The Mic
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Some six million Iraqis,
rh s many who had never voted in their lives, turned out in
105-degree heat yesterday to elect their first national
assembly since 1958.
The elections come at a time when Iraq is ex-
periencing border skirmishes with neighbor Iran and
Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has
urged Iraqis to overthrow the Baghdad government.
THE POLLS CLOSED after 12 hours of voting in
3.2 Althe oil-rich country of 12.7 million.
Although the 250-member assembly will share its
legislative powers with the 20-member, ruling
Revolutionary Command Council and be subject to
dissolution by the council, voters in the capital
_ seemed optimistic.
"I don't know if it will be good, but I sure do hope
2 2 y e aw s so, and I'm glad-to be able to do it," said 65-year-old
Shahim Isho Ibrahim Bazzi, a watchman casting the
first vote of his life. "There were elections under
ichigan Doily-Saturday, June 21, 1980-Page 11
King Faisal, but that was controlled by the British."
BAZZI AND hundreds of Iraqi men and women,
many of the women clad in black, head-to-toe robes,
lined up at a Baghdad polling place and gratefully
sipped ice water offered by election workers. All
Iraqi men and women over 18 years old were eligible
to vote.
The assembly vote is the first since a military coup
in 1958 overthrew the monarchy of King Faisal II.
In northeastern Iraq, the estimated 1.5 million-
strong Kurdish community also elected a 20-member
legislative council that will oversee administration in
the area that fought bitter battles with the central
government until 1975.
PRESIDENT SADDAM Hussein, the 42-year-old
who heads the Revolutionary Command Council, also
leads the Arab Baath Socialist Party, serves as prime
minister and holds other key posts.
in city
spur new
(Continued from Page 3)
construction for posing the major
threat to bicycle safety. "University
students are by far the main law-
breakers," he said.
BUT THIS SUMMER, with the help of
two state grants, Pendleton hopes to
alleviate much of the danger.
In May, the city received a $20,000
grant from the Michigan Department of
Commerce Energy Administration that
Pendleton said has been put mostly into
bicycle programming and personnel.
And several weeks ago, the city
received an additional $24,000 to be
allocated toward bike-related con-
According to Pendleton, $10,000 will
fund a bicycle patrol program he con-
siders "my main priority right now."
After spending two weeks in training,;
three full-time and two part-time
cyclists will soon begin to patrol city
streets, stopping bikers who violate
safety rules.
ONLY POLICE ARE authorized to
ticket cyclists hut, according to Major
Robert Whittaker, the department has
neither the manpower nor the money to
police bikers. "I will make the (of-
ficers) aware they must pay attention
to bike violations, especially those that
could produce injury," he said.
Pendleton said he thinks the police
could do more in bike enforcement. "I'd
like to see them just pick up the
microphone as they drive by and tell
someone when they're riding on the
wrong side of the road," he said.
The program will also emphasize en-
couraging people to commute to work
by bike. "I'm in the process of forming
a bike pool following the buddy system
principal," he said. "The commuter
will be assigned an experienced rider
who lives nearby and works in the same
vicinity. We estimate there are 6,000
people who are employed downtown.
Our goal is to get 300 of those people to
commute by bike," he added.
Pendleton also plans to hold bike
maintenance seminars, to develop a
bicycle parking ordinance, and to
establish a pilot bicycle rider education
program that will be taught in conjun-
ction with driver education classes.
Fond farewell at Ford
Ford Motor Company plant manager Paul Nolan, left, shakes hands with UAW Local 906 President Joseph O'Hara as
the last automobile rolls off the assembly line at the Mahwah, New Jersey, Ford plant yesterday. Ford officials cited
declining mid-sized car sales and poor production quality as reasons for closing the plant, an action which will cost 3,732
workers their jobs.
Plan for battered women begins
(ContinuedfromPage3) those cases. She said she believes many According to Oettle his organization
sessions to help make the officers more other women contacted Safe House in provides no specific services to victims
sensitive to the victim's needs and con- Ann Arbor, an organization that of domestic violence but is able to
cern. povies btteed omenwit a em- provide women with funds through
According to Lipson, the main em- porary place to stay if they choose to already existing programs.
phasis of her organization is counseling leave their homes. An evaluation of the domestic violen-
domestic violence (and rape) victims Ken Oettle, director of the Depar- ce program, which is the first of its kind
and facilitating their interaction with tment of Secial Services, said hattered in the nation, will be submitted to the
other human service agencies. She ad- women are primarily referred to his National Institute of Mental Health in
ded her group does not attempt to make agency for financial assistance, often April, 1981, according to Hanewicz. He
decisions for the women, but instead for relocating. Through the Aid to added if the program is successful it
tries to point out alternatives available Dependent Children (ADC) programs, will be used as a model for agencies in
to them. he added, a mother may recieve from other cities.
Washtenaw County organizations
responded to approximately 1,500
domestic violence-related incidents last
Lipson said the Assault Crisis Center,
a part of the Washtenaw Community
Mpntnl Nath t'ntpr nlpi R o
$330 to almost $1,000 per month.
$4 for about 45 minutes partici-
pation in research prolect on
thinking and emotions.
Healthy Men and Women between 18 and 36
Call U of M Psychotherapy Clinic