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June 12, 1980 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1980-06-12

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June1 2, 1980-Page 3
LO itR A N .

GOP cancels
'U' dormitory
for convention


By GEOFFREY OLANS had not been made recently by the
Ronald Reagan's staggering success Young People for Reagan.
in the Republican primaries has led the According to GOP housing officials,
GOP to cancel 2,525 of 2,600 bed reser- the University of Detroit and the
vations made with the University more University of Windsor, both relatively
than a year ago, according to Nancy close to the Joe Louis Arena where the
D'Angelo, University summer housing convention floor will be located, will
coordinator. house most of the incoming youth
D'Angelo said the cancellations, groups.
which have also affected other colleges While North Campus will lie tranquil
such as Eastern Michigan University, throughout the peaks of convention ex-
were precipitated by the knowledge citement, other parts of the University
that many of the youth groups planning campus can be counted on for their
to attend the convention to support the usual flashes of animation. ,hQd Photo
Reagan opposition will forego the trip According to Sunstad, South Quad Where the sun never shines
now that the former California gayer- will be humming with youth groups, In Toledo, Spain, tourists no longer have to walk under the hot sun. City
nor's nomination is all but ensured. sports camps and cheerleaders. Both fathers have provided a sunshade by suspending mile-long pieces of canvas
SHE ADDED the revenue loss to the East Quad and South Quad will be used over the most frequented streets of the historic town, where. summer
University, which she declined to for freshman orientation. temperatures can reach 104*.
estimate, was of little concern to
University officials since the decision to .
offer accommodations to the GOP was
regarded at the outset as more a
gesture of good will than a lucrative
business proposition.
The 75 beds still reserved for the con-
vention, to be held July 13-17, are r g a m
located atthe Cambridge House within
the Michigan Union, and are expected
to be occupied by secret service per-
sonnel. By JOYCE FRIEDEN - in which the state can order program held by state higher education agencies
According to Norman Sunstad, Unlike most other states, Michigan discontinuation - to the power to only has increased over the last decade.
associate director of University allows its universities' own governing recommend discontinuation. Now only a handful of states allow their
housing, two North Campus residence boards to decide if and when programs IN A SURVEY conducted by public colleges to have complete con-
halls, Bursley and Baits, were also need to be cut from the curriculum, Academic Planning Research trol over program discontinuations,
originally slated for convention use, noted the authors of a recently released Associate Gerlinda Melchiori, under Melchiori said.
with Mosher-Jordan and Oxford study. the direction of Carolyne Davis and State agencies and universities often
Housing being reserved for backup. The majority of state higher James Miller, 46 state agencies were have different sets of priorities in mind
EASTERN MICHIGAN University education agencies have some questioned about their authority and when considering questions of program
was slightly less hurt by the GOP can- authority over program discon- procedures for program discon- reduction. "State agencies tend to look
cellations than Michigan and would tinuation. The amount of authority tinuation in colleges. at things merely from an economic per-
have been worse if 1,000 reservations varies from complete governing power According to the study, the power spective, while universities have a per-


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University prof. advises ending
practiee of trans-racial adoption,
By SUSAN RACEY reflect altruistic motives, but rather a sharp decline in the
An adoption practice which allows a couple of one race to availability of white children. Brabson added it is impossible
adopt children of another should be eliminated, a University for white parents to fully transmit an understanding of black
professor of social work contends. culture or the techniques for coping with prejudice and
Prof. Howard Brabson explained that as a result of trans- racism.
racial adoption, a black child growing up in a white com- "WE'RE NOT SAYING that a great deal of love doesn't
munity is treated differently than his white peers. exist in such families," he said, "but that it must overcome
"PARENTS WANT TO integrate the child into a melting enormous problems."
pot that won't melt him," he said. Brabson said he is not convinced by the proverb "love
Brabson is president of the National Association of Black conquers all." In a recent interview, he called attention to
Social Workers (NABSW), which is committed to child an issue which he termed "love versus socialization."
welfare and the strengthening of black family unity. Part of "I was not saying that I did not believe that white adults
this concern is expressed in hard-line opposition to trans- could not love black children," Brabson explained, "but
racial adoptions.
The NABSW holds that trans-racial adoptions do not See PROF., Page 5

sonnel perspective," Melchiori said.
"They (universities) are constantly
getting feedback from students and
faculty who would be-affected by the
STATE AGENCIES consider all the
colleges in .the state when deciding
whether or not to continue a program at
a particular school. For example, noted
Miller, a state may have many in-
stitutions offering the same degree. If
the total number of students enrolled in
the program declines, the agency might
find it appropriate to close some of the
programs but keep enough alive for the
students who are still interested.
A university is closer to the situation
than the state and has more details
which can be useful in making discon-
tinuation decisions, Miller said.
Sometimes, however, it can be argued
that a university is too close and has too

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