Ibex affection
A three-month-old Nubian ibex nuzzles up to his father in the Los Angeles Zoo yesterday. The tyke could b
of fatherly advice, or a hint on what to get dad for Father's Day.
Plot against Khom etni
fioied, Iran govt. says
The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 13 1980-Page 13
z Ford says
16 millon
truck and
car recall
DEARBORN (UPI)-If the govern-
ment orders the recall of 16 million of
its cars and trucks for an alleged tran-
smission defect, Ford Motor Co. said
yesterday it wouldn't know what to fix.
Roger Maugh, Ford's auto safety
director, accused the government of
unfairly singling out the company for a
problem common to most cars and
trucks equipped with automatic tran-
THE PROBLEM, Maugh said at a
news conference, is that drivers fail to
latch the gear shift lever in'the park
position, allowing it to slip into reverse.
"As far as we're concerned, these
AP Photo kinds of errors have been going on ever
since automatic transmissions have
been produced," he said.
e getting a bit "These are machines. They're
operated by human beings. People are
going to make mistakes. People are
going to get in trouble."
23,000 complaints from Ford owners
ii during nearly three years of in-
vestigating, the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration ten-
tatively concluded 16 million 1972-1979
Ford vehicles with automatic tran-
smissions can slip into reverse when
the gear indicator is left in park.
NHTSA said 98 deaths and 1,170 in-
arge is that the juries are attributed to the problem.
Savak in these If the finding that a defect exists is
made final, Ford could be ordered to
to know it and I recall the vehicles. It would be the
would not drop to largest recall in automotive history, far
e to blackmail surpassing the 1972 recall of nearly 7
blished" that the million General Motors Corp. vehicles
ved. for faulty engine mounts.
gn minister said NHTSA. told Ford on Wednesday it
of freeing the 53 would hold a hearing July 21 to deter-
his country or mine if the defect exists.
ill be resolved in
ined Iran's view
United States to WOMEN'S INSURANCE
his current visit POLICIES ON INCREASE
al. WASHINGTON (AP)-The average
h, the foreign American woman is being insured for
nterview broad- more than ever before, reports the
es his office was American Council of Life Insurance.
dations for the The average, ordinary life insurance
ages and expec- policy purchased on the life of a woman
y in a couple of more than doubled in size between 1972
and 1978.
NBC "Today"
om Oslo, he said
ii would make HAVE A NCE
arliament about m EE
e should, these
ing factor."
From AP and UPI
A plot against the regime of
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was
reported uncovered in an Iranian army
unit yesterday and an undetermined
number of persons died during street
fighting between leftists and Moslem
fundamentalists in Tehran.
Tehran Radio said the army unit in-
volved in the alleged plot was in Piran-
shahr, near the border with Iraq, where
Kurds seek to make the western
province of Kurdistan independent.
Iran's interior minister said clashes
between Kurds and army troops this
Classif ies
(ContinuedfromPage 12)
SUMMER SUBLET-For female, own room, price
negotiable. Call996-4105. 26U619
FEMALE SUBLET bedroom in Albert Terrace.
Whole apartment available August. Sublet July
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PARK PLAZA on S. University, No. 13-1 room of
2 bedroom apartment July-Aug. Cheap. 995-2612,
668-2338,Doug. 20U617
SUMMER SUBLET-2 Bedrooms, near CCRB, A/C,
price negotiable. 665-5360. 06U614
CHEAP ROOM-Modern Apt. Close to campus.
Female, A/C, NowthroughAugust. 996-5797. 13U613
ROOMMATE WANTED-Michigan grad. looking for
graduate student or working parson s rting Aug /
Sept. Call Ec, 995-9397 weeknigbts 8-1l or weet
ends. 29Y617
week left "a large number" of persons
TEHRAN RADIO also said two
' Iranian revolutionary guards died in a
day-long series of clashes Wednesday
between guards and Iraq's army troops
near two border posts.
Khomeini said in a nationwide broad-
cast Tuesday that internal differences
had created "chaos" in Iran and were
threatening his regime.
Various reports said about 300 per-
sons were injured in the battles that
started when the fundamentalists at-
tacked leftists staging a rally at a spor-
ts stadium. Tehran Radio said some
people were killed, but did not say how
many, and did not mention injuries.
THE STADIUM clashes turned into
street battles in which cars were set
ablaze and soldiers, policemen, and
revolutionary guards fired tear gas to
disperse the mobs.
Meanwhile, independent presidential
candidate John Anderson said Wed-
nesday night in Portland, Ore., he
would be willing to apologize to Iran if
there is proof of CIA collaboration with
the shah's secret police.
"We have made some serious
mistakes in our dealings with Iran over
along period of years."
HE SAID he would make no apology
on the basis of demands by the
Ayatollah Khomeini, but: "I think there
is no doubt that Savak (the Iranian
secret police) was involved in torture
and murder and other activities against
human rights. The ch
CIA collaborated with
"If this is true I want
would apologize, but Iv
my knees in respons
before it has been estat
United States was invol
In Oslo, Iran's forei
he hopes the question,
American hostages in
trying them as spies wi
July. He said he expla
of its crisis with the 1
socialist leaders during
to the Norwegian capita
Sadegh Ghotbzade
minister, said in an i
cast in the United Stati
preparing recommen
parliamgent on the host
ted to have them read
Interviewed by the
program via satellite fr
he doubted Khomein
recommendations to p
the hostages but if h
would be "the determin
FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1980
Seymour Kaufman
"Regulatory Properties of
Hepatic Phenylalanine Hydaroxylase"
MHRI Conference Room 1057 12:00 noon
Co-sponsored by section of Pediatric Neurology
Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology