The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 20, 1980-Page 5
S. African
bank bill
: Senate
LANSING (UPI) - Legislation
barring deposit of state funds in banks
loaning money to firms with South
African connections sparked Senate
debate yesterday, as opponents argued
Michigan should stay out of inter-
national affairs.
That measure and a bill prohibiting
employers from sexually harassing
workers were placed in position for
final Senate action.
THE BANK deposit bill - heavily
pushed by black lawmakers - would
prevent the state from depositing funds
in banks with even indirect ties to
racially segregated South Africa.
Any bank loaning money to a South
AP Photo African firm or an American firm with
Town, South subsidiaries or branches in the white
supremacist nation would be ineligible
for state accounts.
Y : Sen. Basil Brown, noting current
rioting by disgruntled South African
blacks, said Michigan should not en-
courage business in the apartheid
Li' nation by letting its surplus funds be
used as loans.
otting classes "WE HAVEN'T been willing to do
go to protest in- more than give lip service to human
the segregated rights," the Highland Park Democrat
ven more com- But Sen. Donald Bishop (R-
area yesterday, Rochester) argued the bill would rule
mber of strikers. out deposits in almost every bank in
d Motor Co. was Michigan and cause severe problems
assembly plant for the state treasury.
to obtain parts An emotional Sen. John Kelly (D-
lighting firm Detroit) insisted ill effects the state suf-
fers would be recovered through human
gains made in South Africa.
INJURED IN WEDNESDAY'S rioting, a young man is treated before being taken to a hospital near Cape
Africa. Four days of riots reportedly left at least 42 dead across South Africa.
S. African riots contmin
(AP)-Black religious leaders urged
Prime Minister P.W. Botha yesterday.
to meet with them to "save the coun-
try" following another day of violent
protests and strikes in this white-ruled
land. As many as 42 people have been
reported killed this week.
The South African Press Association
reported that violence around Cape
Town continued, saying police arrested
40 people yesterday and used tear gas
to disperse a crowd of about 350 striking
POLICE OFFICIALS told the press
association no one had been injured in-
the confrontation in the mixed-race
township of Ravensmead.
But the news service said police
wounded at least two people when firing
birdshot to break up a stone-throwing
crowd in the black township of
Uitenhage outside Cape Town.
Gen. Mike Geldenhuys, the police
commissioner, said the situation
around the country was "quieter than it
has been since the beginning of the
current wave of unrest" on Monday, the
fourth anniversary of the start of the
1976 Soweto riots that left nearly 600
blacks dead in eight months of unrest.
BUT THE SOUTH African Press
Association carried an account saying.
police wounded at least two people after
firing birdshot to break up a stone-
throwing crowd in the black township of
Uitenhage outside Cape Town, where
police were said to have used tear gas
to disperse a crowd of striking workers.
Bishop Desmond Tutu, a leading
black moderate, was quoted by the
Post, whose circulation is largely
among blacks, as saying the South
African Council of Churches was
prepared to accept the conditions laid
down by the prime minister to meet
with him.
Botha said Wednesday he would
agree to see black church leaders if
they openly rejected communism for
South Africa and denounced
organizations, including the African
National Congress, that used violence
against the government of the white
minority. Whites make up about 17 per
cent of the country's approximately 28
million people.
"WE HAVE NO problems with any of
the conditions set down though we
would have preferred to meet without
conditions," said Tutu, the church
group's secretary general.
"We could, for instance, also make
conditions like asking for the release of
political prisoners or the calling of a
national convention. But I am prepared
to do anything to save the country."
The government has not yet indicated
a meeting will take place. If it does, it
would be the first since mixed-race
students began boyc
nearly three months a
ferior education under
Workers struck sev
panies in the Uitenhage
bringing to 5,000 the nui
A spokesman said For(
forced to close an a
because it was unable
from an automotive
struck the day before.