'U' officers
' brief Regents
on economic
hardship plan
The Michigan Daily-Saturday, June 22, 1980-Page 3
Local Scenemmm
University executive officers yester-
day briefed the Regents on a three-year
budget plan developed to help Univer-
sity units maintain quality during the
anticipated economic hardships of the
immediate future.
In a subsequent action, the board ap-
proved emergency spending for the
1980-81 fiscal year that essentially holds
expenditures at or below their current
1979-80 levels. The move is necessary
because the state legislature has not yet
approved a 1980-81 fiscal budget, and
may not do so until November.
current levels is the only way the
University can be sure the state will
cover its expenses when the legislature
adopts the budget this fall. An increase
in state allocations to the University of
less than four per cent seems likely and
an absence of any increase at all is a
The backbone of the three-year plan
is a controlled reduction in the size of
the staff while maintaining adequate
support for "all members of the
University community, including
faculty, students, and staff whom we
are able to retain," University officials
told the Regents.
Specifically, the plan calls for the
various University units (the 17 schools
and colleges, administrative services,
and other general fund-supported
areas) to take on partial responsibility
for funding their own salary and com-
pensation programs, beginning im-
mediately. Part of the 1980-81 salary
program will be funded from units'
existing 1979-80 budgets.
UNIVERSITY President Harold
Shapiro at yesterday's meeting reaf-
firmed his belief that some layoffs will
be necessary to keep compensation as
high as possible for the remaining staff.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline) ob-
jected to what appeared to be across-
the-board cuts called for in the three-
year plan.
Acting Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Alfred Sussman said the
executive officers shared his concern
and planned to make available
"bridging funds" for those units in dire
need. The funds would be "in the nature
of a loan," with repayment expected if
at all possible, Sussman said.
VICE-PRESIDENT and Chief Finan-
cial Officer James Brinkerhoff added
although most units would be expected
to take certain cuts across the board,
individual departments within each
unit could take cuts that might vary
Shapiro interjected although units
will have much autonomy in making
budget cut decisions, the central ad-
ministration will insist that units not do
away with their equipment funds. He
said the strategy of ignoring equipment
needs was attempted in 1974-75 and
failed dismally.
Shapiro yesterday reiterated his
hard-line opposition to the Tisch II
proposal, which now seems likely to
appear on the state's November ballot.
He said he recognized the legitimacy of
its backers' complaints, but called the
amendment itself "foolhardy."
IF PASSED, Shiawassee County
Drain Commissioner Robert Tisch's
See REGENTS, Page 10
AN ANN ARBOR bicyclist pedals down Packard St. without incident, unlike
many of his cycling compatriots. A recent upsurge in cycling accidents has
prompted city officials to begin a bicycle safety program and to upgrade
city bicycle paths.
Bikemishaps i n A2
up, coordinator says
Diverted by a scantily-clad sunbather,
a cyclist riding down Packard Rd.
toward campus takes his eyes off the
road for a moment, and looks up just
before an oncoming cycylist barrels in-
to him head-on. The combined speed of
each cyclist, both going 20 mph,
Area agencies, Sheriff's dept.
team up to aid battered women
By BONNIE JURAN The woman may be unable to appreciate initial police
Area human service agencies and the Washtenaw County guidance, Hanewicz said, because they are often in a
Sheriff's Department jointly launched a new program this precarious emotional state. Recontacting the victims, he
week in an effort to decrease the incidence of domestic continued, may "re-encourage them (to seek help) at a time
violence, when they are more likely to take (the information) in."
The new plan will commit special volunteer deputies to The deputies who volunteered for the program have a per-
recontact domestic violence victims within 72 hours of the sonal interest in making it a success, the professor said,
original incident and encourage them to get in touch with because domestic disputes are the third-ranked cause of of-
area agencies for assistance, according to Michigan State ficer death or injury.
University Associate Prof. of Criminal Justice Wayne HE ADDED THE deputies received special training in
Hanewicz, who helped formulate the program. "how not to be offensive" on the telephone when encouraging
HANEWICZ ADDED THAT currently, fewer than two per battered women to seek assistance.
cent of the battered women in Washtenaw County contact Debra Lipson, co-ordinator of the Assault Crisis Center,
local organizations for help after initial police recommen- said her organization participated in the deputy training
dations to do so. See PLAN, Page 11
produces a 40 mph impact speed.
Either cyclist could have been killed.
The accident hasn't happened... yet.
But, according to Packard resident
Bruce Carol, serious accidents like this
one come close tohappening every day.
"I SEE A LOT of close calls with
cyclists traveling on the wrong side of
the road," the LSA junior said. "I saw
three near-miss accidents within five
minutes one day."
According to Tom Pendleton, Ann
Arbor bicycle coordinator, there has
been a tremendous increase in the
number of bicycle accidents reported
this year-an increase he attributes in
pert to the energy crisis. "We only hear
about the accidents reported to the
police," he said, "and the police
probably hear about 10 per cent of all
the accidents." He suggested the in-
crease in accidents could correspond
with an increase in bikers. "People who
were here tell me there are
unquestionably more bikers now than
there were a year ago," he said.
Pendleton came to Ann Arbor last
August to become the city's first full
time bicycle staff person. As coor-
dinator of the only city bike service in
Michigan, he blames bikers themselves
rather than motorists or faulty road
.See BICYCLE, Page 11