The Michigan Daily-Saturday, June 14, 1980-Page 13
Anti-superstition society meets
By The Associated Press
Mount St. Helens was acting up
again, and some blamed it on the date.
But the Anti-Superstition Society was
meeting with its 13 black cats to show
its disdain for Friday the 13th.
The 313 members planned to gather
at a fashionable downtown Chicago
club to smash mirrors, trample four-
leaf clovers, and open umbrellas in-
AS FAR AS was known, no evil beset
Chicago or the members of the group,
but out in the Pacific Northwest there
was much speculation about why the
volcano grew angry.
It is known that cosmic forces were at
work yesterday on this Friday the 13th.
The moon swung closer to the mountain
and gave it a gentle tug with its gravity.
Scientists had said earlier that would
make the volcano "slightly more
susceptible" to an eruption.
But they wouldn't buy the notion that
the calendar was an influence.
On Thursday, Pete Rowley, a
geologist with the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey, had said: "If it blows up on Friday,
it will set back science 10 years."
THAT NIGHT, Mount St. Helens blew
its top for the third time and pumped a
mushroom cloud of volcanic ash over
much of the Pacific Northwest in the
early hours of Friday the 13th.
The Anti-Superstition Society went on
with its meeting anyway, since it's the
only Friday the 13th they'll get this
year. They'll meet three times next
"In 1981, there will be three Fridays
the 13th - in February, March, and
November," said Les Lear, the
society's executive vice president.
THE GROUP was organized in 1930
by 13 members, including Chicago
Bears owner George Halas. He and one
of his former stars, Harold "Red"
Grange, were amng 26 men honored thi
year by the organization for their civic
(ContinuedfromPage 12)
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Grange, who wore football jersey No.
77., turned 77 years old yesterday.
"The society tries to discourage
belief in silly superstitions," said Lear.
Thirteen black cats were invited to
prowl about the meeting room.
Meanwhile, inflation also took a lick
at the superstition business.,
IN GRAND Rapids, Mich., Jack
Diamond, holding a "Friday the 13th
Sale" at his magic shop, reported that
the cost of rabbits' feet has jumped.
"It costs more to raise the rabbits,
but I suspect they may be just getting
on the inflation bandwagon," said
Diamond. He said the price for the good
luck charm had gone up from 35 cents
to 50 cents since last year. But he does
offer a cut-rate model, an imitation
rabbit's foot from Hong Kong that goes
for 25 cents.
In Indianapolis, Jerome Kutche
wasn't at all concerned that Friday fell
nn the 12th That's his luckv numher
Kutche is a retired Indianapolis
railroad worker who was born on
Friday, March 13, 1918, the 13th of 13
children. He lived on Indiana Highway
13 at Elwood for 13 years. He turned age
13 on Friday the 13th.
He says he has had his share of illness
and accidents, beginning at age five
when he fell from a second-story win-
dow and barely survived. He has un-
dergone major heart surgery and was
forced to retire early
4 '
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