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June 19, 1980 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-06-19

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Page 4-Thursday, June 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Genetic research
benefits immense
WrRROR MOVIE fanatics will be disappointed.
Genetic engineers are not about to create
Frankensteins. They are not pursuing the invention
of a super race, and it is highly improbable that
their newest gene-splicihg techniques will yield a
deadly disease that will wipe-out mankind.
The real achievements of the growing number of
microbiologists who are using recombinant DNA
techniques to fashion new forms of life are much
less sensational. They include benefits to the
human race such as a bacterium with the ability to
create human insulin, and an organism that can
devour an oilsspill.
In an important ruling Monday, the Supreme
Court decided that organisms made by scientists
could be ptented. By sanctioning patents for new
life forms, tle Court's action is expected to spur
the rapidly growing genetic engineering industry.
Now that new forms of life made through gene-
splicing or other laboratory techniques can be
protected by patents, smaller firms will be
able to enter the market currently dominated by
large pharmaceuticals such as Eli Lilly. The com-
mercial potential of recombinant DNA will be even
larger now and scientists whose achievements are
guarded by patents may be more willing to discuss
the technology and help others in their research.
The potentials of genetic research are immense.
By changing the genetic structure of living organ-
isms, researchers are able to create bacteria with
human genes and the subsequent ability to produce
substances such as human insulin or human inter-
feron-an anti-virus chemical which may be a
promising treatment for cancer patients.
Gene-splicing products have strong industrial
potential too. New forms of energy may come from
laboratory organisms. Researchers are currently
trying to develop a bacterium that will convert
cellulose in vegetable matter to a liquid that can be
used as fuel.
This potentially rich field promises to reveal a
greater understanding of life itself. Fortunately,
the scare stories are dying down and the public is
beginning to realize the numerous benefits this
research can contribute to society.
Like any technology, gene-splicing has its risks.
The acceleration in research that the Supreme
Court decision will no doubt prompt calls for strong
safety guidelines to insure that the technology
fulfills its potential as a true asset to society.
Editorial policies
Letters and columns represent the opinions
of the individual author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the attitudes or beliefs
af the Daffy:; ..

- .,
~Aj j1
to vote for Librtain




To the Daily: there has to be a complete break
Selective Slavery is now only a with the tired old parties. There
month or two away. Barring a has to be a vote that is consistent
last minute derailment on the with the anti-draft movement and
basis of sex discrimination, the anti-war movement.
registration at your local Post Of- In 1980 the Libertarian Party
fice will begin about the middle of will be on at least 40 state ballots,
July. All courtesy of the possibly on all 50. This exceeds
Democratic and Republican Par- Anderson, and even what McCar-
ties. The only bright note is that thy had in 1976. In Michigan,
the Post Office will screw it up though, the "Republicrats" are
like they have the mails. running scared. There is now a
Back in March, the Libertarian double requirement for "minor"
National Committee went on parties-petitioning and a runoff
record (as reported by the wire primary. In August, Michigan
services and NPR) suggesting voters will be asked to do one of
that civil disobedience would be the following: vote in the
moral and proper against Republican Primary; vote in the
registration and the draft. In Democratic Primary; or vote in
other words, refusal to register, the Minor Party Runoff. In the
refusal to be drafted. With the latter, voters will have to choose
sellout by Canada's Trudeau to which one of several parties (plus
Washington, and with the new Anderson) will be allowed on the
SSS "Massa" vowing to hunt November General Election
down every last evader with Ballot. By law, no candidates can
whatever it takes-Social appear on the runoff section.
Security, IRS and Census (!)
records, the fight is going to have .
to be more than just refusal. Car- Registration a
ter and the Democrats have
brought us conscription. Reagan op n o a e
is basically noncommittal, and
Anderson pays only lip service to
the anti-draft movement with his To the Daily:
statement that we don't need a The headline, "Students in
"peace-time draft." favor of Carter's'draft plan" and
Many of the anti-draft people the accompanying article by
are not backing Reagan or Car- Kevin Tottis (Daily, June 13)
ter, but are opting for John An- should not have passed the
derson. But Anderson is a editors. The implication is that
political party of one. He is, so to more students favor Carter's
speak, the chief cook and bottle draft plan than do not, but this
washer. He won't even be on isspeis never addressed in. the
many state ballots. This year -artiile.

If you are fed up with the
politics of tweedledum and
tweedledee; if you are against
the draft; and if you are against
the foreign policy that has
created the situation in Iran and
elsewhere, the Libertarian Party
is the only rational way to go.
The LP candidate, Clark, will not
be elected, most likely, but there
is a good chance other Liber-
tarian candidates will be. The
myth of "throwing away one's
vote" has been exposed as that, a
myth. Government will have to
This will only happen if you get
out on August 5th and vote to
place the Libertarian Party on
the November ballot. Those who
do not choose to be free soon may
not be free to choose.
-Jim Greenshields,
Member, State Central
Libertarian Party
June 13
If a survey was taken, Daily
readers could easily judge
student opinion for themselves if
given the method and results. In
its published form, however, the
headline is purely Mr. Tottis'
opinion; the article is misleading
and not very informative; and
the piece as a whole belongs on
the "Opinion" page.,




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