Page 2-Friday. June 13, 1980-The Michigan Daily Congress OKs 1981 budget; new peacetime defense record WASHINGTON (AP)-Heeding the pleas of Democratic leaders, Congress yesterday approved a $613.6 billion 1981 budget that contains a record peacetime defense increase and projec- ts a precarious $200 million surplus. The Senate gave the budget final passage on a 61-26 vote, just hours after the House narrowly approved it by a 205-195 margin. President Carter's signature is not required. HOUSE PASSAGE, accomplished with only 10 Republican votes, came af- ter Democratic leaders warned that failure to approve a budget, already four weeks late, could raise serious questions about Congress' ability to govern. But negotiators ended a stalemate Wednesday by agreeing to slightly higher domestic spending and slightly lower outlays for the military. House Republicans urged rejection of the new compromise because like the earlier proposal, it lacked a tax cut, raised, overall spending and was unlikely to stay in balance. THE NEW FIGURES are based on unemployment and inflation assum- ptions developed months ago when the economy was stronger. Economists say if unemployment continues at 7.8 per cent, the 1981 budget will be in the red. Carter is expected to support the new package although the budget conferees kept defense spending at $153.7 billion, $3.2 billion more than the president requested and the same amount con- tained in the defeated compromise. However, the new plan would trim long-term defense increases-those projected beyond fiscal 1981-by $800 milion. THE REVISED package also restored $300 million for domestic programs that the earlier compromise had cut from Carter's budget request. Thp 1981 budget package also raises the spending ceiling for fiscal 1980, which ends Sept. 30, to permit action on emergency spending for government programs-including disaster relief, refugee aid and black-lung benefits to disabled miners-that are running out of money. One program, a special federal jobless fund paying benefits to 600,000 people, went broke last week. THE REVISED 1980 budget would permit $572.6 billion in current-year spending, $25 billion more than was contained in the budget approved last fall. The deficit also would climb to $47 billion $17.2 billion higher than earlier projected. Other key elements in the 1981 budget package would: " Impose on congressional commit- tees an unprecedented order to report out legislation within three weeks to save $6.4 billion and raise $4.2 billion in new revenues. * Eliminate $600 million for Saturday Mnail deliveries. I Wipe out $1.7 billion for general revenue sharing for states.. * Halve the Comprehensive Em- ployment and Training Act's public service job program from 200,000 jobs to 100000. Thou shalt not steal Chicagoans, ignoring one of the Ten Commandments forbidding theft, keep taking signs frop a city street named in honor of Pope John Paul 1. Alderman Aloysius Majerczyk said yesterday since Jan, 16-when a mile- long stretch of 43rd Street was renamed Pope John Paul II Drive-city workers have replaced signs 23 times. He added that when he checked yesterday, another seven of 20 were missing. The section of the street, in Majerczyk's ward on the southwest side of the city, was renamed because the pope traveled it in a motorcade during his October visit to the city. Majerczyk said he plans to ask police "To keep an eye out for nostalgia hunters" who he believes are taking the signs, which cost $185 apiece. It'll probably takea "miracle" to keep them on their posts. Q Neither rain, nor sleet, nor flats ... Averaging about 10 mph on his bicycle, Clint Worthington of: Irvine, Calif. beat the postman's appointed rounds ina race against five letters he mailed 391/2 hours earlier in Phoenix and Sun City, Ariz. Worthington, a 20-year-old bank employee, dropped the letter in post poxes Monday night and pedaled 415 miles back to Irvine. Two letters arrived 25 minutes after he returned Wednesday. The other threeweren't in Wednesday's mail. Postal Service officials, however, weren't amused by the bank employee's stunt, and accused him of "blackening the Postal Service in his quest for publicity." Worthington said he decided to test the speed of the mails because bank customers had blamed their late loan and mortgage payments on slow mail delivery. On the outside Skies remain clear, the humidity will stay low, and temperatures should reach the low-to-mid 80's in the afternoon, Who could ask for anything more? Hapenings ILMS AAFC-The Last Tycoon, 7 p.m.; The Last Detail, 9 p.m., MLB 3. Gargoyle Films-Sleuth, 7:10, 9:30 p.m., 100 Hutchins Hall. Cinema Guild-Copacabana, 7:30, 9:30 p.m., Old Arch. Aud. Cinema II-Of Human Bondage, 7:30 p.m.; All About Eve, 9:30 p.m., MLB 4. PERFORMANCES Canterbury Loft-"Men Working," men's dance company, 8 p.m., 332 S. State. Friends of Brass-"Brass Cinq" concert, 7 p.m., Liberty Park Plaza. MISCELLANEOUS Ecology Center-free solar energy workshop for homeowners, 7:30-10:30 p.m., Community High School, 401 N. Division. Intl. Ctr.-trip to Hidden Lake Gardens in E. Lansing, 2 -5:30 p.m. School of Metaphysics-rap session, "Who's Controlling Your Life?," 7:30 p.m., 219/2N Main. The Michigan Daily (USPS 344-900) Volume XC, No. 26-S Friday, June 13, 1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and Field Newspaper Syndicate. News room: (313) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562: Circulation: 764- 0558; Classified advertising: 764-0557; Display advertising: 764-0554; Biltng: 764-0550; Composing Room: 764-0556. Editors-in-Chief..........TOM MIRGA Business Manager .......... . HOWARD WITT ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI Editorial Page Editor... SARA ANSPACH Display Manager.... KATHLEEN CULVER Arts Editor........... MARK COLEMAN Cldssified Manager...... SUSAN KLING Sports Editor...........ALAN FANGER Circulation Manager.... JAMES PICKETT Executive Sports Editors. .SCOTT LEWIS Ad Coordinator... E. ANDREW PETERSEN MARK MHANOVIC BUSINESS STAFF: Donna Drein, Aida NEWS STAFF WRITERS: Joyce Frieden, Eisenstat, Barbara ForsludKristina Bonnie Juran, Nick Katsarelas, Geoff Peterson, Daniel Woods Olans, Elaine Rideout, Mitch Stuart, Kev- SPORTS STAFF WRITERS: Dan Conlin in Tottis Moreland. Joanne Schneider, Tom Sha- PHOTO STAFF: Paul Engstrom, David heen, Drew Sharp, Jon Wells Harris, Jim Kruz 4 4 4 4 4 COUNTRY-WESTERN WEEKEND Waylon Jennings tickets giveaway each night. RI. & SAT. Cowboy Hats-no cover. Both nights: SALT CREEK - TUNE 13 & 14 SOFTBALL-BEER SPECIAL Free admission & half rced draft to teams in uniforms Sun.-Thur. SUN. SPAGHETTI NIGHT JUNE 15 All the Pasta you can eat for only $2.50 MON. BURRITO & MARGARITA NIGHT JUNE 16 Entertainnment: SAILCATZ. 4'