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June 12, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1980-06-12

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 12, 1980-Page 5
Jordan leaves White
Honse staff for new
Carter campaign job

WASHINGTON - Hamilton Jordan,
who has been calling the shots in
President Carter's re-election cam-
paign for months, is about to leave the
White House staff to devote his fulltime
attentions to political activities.
The Carter-Mondale President
Committee announced yesterday that
Jordan would take a leave of absence as
White House chief of staff "in the im-
mediate future" to become deputy
chairman of the campaign committee.
ROBERT STRAUSS, chairman and
principal spokesman for the re-election
committee, issued a statement saying
that "Hamilton will join Tim Kraft and
me in overseeing the day-to-day
operations as we move toward the fall
In Los Angeles, Ronald Reagan, who
would be the oldest man inaugurated as
president if he is elected, said he would
leave office if his physicians found that
he was senile, his press secretary con-
firmed yesterday.
"I would think that any president
would do that, including Jimmy Car-
ter," said Ed Gray in a telephone inter-
view. "Anybody would, whether they're
65, 70 or whatever. The American
people ought to expect that any respon-
sible person would do that."
REAGAN, WHO IS69 and would turn
70 less than a month after being

inaugurated, repeatedly has stated he
would step down if he became in-
"If I were president and had any
feeling at all that my capabilities had
been reduced before a second term
carpe, I would walk away," Reagan
said in an interview with The New York
Times. "By the same token, I would
step down also."
Meanwhile, in Oakland, Calif., Rep.
John Anderson, who considers Califor-
nia a key to his independent candidacy,
predicted yesterday that Americans
won't risk "turning in one ex-governor
for another" in the presidency.
THE REPUBLICAN congressman
said his California campaign visit has
made him "more confident than ever"
that his independent bid will succeed.
After two appearances in Oakland,
Anderson left for Sacramento for more
campaigning. He needs about.102,000
signatures to get on the state's ballot in
Referring to the probable
Democratic and Republican noninees
- Carter, former governor of Georgia,
and Reagan, former governor of
California - Anderson said:
"The American people are going to
be pretty skeptical about turning in one
ex-governor for another."

G.I. joke AP Photo
Army Secretary Clifford Alexander (left) and Army Gen. Edward Meyer
share a laugh yesterday prior to appearing before the House Armed Services
Committee to testify on the status of Army manpower.
Prof. advises ending
trans-racial adoption

(Continued from Page 3)
rather that love does not socialize. And
in terms of trans-racial adoption, we
are talking about socialization."
BRABSON SAID his first prib6ty is
the quality of life for the adopted black
child. He spoke of the child's probable
future identity problem living in a white
family, and called it "a no-win
Social workers in many state adop-
tion agencies also oppose trans-racial
adoptions. The adoption of black
children by white adults in Michigan
has stopped. However, Brabson said,
this cessation is not nationwide and ap-
pears to be on the upswing.
White couples are the predominant
candidates for adopting due to standar-
ds requiring middle class status, ex-
plained Eliana Papadakis of Catholic
Social Services in Ann Arbor. With an
abundancy of white couples, white in-
fants are adopted quickly, leaving "dif-
ficult-to-place" children - those who
are black, handicapped, older, or
members of a sibling group - waiting
in institutions.
dire need for adoptive black parents
and stressed the need for publicity of
the subsidized adoption program which
exists in the state. Michigan is only one
of a handful of states which offers such
Brabson said the nationalization of
such a program is a major goal of the
NABSW. "Subsidized adoptions would
enable us to better assist families, as
well as the chila, serving as an
equalizer," he claimed.
"State welfare organizations are
paying out huge sums to maintain the
children in foster homes or in-
stitutions," he continued ,"Wuldn't it

make more sense to invest the same
money in subsidized adoptions?"
Gail Sharley of the city's Department
of Social Services added a medical sub-
sidy may also be awarded to adoptive
families in addition to the support sub-
sidy. Both grants are based upon the
child's need as determined by the
department, she said. Sharley said an
additional benefit of such subsidies is
their effect of obliterating the
discrimination that has been implicit in
adoption standards for years.
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