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July 08, 1980 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1980-07-08

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 8, 1980-Page 3
L ocal ScenBe

Frye assumes v.p. post

Billy Frye, LSA dean since 1976, took
office July 1 as the University's vice-
president for academic affairs.
Frye replaces current University
President Harold Shapiro in the
post-one of the most important
posiitons at the University.
THE NEW vice-president, with the
help of interim vice-president Alfred
Sussman, has been easing into the new
post since his appointment to it on April
3. There was no pomp when Frye took
office-he simply moved from his in-
terim cubicle of an office to the
relatively luxurious suite on the third
floor of the Administration Building.
With the University's financial pic-
ture-as uncertain as it is, Frye said he
feels the pressure of time keenly: "Cer-
tainly, until I learn the job I'm going to
hve to be on my toes with a greater sen-
se of urgency," he said in an interview
last week.
Sussman, who will now return to his
comes to
*A2; new
film to be
shot here
Come September, Ann Arbor will get
a taste of Hollywood when movie-
maker Alex Karras arrives in town to
start shooting his latest television film,
a drama about the constitutional rights
of the press.
The movie, Word of Honor, will star
actors Karl Malden and Roddy Mc-
Dowell as journalists who are sent to
jail for refusing to reveal their sources.
AN EX-DETROIT Lions defensive
tackle, Karras said he remembers a
park in Ann Arbor with an outdoor
theater and baseball diamond that will
be perfect for a picnic scene in his
movie. Although Karras said he can't
remember the park's name, he will
send a crew from his Hollywood-based
Georgian Bay production company to
survey the area within the next few
weeks and pick the site.
The crew will also select two interior
filming sites in Ann Arbor - a cour-
thouse and a newspaper office.
After four days of shooting on
location here, Karras will travel to
Oakland County where he and his crew
will spend the next three weeks
shooting the rest of the film.
Word of Honor will be the second
movie Karras has shot in Michigan. He
filmed another made-for-television
movie, Jimmy B. and Andre, on
location in the Detroit area.
The filming for Word of Honor will be
finished by the end of September, -but
"there's no telling" when the movie will
be aired on CBS, Karras said.

permanent post as Rackham dean, said
Frye has the "remarkable combination
of traits and experience" which makes
a good vice-president.
SUSSMAN SAID Frye is a "dedicated
academic"-a trait he called "essen-
tial" for the vice-presidency.
On, appointing Frye to the vice-
presidency, Shapiro cited Frye's com-
mitment to and familiarity with the
University as key factors in the choice.
Approximately 150 people were con-
sidered for the post during the search

process, which took almost seven mon-
ths to complete.
Frye comes to the vice-presidency at
a time of financial hardship and uncer-
tainty for the University. As vice-
presidency for academic affairs, he
automatically becomes chairman of the
University's budget planning commit-
Frye outlined his role in budget plan-
ning: "It gets down to a question of
program management on all levels.
And for' me it's going to mean very
largelv a matter of building an infor-

mation base and procedures that will
allow the University administration
and the faculty to make the best
judgments about where to put our
resources, and by implication, where to
take them away-where to shrink and
where to develop."
Frye added, "You have to make sure
that you dampen out the short-run
oscillation-you don't want to make
foolish decisions to grow here and
shrink there only to have to turn around
tomorrow and do it all over again."

FORMER LSA DEAN Billy Frye assumed the position of University Vice-President for Academic Affairs-one of
the University's most influential posts on July 1. Frye said he has been preparing for the new job since the announce.
ment of his appointment April 3.
Shapiro says slashes ,in
U'programs inevitable
By KEVIN TOTTIS in administration, which has been done for several years, he
said. But he added there were limits to these cuts, because of
The University's bleak financial situation calls for cut- -euain eln ihmter uha aey fimtv
backs in its "heartland" if it is going to maintain a high action, and research administration.
quality level of faculty and students, University President Faculty members and staff researchers are also asking
Haroald Shapiro told the Senate Assembly June 23. for increased administrative services, he said. "We get
"We cannot maintain our current programs at a quality more requests for administrative support . . . which
level (without making program cuts)," the president told the faculty and others believe appropriate." But he added "there
Assembly and more than 150 faculty members in the are some margins to be captured there."
Rackham Auditorium. Another option which the University is pursuing is in-
ACCORDING TO SHAPIRO, in fiscal year 1980, state creasing investments and endowment funds, Shapiro said,
revenues from income tax did not grow, and those from sales which the University is doing.
tax grew about three per cent; however, the state budget A THIRD OPTION is more competitive compensation,
grew about 12 per cent. As a result.,Shapiro said, the state had which Shapiro said he opposes. He cited a similar instance in
to use up a $300 million "rainy day fund." In 1981 the first, 1974-75 when the University had only a 1.2 per cent increase
thing the state must do is build back this fund, he said. in state allocations and this method was employed. It led to
In January, Shapiro continued, Gov. William Milliken cuts in equipment accounts and problems with book
recommended a 9.5 per cent increase in state.allocations to acquisitions, he said. "It (this strategy) has been a mistake
the University. The most recent increase in a bill by the soda proven failure," Shapiro said. Some of the emptied
Senate was only 4.7 per cent. According to Shapiro's predic- funds still haven't been rebuilt.
tions, higher education will not be funded at a 4.7 per cent The University must therefore make program cuts,
level next year, but rather, a three per cent level. Shapiro said. "We have to do it and do it now," he said. The
"This is at least eight percentage points behind the in- other options will not maintain a highly paid and highly sup-
flation rate," Shapiro told the audience.-ported faculty and high quality student body.
THERE ARE SEVERAL options the University has to
handle this decrease, Shapiro explained. One is to make cuts See SHAPIRO, Page 11

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