculated to make me think long and hard about the possibility of Bt t cwar, and my involvement in it. Consider first my choice last November of a history seminar titled "The American Experience h a e of War." A few weeks after I registered for the course, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. A few weeks after that, President THE U.S. SUPREME Court thumbed its Carter ordered the revival of judicial nose at the poor last week by draft registration. declaring that, with few exceptions, the federal OF COURSE, this coincidence, government is not required to finance abortions. Indedtahe oer 2m0stuent in The decision is short-sighted, unfair, and a giant the class could boast of the same step backwards in giving women of all social chronology of events. classes equal rights. But consider next what oc- curred later in the spring. One The High Court decided seven years ago that night I was reading Philip women have a constitutional right to have abor- book detailing some of the horrors tions. This brought ephemeral relief to those pro- of the Vietnam War-when I took abortionist citizens who decried coat-hanger, back- a break and turned on my TV. alley abortions had by those who were too poor to There on the screen was "The Six O'Clock Follies," a thoroughly pay-for proper, safe abortions, shocking and revolting situation comedy about Vietnam that has But the prospects of equal opportunity for all since, I believe, been taken off women to freely choose what to do with their bodies the air. The name of one of the was swiftly quashed when Congress in 1976 ap- WtaTVactor who share my proved the Hyde amendment. By upholding the appellation. amendment, the Court denies poor women their None of my 20 classmates can right to choose. boast of this coincidence. Consider finally the date of my eCourt is upsetting. birth-January 21, 1960. That The strategy employed by the ursuptting.-date placesmy 20 birthday on The federal government may fully support the ex- July 21, 1980-the very day penses-high as they may be-incurred by a President Carter and the U.S. woman if she decides to carry a child to term. But Congress have set aside for me to since no Medicaid funds may be used if a woman register for a possible draft. inesne FOR MOST 2-year ads, the decided to abort, the Supreme Court in essence occasion of a half-birthday is not lures the indigent to have an unwanted child. As particularly important. Beyond a Justice Brennan stated in his dissent, "The Gover- slightly intensified awareness nment literally makes an offer that the indigent that a mere six months stand woman cannot afford to refuse." between thirsty minor and legal womanbarhopper, the half-birthday The Court also ignores a social reality: A woman adenwthout iassuncelebrated who cannot afford an abortion will revert to It's sobering to think that on dangerous, often hygenically unsafe methods to my half-birthday, I could very abort. In addition, the brutal restrictions imposed well become a felon. by the Hyde Amendment-many medically I don't yet know whether I'll aborion wil no be ubsdize bytheregister. Right now, I'm just necessary abortions will not be subsidized by the trying to prepare for the head-on federal government-will surely result in physical collision of my conscience and or mental complications to many unwilling the threat of fines and imprison- mothers. ment. It's unnerving to realize I cannot escape injury in the crash. The Hyde Amendment "compassionately" offers [ND ITS unnerving to think exceptions to the rule: Medicaid will cover abor- me-seiretdancesuburba mee tion payments in the case of rape or incest or when whose closest brush with war oc- the life of the mother is endangered. But these anti- curred in livingroom slugfests abortion zealots, led by Rep. Henry Hyde (R.- with my younger brother-to Illinois), vow that this is only the beginning and wrestle with the moral and civil have mounted a drive to seek a constitutional draft andm hregistrationf e amendment outlawing all abortions. responsibility to a country that Writing for the majority, Justice Stewart stateddeant to use my body and risk my that abortions are "the purposeful termination of a Perhaps it is the books I've potential life." But the real potential is a mother read; perhaps it is the films I've who will suffer the severe psychological and seen; perhaps it is the terrifying economic burden of raising a child without finan- thought of killing another person cial means and maternal desires. By a 5-4 decision, familyslrations, personality, an the Supreme Court ignored an easy remedy to this cowardice-whatever the reason, bleak future for many indigent women. I fear war more than any other The Court held that social justice is available to catastrophe. hill women-as long-as they canafford it. With that fear. as a given, a By Howard Witt decision not to participate in a registration program that I believe will bring us closer to war would seem almost demanded of me. Yet I find myself in the philosophically impure position of weighing the penalties for not registering against personal, moral directives urging me to oppose this step toward war. I despise Carter and the Congress for forcing upon-me such a con- test of philosophical purity versus cover-my-ass prac- ticality-especially since I've lost the contest, apparently lacking the fiber to obey my conscience Soviets are not fooled. CARTER, THEREFORE, is caught in a logical inconsistency. Seeing that the desired saber- rattling effects of registration have not been realized, the president should now be expected to take the next step-actually bare the saber of a full draft. Yet he promises that he is opposed to such a draft. Considering the hawkish, "patriotic" waves now sweeping the country and the proddings of top government and military leaders to return to a draft, it is not difficult to guess how Carter will resolve his logical dilemma. I fully expect the president to ask 6 6 6 6 instinctively and automatically. IN SHORT, it is patently unfair of my government to force me to choose between compromising my conscience and going to jail. What's worse, this denial of my liberty-all the more insidious because it involves a cerebral, in- tellectual compromise-is exacerbated by the repugnant politics underlying the registration plans. Carter's call last January for draft registration was a neat political move, appealing to a newly-jingoistic America. It also has seemed perfectly timed so that the registration debate wouldttranspire during the sum- mer months when students would have difficulty mobilizing in op- position. UNFORTUNATELY, what too many Americans-especially young people-have either refused or failed to perceive is that the president is talking out of both sides of his mouth when he simultaneously calls for registration and solemnly vows be is opposed to a peacetime draft. If the purpose of draft registration-as Carter main- tains-is to show both our allies and enemies that the U.S. is strong and prepared to defend its principles, then the plan has failed miserably-as Carter knows. The NATO countries have scoffed at mere registration, in- sisting that a draft is the only true indication of military wherewithal and pointing out that all the major world powers-ex- cept the U.S.-maintain peacetime conscription programs. If our allies don't buy the registration hoax, certainly the. Congress to reinstate the draft sometime before November-it's sure to get him quite a few votes. I have a fundamental fear that a strong army leads to the tem- ptation to use it. Perhapstwe have so far been spared a military con- frontation with the Soviets because our leaders have known we were not strong enough to start a battle. Because a draft leads to a strong military, and because registration will inevitably lead to a draft, I have a fundamental fear of registration. The volunteer army is sufficien- tly strong to defend America's borders-we must leave well enough alone and not provide military leaders with irresistible temptations. Make no mistake-though it is painfully trite, I do not hesitate to repeat "I love mycountry." I am not shirking my responsibility to the United States by opposing, registration because I am fully ready to defend America when it is necessary. The problem is, I don't think I'll be able to accept my government's definition of "necessary" in the next war-especially if the war is over oil. That issue, however, is for another day. Today, I'll just worry about whether I'll make that trip to the post office in two weeks. And about the threat of war.. And about my younger brother, who will be of draft age in less than a month. Oh, for those childhood days of slugfests. Howard Witt is the co- editor-in-chief of the summer Daily. 6 0 6