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June 12, 1980 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1980-06-12

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Page 12-Thursday, June 12, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Twins shell Tigers, 9-5

Minnesota s siax-run
inning, dooms Detro it
DETROIT (AP) - Mike Cubbage hit homer, a solo shot, in the sixth inning
a two-run homer and Rob Wilfong drove and Minnesota's John Castino led off
inrtwo runs with a bloop single last night the eighth inning with his second
to lead the Minnesota Twins past the homer. Parrish had an RBI single for
Detroit Tigers 9-5. the Tigers in the ninth.
The Twins erupted for six runs in the Darrell Jackson, 3-3, pitched six in-
fifth inning to chase Detroit right- nings, giving up eight hits and three.
hander Dave Rozema, 2-3. Roy runs - two earned - for the victory.
Smalley, making his first start since a B
groin injury sidelined him June 2, r Rangers 1
ignited the burst with a one-out double, MILWAUKEE (AP) - Sixto Lezcano
took third on Rozema's wild pitch and drove in three runs and Ben Oglivie
scored on Rick Sofield's suicide squeeze blasted a three-run homer to back for-
bunt.' mer Wolverine Lary Sorensen's five-hit
CUBBAGE FOLLOWED with his pitching, leading the Milwaukee
second homer of the season, a 370-foot Brewers to a 7-1 victory over the Texas
shot that just cleared the right-center Rangers last night.
field fence to give Minnesota a 5-1 lead. The Brewers took a 2-1 lead in the
Wynegar had an RBI single and second inning against Jon Matlack, 3-3,
Wilfong had his two-run blooper later in on a single by Oglivie and Lezcano's
the inning off reliever Bruce Robbins. seventh homer. It was Lezcano's first
The Twins took advantage of an error homer since May 13th and only the four-
by Detroit second baseman Stan Papi to th allowed by Matlack in 88 innings this
score a pair of unearned runs in the fir- season.
st inning. The Tigers got one run back CECIL COOPER led off the Brewers'
in the fourth on an RBI single by John eighth with a single extending his hit-
Wockenfuss. ting streak to 20 games and chasing
Detroit's Lance Parrish hit his eighth Matlack. Thomas then beat out a bunt
Greer inks
ST T01TTC (TTPT) - The S t' Lia

against reliever Bob Babcock. Sparky
Lyle then relieved Babcock and Oglivie
greeted him with his 15th homer over
the right field wall.
Singles by Richie Zisk and Pat Put-
nam, a wild pitch by Sorensen, 6-4, and
an infield grounder by Jim Sundberg
put the Rangers ahead 1-0 in the second
A's 6, Orioles 2
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP)-Tony Armas,
hitless in six previous at-bats, belted a
grand slam home run in the 14th inning-
yesterday to give Mike Norris and the
Oakland A's a 6-2 victory over the
Baltimore Orioles.
Armas, who had struck out three
times, hit the first pitch from reliever
Sammy Stewart, 2-6, to left field. The
A's had loaded the bases on a leadoff
triple by Dave Revering and intentional
walks to Mickey Klutts and Mitchell
THE VICTORY went to Norris, 7-4,
who went all 14 innings for his seventh
complete game of the year.
The A's nearly won it in the 12th but
Orioles right fielder Ken Singleton
leaped at the fence to rob Dave
Revering of a homer.
The A's threatened to break the tie in
the bottom of the seventh when they got
runners on first and third with one out.
But Rickey Henderson was caught in a
rundown between third and home, and
the Orioles wound up with a double play
when Henderson and Dwayne Murphy
were both tagged out at third.
THE A'S TOOK advantage ofa shaky
start by Jim Palmer to score twice in
the bottom of the first. Henderson led

off with a walk, and one out later Dave
Revering, Wayne Cross and Mitchell
Page delivered singles.
Baltimore tied the score in the
seventh on a rally ignited by Eddie
Murray's leadoff homer, his ninth. Pat
Kelly doubled with two out and Kiko
Garcia followed with an RBI single.
Royals 5, Indians 0
CLEVELAND (AP)-Dennis Leonard
pitched a two-hitter yesterday for his
second straight shutout and the Kansas
City Royals stretched their winning
streak to eight games by beating the
Cleveland Indians 5-0 in the first game
of a doubleheader.
Leonard, 6-5, allowed only a leadoff
single to Miguel Dilone in the first
inning and Toby Harrah's double in the
second inning.
THE ROYALS' right-hander struck
out four and walked four. Last
Thursday he held the Texas Rangers to
three hits.
Kansas City jumped to a 3-0 lead
against Rick Waits, 4-6, in the first
inning on RBI singles by Amos Otis,
Willie Aikens and John Wathan.
Wathan hit a sacrifice fly in the third
inning and the Royals added their final
run off Waits when Frank White led off
the fourth inning with his third home
run of the season.
Wayne Garland of the Indians
sparkled in relief, blanking the Royals
on one hit over the final six innings.

1. Lvl j 1 1Ca. U
Cardinals yesterday signed first-round
draft pick Curtis Greer of Michigan to
five one-year contracts in hopes he will
solve the team's absent pass rush of
last year.
Greer, who set records for quarter-
back sacks during his career at
Michigan, also received a' bonus for-
OTHER DETAILS of the contract
were not disclosed.
Greer, a 6-foot-5, 255-pound defensive
end, had 48 tackles behind the line of
scrimmage for losses of 234 yards
during his four-year career. Both were
Michigan records. He also holds the
single-season record for both
categories, with 23 tackles for 107 yards
in losses last year.
The Cardinals had only 30 quarter-
back sacks last season, and 14 were
recorded by linebackers. Starting
defensive end John Zook is coming off
knee surgery and will be 33 in Septem-
ber. Bob Pollard, the other starting
defensive end is 32.
"I REALIZE nothing's going to be
handed to me," Greer said at a news
conference. "I know I'm going to have
to work hard for anything I get. That's
the type of attitude I'm going to have.
"I'm happy to be here. I hope I'm
here to stay."
Greer was the sixth selection in the
NFL draft and was the first defensive
player selected on the first round by the
Cardinals since they took Mike Dawson
No. 1 in 1976. The Cardinals finished in
the NFC Eastern Division basement

last year with a 5-11 record.
JOE SULLIVAN, the Cardinals' vice
president for operations, said Greer
had showed in a special mini-camp for
rookies why the Cardinals had him
rated as the best defensive end
"He's going to be a good one,"
Sullivan said. "It's a very fine contract
and as he said he's very happy with it.
All he has to worry about now is playing
well and he will do that.
"We expect a hell of a lot from him.
But we were really pleased in the mini-
camp because he showed us everything
the scouts said about him was true."
GREER, who did not get involved in
the contract negotiations that were
handled by his agent, Michael Troup,
was forced to miss a three-day mini-
camp for veterans becauseHof a pulled
"I knew I wanted to play here,"
Greer said. "I'm happy it's over with."
The Cardinals had already signed
four of their other draft picks - tight
end Doug Marsh from Michigan, quar-
terback Rusty Lisch from Notre Dame,
linebacker Ben Apuna from Arizona
State and defensive back Dupree Bran-
ch from Colorado State.
American League
Kansas City 5, Cleveland 0
Oakland6, Baltimore2(14Innings)
S. .L'uis 4iAtlantap3
San Francisco7, Philadielphia 4


Looking good
1979 Heisman Trophy winner Charles White shows his pleasure about signing
his contract with the Cleveland Browns. The former running back from the
University of Southern California signed a 6-year pact with the National
Football League club for over $1 million.

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