The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 19, 1980-Page 11
Newspaper in
.Tehran reports
plot to overthrow.
Iran's president.
ILLINOIS STATE REP. William Henry (D-Chicago) talks on the telephone in
Springfield, Ill. yesterday with President Carter. The president was calling
Henry to urge him to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment. The Illinois
House last night failed to ratify ERA.
Illinois House nixes ERA
By The Associated Press
A leader of the clergy-dominated
party that could determine the fate of
the 53 American hostage* was reported
yesterday to have called Iranian
President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr "a
tool of America" and to have plotted his
The Tehran newspaper Enghlab
Eslami published what is said was the
text of a tape quoting Dr. Hassan Ayat,
an official of the Islamic Republican
Party, as saying Bani-Sadr, "will be
ousted soon."
AYAT LATER declared, "I have not
been conspiring against anybody." He
said he would expose "a shameful plot
that directors of Enghlab Eslami are
involved in against me, against the
Islamic Republican Party and against
the imam , (Iranian revolutionary
leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini)."
Bani-Sadr, who founded Enghlab
Eslami, still is said to enjoy Khomeini's
spport and therefore is expected to
remain in power. But the 80-year-old
Khomeini yesterday named represen-
tatives of the armed forces to report to
him directly-a move observers said
might further weaken the president's
The newspaper report underlined the
deep and apparently growing split bet-
ween Bani-Sadr and the Moslem fun-
damentalists who run the IRP and, in
turn, have a working majority in the
Iranian parliament. Khomeini has said
Parliament will rule on the hostages,
who spent their 228th day in captivity
Beheshti, head of Iranian Supreme
Court and of the IRP, told reporters
during a news conference that
Parliament probably won't take up the
hostage question for another month.
"For the time being the Majlis has a
lot of things to do," he said, adding:
"There is possibility of a hostage trial,
but everything depends on the
He thus appeared to reject a call
Tuesday for a national referendum to,
decide what to do about the hostages.
developments yesterday:
" The official Iranian news agency
Pars said 16 Iranians were executed on
orders of revolutionary tribunals-10
men and a woman after being convicted
on drug trafficking charges, three men
found guilty of armed robbery and
rape, and two men charged in a prison
revolt. The executions were by firing
squad and hanging.
e Beheshti said Iran "is not afraid of
Russian warnings" and would continue
its support of Moslem Afghan rebels,
but did not elaborate.
probe nets
two more
NEW YORK (AP)-Two powerful
Democratic congressmen were indic-
ted yesterday on bribe charges in-
volving $100,000, bringing to five the
number of House members facing
criminal charges in the two-year FBI
Abscam probe.
The five-count bribery-conspiracy
indictment returned in U.S. District
Court in Brooklyn against Rep. John
Murphy (D-N.Y.) and Frank Thompson
Jr. (D-N.J.) accused them of accepting
money in return for agreeing to in-
troduce private immigration bills for
foreign businessmen wishing to
emigrate to the United States.
charged with conspiracy, bribery,
illegally receiving compensation for
services relating to government mat-
ters, and abetting in interstate travel in
aid of a racketeering enterprise.
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(Continuedffrom Page 1)
receiving calls earlier in the day on
behalf of ERA from Carter.
Illinois, the only major Northern in-
dustrial state not to approve the amen-
dment, was targeted by the National
Organization for Women and other pro-
ERA groups for a major ratification
drive this spring.
SCORES OF "ERA Action Teams"
have combed the state for support and
more than 25,000 persons showed up in
Chicago on May 10 for a pro-ERA
march and rally.
Yesterday, ERA lobbyists clad in
Kelly green wandered through the
Capitol, mixing with sign-carrying op-
ponents wearing bright red.
ERA supporters had hoped the
momentum of House approval would
improve the measure's chances in the
THE AMENDMENT banning sex
discrimination has been approved by 35
of the 38 states required to become part
of the U.S. Constitution. Five states
have rescinded their approval, but the
validity of that action is in question.
ERA supporters had hoped to call the
amendment to a vote in the Illinois
House on May 14, but canceled their
plans when they realized they were two
votes short of the 107 they needed.
Fatal crashes among
youths decline 21.4%
LANSING (UPI)-The number of
18- to 10-year-old drinking drivers in-
volved in fatal accidents dropped 21.4
per cent in the last half of 1979, the
Michigan Council on Alcohol Problems
claimed yesterday.
The council said state police figures
also show the number of young tipplers
involved in all crashes continued a
decline which had begun during the fir-
st six months of 1979-the first year in
which the new higher drinking age sup-
ported by the organization was in ef-
THE COUNCIL had earlier cited the
decline in all accidents involving 19-20-
year-old drinking drivers as evidence of
the success of its ballot proposal raising
the legal age to 21 from 18. However,
the number of young drinking drivers
involved in fatal accidents during the
first half of the year had actually in-
The organization is now fighting a
battle agaisnt a new drive to lower the
age from 21 to 19.
The state police figures show 9218-20-
year-old drinking drivers were involved
in fatal accidents from July, 1979
through December, 1979, compared
with 117 for the same period in 1978, the
council said.
A committee of students is currently being formed to assist in
the planning for the conversion of the Michigan Union into a
student center. Interested students must be willing to commit to
weekly meetings all summer.
CONTACT Peggy or Mark at Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) 763-3241 or stop by 3909 Michigan Union.